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Everything posted by IgorSky

  1. Hi Patrick, This is actually a very simple method based on the pulling the colored thread. Best Regards! Igor.
  2. Hi everyone! Here is the small next update - I am starting to make the sails. Besdt Regards! Igor.
  3. Hi Bob! It is amazing work! And, of course, I'd love to see the details of your building. Best Regards! Igor.
  4. Very beautifully, Patrick! And the cabin is great!
  5. Hi Mike! Thanks! Yes, I try to portray something like of real parts Best Regards! Igor.
  6. Hi everyone! Many thanks you for your words of encouragement and Likes! Here are the some photos of the next update Best Regards! Igor.
  7. Hi Vaddoc, Very sad experience, but I think sometimes the bad experiences is helping to learn right way. May make sense for you to ask the masking film for airbrush in stores for artists. Best REgards! Igor.
  8. Hi Patrick, It looks really cool! Best Regards! Igor.
  9. Hi everyone! Many thanks for good words and Likes! Here is the next small update. Best Regards! Igor
  10. Thanks Matija! Bob, Carl, here the link with these photo - http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/1589-latest-full-profile-photograph-of-your-build/?p=306141 Best Regards! Igor.
  11. Thanks Carl! Yes, I will find this link tomorrow.
  12. Thanks Bob! Yes, I could not finish this project because of the stopper. Today I received a few pieces of walnut and finally I have put an point to this project Best Regards! Igor.
  13. Hi Bob, I have put here some photos showing how to do it. I will find them and I will give you a link Best Regards! Igor.
  14. I do not know how accurate is this information, I only read its in a group of friends Captain Slocum: "Member Ole R. Börgdahl wrote to me and asked me if I knew what had become of Captain Slocum back in 1909. Although it has been a mystery for many years, I am pleased to provide the following update, thanks to new evidence provided by the same adventurous anthropologists and forensic archaeologists who have been busily on the trail of the lost aviator, Amelia Earhart: "Dear Ole:...As for what happened to Slocum in 1909, he was presumed lost at sea. He sailed south as he did every year, late in the season, with the goal of sailing up the Amazon to its source, or something like that, and was never seen or heard from again as far as we know. At least until a couple of years ago, when new evidence indicates that Slocum did indeed sail up into the wilds of the Amazon to nearly its headwaters. He beached his old boat SPRAY, and fell in with a small tribe of Amazonian natives, soon assembling a harem of 12 native, nubile young wives, and fathering a whopping brood 16 kids, 38 grandchildren, and 97 great-grandchildren before passing on at the ripe old age of 105. The village has grown, and most of Slocum’s progeny grew up and went to sea in the Brazilian Merchant Marine. You can usually tell his offspring; their skin is a tad lighter, they begin growing half-beards before age 5, and love ‘stewed onions’ from infancy onward; none however have ever been able to learn to swim. That’s as much as we know at this point."
  15. Many thanks Patrick! It seems to that way Captain Slocum went into his last journey...
  16. Bravo, Patrick! You took so much speed that I believe to see the finished model in a couple of weekends! Best Regards! Igor.
  17. Many thanks, Patrick! You will not believe how easy it was made the second winch. A little later I'll try to make another to show that it is simple.
  18. Hi Mike, I have used the transparent acrylic gel for the deck lights. Next small update. Best Regards! Igor.
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