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Everything posted by dafi

  1. A great joy to follow this build. Not because of the etch you use, but because of what you make out of them! Great job, Daniel
  2. Its nice to catch up with this enjoyable build! Well done, Daniel
  3. Thank you Mark and Orca! @Orca: Officer´s space is ok, but clean I will do my best ... Please state your definition of clean ;-) XXXDAn
  4. And the next adventuere started here on MSW with some pictures of the official start of exchanging the copper on the Constitution. Great picture I thought, and interesting the damages on the left top of the picture. But then I saw the same thing on other photos and realised them being too even. And on top of it symmetrical to the other side ... ... time to have a closer look. So then developed a treasure hunt over several forums, many helping and each revealing some new hints. The more qualified opinions went soon direction of a rudder lift, in case the rudder has to be put back into it´s hinges. Chapman gave the hint, that those holes was also mentioned in the 1930´s plans, with 2" diameter and inside lead. So must must have served a purpose. By that time I found holes like these on plenty of rudders. Then appeared drawings from Nares and MSW that showed emergency rudders with the use of those hole. In my german forum I got a link to a picture of the rudder of St. George in Thorsminde showing the same holes and I was done: Time to drill two small holes :-) And here the tackles that were used according to Nares and MSW: The aft ones served to lift the rudder and the fore ones to juggle the pins into the hinges. Once done, the rope was easily to be retrieved. So the mystery about the holes is getting clearer, I will take the tackles down soon as they were only used to reship the rudder :-) Cheers, Daniel More to the topic: Thinking things through: The mysterious holes in the rudder, rudder lift?
  5. Thank you Orca, Frank, Drux, Popeye, Steve and Jp! And all the others of course for all the clicks and likes - always eager to please :-) @Orca - be my guest you are more than welcome, but do not think you get more than a pint of rum for those extra accolades, and careful, the catty´o´9´tails is waiting if you are overdoing! @druxey - Yes it was an interesting journey and I too do enjoy to look back to the start. Never thought it would end (?) like this when I bought the kit. Just came out naturally :-) Cheers to you all, Daniel
  6. @Mike "Not sure I understand your post dafi even if Canute likes it !" It was just the hint, that one of the best kits in my humble opinion is the 1:100 Heller plastic kit ! And I am talking from own experience :-) Cheers, DAniel http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/76-hms-victory-by-dafi-heller-plastic-to-victory-and-beyond/page-1
  7. Just one thing not to forget: Heller rulz ;-) Still the best in my opinion if it does not have to be wood :-) XXXDAn
  8. So then I took out the canvas for some artistry, just to please Jan ;-) Those officer´s cods kept me busy for almost 2 months ... ... first busy at work and then lot of wrong trials. First tried to pimp the cardboard pieces I used to determine the size of the cabins. Looked crap ... Then thinner cardboard - looked crap too ... Then i forgot how I did the canvas for the bulkheads - lot of crappy trials with crappy results ... Then the canvas alone - too sloppy ... Then inserted the bottom frame but the sides - too sloppy ... Only when I introduced the top lathes like in the original, then it works - result, keep as close to the original as possible :-) And then the same game with the hangers. First tricked myself by trying to trick ... Then the next try with the rope looped through with the wrong result of the rope coming out just one side. Looked again at the original and knotted the 6 ropes each of them single. Looked already better but the top knot looked too messy still. So used a comb to organise the ropes ... ... and it already looked better :-) Fitted together ... ... put the laundry ... ... and dry fitted. Cheers, Daniel
  9. Pftttt... ... ... all that dust ... *blow* ... oh damn, where are you, can´t see you any more! ... ... does Anybody recognise my smells? XXXDAn *waitingforthedusttogodown*
  10. Just to start this entry I would like to express that I appreciate very much the new results of the research, as every new input is always welcome. Of course, this "Hello-Kitty-meets-Happy-Pony"-version is quite outrageous for plenty model makers - but why? Simply because many of us are quite stubborn and fat headed and do not like changes, especially on iconic things like this. And that includes me too ;-) Those were the correct colors in about 2003, samples I was given during the modelers tour on the ship ... ... I even do not remember what the green was used for :-) The thing changing most is the ochre. So have a closer look. But it is not that outrageous if looked closer. Jan Marten in our german forum posted the picture showing 50 shades of ochre ;-) If you take the medium reddish tone and mix in more white than it was used before, you will get the "new" color, as suggested by the latest research. I think the red one on the "summit" would create an even more exalted reddish tone. But now some very personal thoughts about the latest research and why I am not rushing into repainting my model. First of all: We are talking about a time of Pre-RAL, Pre-Pantone and Pre-other-Color-Charts. My personal belief is, that the ships usually looked much more like patchwork color wise. Just some reasons for my thoughts: The ochre paint came as a barrel, how much did the paint match the other barrels of the delivery, not speaking of other charges from different provenances? If you look at the picture of the ochre, you really have 50 shades in there if not even more! What shade was meant to be painted, if yellow or red ochre was meant to be used? Second the paint was mixed by hand by adding white - how much was in the eye of the master painter. Did he have the experience to match the existing paint, as wet paint looks different than the dry one? Also what were the differences if some pigments were stuck on the bottom of the barrel? It is great that the research used old paint samples to determinate the original color, but where was it taken from? What is known, when it was exactly painted? As most of the outer hull was exchanged already multiple times, where was exact spot of the sample, was it outboards or inboards, was it the original 1803 main paint - with all its variations, when possibly every barrel was mixed by hand - or was it some 1804 repairs or late 1805 post Trafalgar patches? How close was the research to determine the exact timing? Also how much were the studies taking care the possible changing of the color by time, saltwater, sun and interaction with newer paints? On the Vic in P. there is a interesting exhibit in the middle deck: it is said to be part ot the original foremast. If the color would be also original, it shows itself today as a nice Nato-drab ;-) Also if one looks at the contemporary paintings - as seen in the entries before - the english ships show commonly a more warm yellow ochre, while the french and spanish show all different shades from yellow ochre to pink and even red. But of course, this could be only an artists convention to pinpoint the english ships. However also Turner used the more yellowish tone, and I know his deficiencies in perspective and technical details, but he was master in the use of colors and he saw the ship in real life after returning from Trafalgar. Too there are the carpenter expenses to have a closer look at. Goodwin had an interesting article in the Mariner`s Mirror about it, just to round up the discussion (thanks to Achilles for pointing it out in our german forum): http://seaphoenix.com/index.php/publicat...-victory-yellow So I will leave you in the mess of your thoughts, to me it still is worth some nice discussions and that is the really interesting bit, as I like the idea to stir up the model makers minds and keep them flexible :-) And if I say patchwork for the paint job, I really mean it, not as neat as usually shown, just another hint - would ever somebody have dared to build the real existing planking scheme of the Vasa on his model without having seen the original ? ;-) So do not be upset about the new color, do see it as an opportunity to discuss this issue even further, who knows what even later "latest research" will show! As a resumee: I am skeptical in how far this examined color samples are applicable for the whole of the hull including trucks. So find your own answers or tastes :-) Cheers, DAniel
  11. Yes a nice little blanket with plenty full of sweetly illustrated bees ;-) And then I am reading Maya the Bee stories until we both are sound asleep ... XXXDAn
  12. Loving your model means MUCH more than only pampering it on ones lap ... Even though it can be difficult to be on holidays with the small ones. - Are we already there? - I have to do pipi! - I am Hungry! - I am bored! *bitchingaround* But this has not to be like this! The trick is to get the small ones interested into the trip and get them enthusiastic about it. With a little bit of commitment it is not that tricky ... ... so I showed my small one the landcape ... ...explained where I was the day before ... ... and promised to take her there the day she will be big enough. Also zoos are a winner ... ... she especially liked the two rheas. Or just doing a bit of sport together ... ... ping-pong was the favorite ... ... but the most important ... ... was ... ... just to spend time together ... ... telling stories ... ... about god the universe and everything ... ... and both of us already found a good and relaxing sleep together :-) It is a tough and responsible job to be a good ship-dad, but I hope that I am on the right way, are you too? Cheers, Daniel
  13. Horatio: So my dear Hardy, this is the place I ought to fall? Thomas Mastermann: Yes Sir, we thought that a brass plate would help you to identify the right spot. Horatio: Oh, that is so kind of you all. Thomas Mastermann: Your humble servant. Horatio: Oh my Hardy!
  14. Mass Production? No problem. Here you can see my minion Kevin producing the barrels and buckets. Next he had to pack the chests. On this Vic, they were not for the personal belongings of the sailors but belonged for the gear of the mess: spare parts for the guns, cleaning and mending, coocking and dining, short everything that could be needed on short notice without having to go to the stores in the orlop. Then my yellow ones distributed the barrels and buckets. The barrels were for the already distributed rations of the mess, one had a convenient size to sit on. The buckets were for catching food from the galley, for cleaning and for the shitting in bad weather - please guys make sure not to mix them up! Here able seaman George is checking if the chest with the spare equipment of the guns is properly packed - the surplus tackles and the slide trucks in case the axxis of the carriage is shot of - everything looks fine :-) And what is in the kits? There were the personal belongings of the sailors, look, here someone is searching for something inside ... Cheers, Daniel
  15. No good picture as it shows several ships that never encountered each other in those outfits: It is a commemorative picture of some of Nelsons ships, painted without being there, hence the anachronisms in Vic´s stern. But BE is quite right. Me too I never saw the color from the research in any of the contemporary pictures apart from Santissima Trinidad. Would like to know more about the way, that they used to get to this result. The piece of mast - said to be original - shows almost nato olive/drab if still authentic. Funnily, the pictures of my second visit of the Vic show a color like this, but i think the white balance was wrong then. Or was it premonitory?!? XXXDAn
  16. Too much "Hello Kitty" That was Nelsons biggest trick: The paint: The french lying on the decks of laughter and could not fight any more properly ´cos of the tears in their eyes ;-) XXXDAn See also: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/11229-hms-victory-re-paint/#entry341339
  17. "... whon knows were this will end ..." This will end straight in the heart of the year 2525 ... ... or sooner ... ... or later ... XXXDAn
  18. Hello Kitty ;-) No wonder the french got irritated ... XXXDAn
  19. And now, wittness a moment of historical grandeur: It is finally invented, the WIMMELMODEL! Look for the 3 minions ... ... papagena ... ... banana ... ... bunda ... ...hihihihihihi... XXXDAn
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