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Everything posted by dafi

  1. Even though the picture of the red ensign is heraldically correct, in practice the diagonal cross was usually off set ... http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/937.html To be seen on almost all the examples I know. XXXDAn
  2. Druxey, Popeye and avs, thank you for the feedback! Also very nice picture avs - waiting for the ceremonial diorama ;-) And also thanks for all the likes and happy new year to all of of you, Daniel
  3. Nice picture haven´t realised this yet. Thank you! These cranes appear shorter in this setup. My reference was McKay where the fore and main channels have almost the same width and the cranes are higher. Cheers, Daniel
  4. Thank you Kevin, Dirk, Robin, Mark and avs for the nice comments and all the others for the many likes! And for all of you only the best new year wishes, DAniel
  5. And now todays last part. Still working on the deck. Here are the correct lengths of the gratings as seen today ... ... the pikes of the fore ... ... and the main ... ... and the belfry. So that´s it, more from one of my many working areas soon after returning home from my holiday :-) XXXDAn
  6. As the deadeyes vary a tad in diameter open up the irons as necessary ... ... and place the deadeyes the right way round. The complete plate looks like this. To avoid bending the parts always cut the complete set of an iron ... ... place it in the slots, fix with the needle and put some superglue ... ... onto the backside of the iron underneath the board ... ... and use a string to pull the deadeye in place in the right direction and hold still until the glue sets. And finished it looks like this:
  7. Highly discussed is the side entry port. If one do not want to miss it there is an option :-) Saw an opening, line it with sheet ... ... prepare the distance of the steps onto a tape and place it, transfer ... ... and glue the steps on. And done - ok looks easier than actually doing it ;-) Most changes were done in the channels. The middle one of the irons changed, instead of a small gap the part is bent out and has a overlap, so that the parts can be more neatly closed. As I now always deliver the needles I omitted the old alternative fixing helps and got space for more spare parts. Here is the standard build with the Heller deadeyes, the use of wooden ones will be shown too later on. First starting with the main channel boards. The missing fifth iron support is there as it is meant to be. The main and mizzen channels should have the width of their holes reduced by half by placing some 0,5 x 1 mm Evergreen on the hull´s side ... ... while the fore ones need more attention. Close the old holes completely and enlarge the width of the channel using 2 layers of 1 x 1 mm Evergreen - it is easier than doing it with one bar of 1 x 2 mm :-). File in new slots deep 0,5 mm , the first ones vertical ... ... and the last ones more angeled fitting direction towards the maintop. Close it with a bar of 0,5 x 1 mm Evergreen ... ... and the boards are finally large enough to avoid the deadeyes to interfere with the hammock cranes.
  8. And on we go :-) Important for the Big Gunz are the gun port lids. Sandet even and fixed with double sided tape the fittings are easy to place. Here the adaption for the doubling of the whales ... ... and in place with the rigols. New ist that the hinges for the stern ports come in the right lengths ... ... and the fittings for the beakhead bulkhead are now included :-) Here the right scheme for the openings for the mariners walk ... ... the old holes are closed with the cut outs. The bar for the netting of the heads ... ... and timberheads in place ... ... even though I forgot to put the butluvs. For drilling the hammock crane holders I used some left overs as template ... ... and the cranes can be positioned easily ... ... even if different sizes come together like in the start of the poopdeck.
  9. As we are already underneath the poop ... ... we have wheel and binnacle ... ... and a closed lid. The handles for the buckets are already provided. The highlight is of course the skylight. Just add the missing deck beams ... ... and place the light. Of course the skylight should be some 3 feet more aback, but this as skilled modeler always will be able to do :-) XXXDAn
  10. **** happens - when I wanted to order more etch in summer, I realised having lost the original film pockets. ... Big ****! But as one says, make an opportunity out of it I used the chance to rearrange some parts from one plate to another as it made more sense an to add one or two goodies. Nothing big, almost the same, but next it made me aware to update the instructions too. So I took a spare hull and went sticking all golden parts onto it :-) Here are the first pictures of the basic version, the more elaborate work out will come on the other side after the holidays. Best place to start? Big Boyz - Big Gunz!!! If the etch still are too thick, one can use a soldering iron ... ... and sink one specimen into some sheet to get a nice template for the rest ... ... to file down the back from 0,2 mm thickness to something like 0,12 mm. Then still adding the flaps ... ... and Big Gunz are in place ... ... and the smaller ones along the hull.
  11. Thank you Jan, all the best greetings for you too and the rest of the board!!! Cheers, Daniel
  12. I do strongly believe that since the age of twelve at my first putty-trials I never again applied that much material ... XXXDAn
  13. Backpack? Yes it is each time a 2 and a half hour trip to more than 1800 Meters altitude to get there :-) That is why the first time I thought I was haluzinating ;-) And another 1,5 hours to return ... ... if the Jagertee isn´t taking his toll ... XXXDAn
  14. Greetings from the my Christmas-Eve-walkies to my favorite stonefrigate. My heart will go on ! Just see and feel the spume:-) It looks like the old girl got battered a bit by the harsh elements up there :-) Just look at the foremast! Cheers and all the best, Daniel
  15. YES Mark - SMS-Trinkstein, the stone frigate :-) (drink + stone = trink + Stein = Trinkstein) My heart will go on! http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/349-sms-trinkstein-by-dafi-sos-stone-on-soil-flush-deck-frigate-of-the-austrian-mountain-navy/page-2#entry374670 Merry X-Mess, XXXDAn
  16. A lifesign! And a big X-Mess-Greeting from dafi with a small quizz: Where was I at yesterdays X-Mess-Walkies? Think in german, even if it is hard ;-) XXXTHEdafi
  17. Depends very much upon the epoch as said before. Later ships have the paralellogram shape with vertical frames and horizontally following the lines of the deck - which makes sense for the height of the gun barrels. Earlier ships like Vasa have much more squared ports, as the frames were build after the shell and the ports apparently seem to be simply "cut out". http://wasadream.com/Index/indexenglish.html picture 35 XXXDAn PS: Also with the model of the Prince in London I am not sure, that the ports are not not square.
  18. Are there any further reports of this great research known apart from what is shown in the media? Thesis/result/report/others? XXXDAn
  19. I think it is meant to be something like this :-) The fairlead saddles. #86 XXXDAn
  20. Very enjoyable build! One question: Is the lanyard of the block not a bit too thick? If I recall well, it should be about a third of the main rope with a two roll block, so possibly even thinner with the tree roll block. This would also make storage easier. I think, that the barrels that Heller supplies are meant to be for that - even if they are way too small ... XXXDAn PS: Are there some pictures of your musket drill? Sounds very interesting!
  21. Hello Dave, thank you for the feedback, link should be fixed now! Enjoy, Daniel https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://www.modellmarine.de/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D4377:der-schiffsgeistliche-der-hms-victory-alexander-scott-1100-von-daniel-fischer%26catid%3D491:daniel-fischer&usg=ALkJrhgyayq8kH1A0GYWhL70pjutt1uK5Q
  22. Today is Trafalgar day, just a moment to remember. I wrote a small essay for the german magazine Modellmarine, her is the google translation of it. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://www.modellmarine.de/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D4377:der-schiffsgeistliche-der-hms-victory-alexander-scott-1100-von-daniel-fischer%26catid%3D491:daniel-fischer&usg=ALkJrhgyayq8kH1A0GYWhL70pjutt1uK5Q Cheers, Daniel
  23. Get naked, I know you want it too! ... and there she already gets dressed with the first layer of leveling planking just like nice lingerie ... ... just someone warned me that the is a flip side of the coin waiting ... ... ... XXXDAn
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