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Everything posted by dafi

  1. ...hihihihihihihihi... As the lower deck of my other Victory will definitely still will take some time - in the Year 2525 - here a small in between meal. The usual start-up picture - everything as it is known to be 🙂 Where will this lead to? To a face, that only a mama is being able to adore - or a dafi ...hihihihihihihi...
  2. In some simple words - I think the main mistake we mostely do is to consider the deck planking done with parallel planks that - as far as I remember - came up with the industrial mills around 1800 - correct me if wrong. The nibbing and all the other joints of planking meets waterway and so on looks completely different with the curved planks. So the waterway can be met without nobbing as it is a parallel curve. XXXDAn
  3. Well done so far! I think for this scale, faking would be a much more appropriate way ;-) Here a nice version on a Airfix Prince. it is in german, but the pictures are sufficient I believe :-) 420 444 Also he gives a nice solution for the deadeyes a bit further on. Cheers, Daniel
  4. Sharing is great - and big thanks to him if it was him who made me aware of the wonderful possibilities offered by the world of Tic-Tac :-) XXXDAn
  5. And now something different - the difference ... ... the small irregularities in the bow do not bother me to much. From there do come the remains from the first picture, I replaced them by bigger plates. Still refined the corners ... ... and fixed missing nails. The false keel, first try with flattened 0,3 mm copper wire ... ... but this proved to complicated to assmble. Then better simple copper foil :-) Then still enjoyed some unusual views ... ... and brought back my small one into her normal position ... ... and had a deep breath as no bigger casualties had happened. Only the school table looks like was not glued ;-) XXXDAn
  6. ... doe, how to say ... ... I just looked - no touching involved ... ... but how did this happen ?!? Suddenly my sweet one found herself lying on the back ... ... and got the edges worked with the RB Riveter. Then changed the dermaroller from large-gauge ... ... to narrow-gauge. And here we go :-)
  7. Oh you are scared of model part´s suicide?!? That is new, I better go to a psychiatrist with my dear shipdaughter to avoid more losses ... ... there is still enough V1.0 on her ... ... and V2.0 that were already redone ... ... and V3.0 that was also overcome ... ... and the V4.0 that ... ...hihihihihihihihihi... ... XXXDAn
  8. ... only a little bit ... ... Jan I am so sorry I lied to you ... ... wasn´t intended ... ... did not touch it - just looked ... ... came off by itself ... ... soooooo sorry ... ... ... XXXDAn
  9. Also one can see a lot of staples missing. The staples of the first keel were flush in the surface, so the slots are still visible if one has a close look. Those of the first keel appear to be closer than those of the second one. Also the ones of the second one have different lengths: Into the "true" keel and into the first false one. I was looking quite close, but still difficult to see a pattern. DAniel
  10. This one ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gault ... or this one ? http://www.greatdreams.com/blog-2012-2/dee-blog279.html XXXDAn
  11. Thank you Druxey and Jaager, the staples of the Vic are still in place and give a good impression, but I found no picture that could reveal the dimensions. As the Vic has two false keels, one as build and the other added probably around 1800 one has to also to take care, what staples are for which keel. http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=hms+victory+keel&gbv=2&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ved=0CBQQsARqFQoTCOKg877dhMYCFcy3FAodwUkAaw&tbm=isch Luckily these are about the only original staples of the golden age of sails :-) Cheers, DAniel
  12. The false keel was fastened by vertical copper staples. At what distances were those placed? Cheers, DAniel
  13. I think the "official" butt schemes are an ideal solution, that ensures maximum strength of the deck which is a integral part of the structure of the ship and not "just some planks to walk on". But reality then collides with plenty of issues, the biggest probably is dealing with the material available. Also repairs will easily give some deviations to the pattern. Also the Vic there are some parts where a 4 but shift can be recognized, but most is a irregular pattern. Whatever patter you prefer for what year is up to you, nobody can prove how it was in the year 1XXX. Just there are some remarks: It was never as neat as we would like our models to look ;-) I think important is to respect the deck beams, get near to a 4 butt shift system and avoid short ends and butts in between coamings and near the start and end of the decks. Cheers, Daniel
  14. Thank you sal, Pop, Izzy and Ian. @Izzy Thank you for the pictures. The modern model making version that I use and that works very well is the one shown from RB Productions and come in all necessary sizes: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=rb+productions+rivet+tool&gbv=2&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ei=ZUVxVdzDJILkUoG_gpAD&ved=0CDAQsAQ&tbm=isch Those I already tested but it was good for the seam of the plates but it was great to find the dermaroller as there the points are still finer - necessary for my scale - and also to see the trick of having the parallel rolls for an even appearance of the surface nailing as Popeye mentioned. Cheers, Daniel
  15. Smells like danger ... ... big danger ... ... enormous danger ... ... one of these days, I was in the bathroom and I found a new torture tool belonging to my wife: a Dermaroller! Iron Maiden just inverted, spikes outside - how that could help the skin I will never understand. But if you believe that that thing is dangerous, you are on the wrong track - the danger lies somewhere completely else!!! I suddenly had a flash of inspiration and wanted to have a closer look at the thingy, and believe it or not, it crumbled into pieces just in front of my very eyes, I solemnly declare I did not touch it - I just looked ... ... but if it is already prepared for needing reassembly I thought that I could try out something. So I took out the 1,5 mm thick pinky spacers and replaced them by 0,5 mm sheet. Used the old ones as template, so it went rather fast ... ... and reassembled the bit with only five spikewheels :-) And here it is the patented Dr. dafi Rivetroller®© :-) :-) :-) Immediately tried it out on the copperplates to get an even and parallel surface-riveting ... ... which worked wonderfully as the roller had the right thickness for the row of plates ... ... and afterwards just gave the tighter riveting on the edges of the plates with the Riveter from RB . The small vertical lines come from the nut on the back of the small riveter, me doofus did not pay attention to this small technical issue. So if it takes some time to come back to you, it could be that I am trying to learn how to drink out of a sippy cup and also I do strongly believe that it will be difficult to type with broken my fingers ... ... as I am quite sure that it will come, the scream: "Daaaaaaaarrrling, have you seen my dermaroller?" ... ... and yes that is the true danger ... ... XXXDAn
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