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Everything posted by dafi

  1. Turner depicted a small detail of Victorys poop deck railing in both a sketch and in one of his paintings. What could this be? A lead? A clamp? A decoration? Thank you, Daniel
  2. At least your version is more seaworthy: No sliding glasses on the side table ;-) XXXDan
  3. The forecastle was rather easy to figure out, a bit more complex the poop is. Again Turner, Livesay and others show a build up bulwark, but how was it constructed? The Trafalgar Companion suggests simple planking hanging on the hammock crane, as sometimes seen on the Jotica builds. The plans and models of the Boyne/Union class - the taste of the art while Vic was rebuild in 1803 show a solid railing, which can be seen on other ships from 1780 onwards. as the Vic carried 6 carronades from 1780 to 1792 on the poop, one could suggest, that this railing was introduced at one point. The model of the Boyne shows this railing with panelling inside, a very nice version :-) http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/68233.htmlSLR2274 Als kleines Schmankerl folgt die Positionierung der Pfosten der obsoleten Platzierung der Karronaden. As a small goody I keep the positioning of obsolete the gunport, but also panels them over. Alternatively there also is the version of the railing being paneled flash over, something the sketch of Turner suggests on the damaged starboard poop ladder bulwark. Strange the positioning of the hammock cranes. Were they hanging outside? Or was this a double wooden railing? The last possibility is a build bulk ward as there is at the forecastle, just without ports. Also this version is slightly higher, like the hammock cranes are today. Both Turner and Livesay show clearly by the width that there are hammock cranes present. Those cranes are still missing in the last 3 drafts. So what to think about these options? It stays intriguing ;-) XXXDan
  4. OK - Deal! ...ähm... ... anybody an idea what is in there? Nelson-brandy? ;-) XXXDAn
  5. The admiralty would kill me if I brought such a monster bottle home ... ;-) XXXDAn
  6. No, I am even NOT taking the flower power sails as reference ;-) XXXDAn
  7. As I do not find much time to do bigger things, I was looking for bits that could be done in smaller steps :-) And know something very hurtful for all lovers of the classic look, not only the "proposed pink-punk" is new to get used to, much more hurtful and more provable things are on the way ;-) By the "rediscovered" Turner drawings from after the return from Trafalgar one can see clearly the build bulwarks instead of the timber heads. Also 3 ports are to be seen. Compared to the Jotica version I used the smaller holes to give access to the timber heads as seen in the Boyne/Union classes and aft of the waist on todays ship. Took me some thought to get the smooth curve into all 3 dimensions, so I started with bolting on a base. Then determined the position of the ports with some ledger shrouds ... ... glued on the inner planking, opened the base at the gunport ... ... temporarily placed the timber heads, fixed in the internal structure ... ... glued on the outer planking and opened the openings. The handrail are two evergreen strips glued together to obtain a nice curve. Cheers, Daniel
  8. Thank you Popeye, I will pick up fishing the anchor as soon as I have more time again, so every help wi ll be welcome :-) Ken, the anchor rope was removed as far as I know as soon as they were leaving the shore. Retrieving it was easier in my opinion, replacing it much more a task using a messenger rope to pull it in place and keep it in place while the lashing was done. The plug still will come of course. Thank you Zeh, will study this :-) Dave, ships were always a wet case in those days ;-) Thank you Mike and Lawrence, always a pleasure to entertain you :-) :-) :-) XXXDAn
  9. Interesting discussion and thanx for the hint to Arming and Fitting Robin! After the introduction of the wheel it took another 60 years where the slack tiller lines were tolerated until the Pollard system was introduced using the sweep to compensate the different traveling ways of the tiller ropes. And this was only in 1771, the year of the drawing. Also AaF shows several sweeps in exact the same position 2/3 the way, only reason could have been imho to support the tiller. And I do not believe, that the Endeavour would have been one of the first vessels to be equipped with this newest device ;-) XXXDAn
  10. It was always my understanding, that the sweep was to keep up the tension of the tiller rope and not in first place to support the tiller - somebody here in the forum put it once in a nice way: How is the tiller suppose to stand the violence of the sea if it can´t support it´s own weight :-) But this is what is irritating me. To correct the difference tension of the tiller rope, the sweep has to be at the curve of the tiller rope, in this case the outer end of the goose neck. So why is it at 2/3 of the tillers length? XXXDAn
  11. For the change of shift it is ok :-) Just realize, that the scarfs follow the real beams underneath!!! Those are usually situated fore and aft the gratings, companionways, masts etc. and are not as regular as you show, thus resulting in different lengths of planks! Also no scarfs on the short pieces as in-between the gratings or near the head or stern. Here some sketches I did for our german forum some time ago to show the approx position of the deck beams, I think based on Alert. Also added the planking pattern and the waterway. XXXDAn
  12. Mark, do not forget, some left specimen are still needed for the handling of Yards and sails :-) I think, it is getting tight, by the means of manpower. Henry, it would be funny to break this down into the single steps just to see how this works. XXXDan
  13. Feasible yes - that says it quite right :-) Even though letting go the anchor was possibly more spectacular - if seen from the lower deck with the flakes running out - getting the anchor up and about was more laborious. Lets do the count: 260 on the spill, 30 handling the messenger, another 50 stowing the cable in the hold. Then another large crew on the forecastle getting the davit out, catting and fishing the anchor, the spill midships manned for the catting and fishing - is 800 men enough one wonders ... XXXDAn
  14. @Kevin Looked at Longridge and I believe that that was more a temporary fix with the two lines running upwards that loosely. XXXDAn
  15. Never said it was easy :-) But these are just the questions to investigate, see if brings further our understanding. XXXDAn
  16. The fishing hook is placed over the fluke ... ... and if pulled up ends up automatically on the right place the small shoe underneath the channels :-) and secured with the chain and nicely stowed should look like this. soon to be updated :-) XXXDAn
  17. Flashback ... The night before Augsburg was a long one as I wanted to discuss all things anchor with the savants present there. So I prepared all the ropes and bits and it was not too bad, but still many details laying in the obscure. So this what was prepared and discussed, the overhaul with all the valuable hints that I got will be done soon :-) So please excuse some sloppy ropes, that was still work in progress :-) First the anchor hanging at the hawse, cat block is already lowered. Then the cat block is to be hooked in ... Anchor being towed up by the cat tackle The anchor is saved by a rope (name? german Perturleine), that is fixed the way it is in Portsmouth - many do think that was a bad idea ;-) I always wondered that the clamp has no roll to minimize chafing, but actually I realized, there is no movement, the rope is just used statically. Then the cat block is taken out, the anchor is hanging on the rope (that should go through the clamp, I forgot ...). The cat block is taken aside.
  18. No as I am at the office, will look at it as soon as I am home :-) XXXDAn
  19. Hello Kevin, thank you, that is also a possible possibility :-) Seen on smaller ships like Endeavor or on earlier ones as in the gallon´s time. In the museum ship in P. the lanyard is led inwards - possibly by a lead tube - and the standard lanyard to hold it sits underneath the beams. But as the whole section is a complete rebuild from the 20ies with plenty of bugs, there are plenty of own interpretations possible. :-) XXXDAn
  20. Hello Dave, if you mean the deck beams, they actually are wood :-) Watered for some minutes and bent with the soldering iron - my girly did NOT allow her hot iron ;-) Worked very well an a once defined shape stays without suffering strain. The first ones that I applied "in the old days"were straight from straight stock and forced with force into the bow by the pillars and knees. #1262 Plastic is a bit more tricky as it wants to go back into its original form (whatever it was even before being extruded) but you could try boiling water to bend it. Cheers, Daniel
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