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Izzy Madd

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Everything posted by Izzy Madd

  1. Unless. You either want some billing spares or have access to a cutting list for this model then I give up. RIP "Niels Juel"
  2. Oooooooooooooooowhoo!! . When it's full you can't beat a good howl I say

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  3. I mentioned this before as I've had the misfortune to make several and they are so complex and each one was different due to the abilities of the seaman and his abilities at "acquiring" the parts. But this also meant that each seaman could spot his chest in the heap. Unless they are cast I think several hundred minute Beckets are little to much to expect. Especially if Dafi intends to make them for real. Just making the central "pudding" for one makes my eyes water thinking about it never mind the whipping the splicing and the encasing. enough to mean I'd be sharing a cell with him I think.
  4. This makes sense if you consider that hygiene if even possible would very low at best and it would keep the hiar under control and it explain some images I've. Seen in period cartoons. Where the sailors hair is rigid. And if you consider that they made the most sort after "leather" aprons from the foreskin of a blue whale why not eel skins covering hair. They make wallets out of them nowadays. And I recall them being laced up so that the hair would be rigid I just didn't realise that the wrapping was eel. And it's VERY tough and durable.
  5. If the pin is adjusted to the desired scale then this can also be used to create very effective blocks. Also the wood used were 1.5mm x 5mm wooden drink stirers. No criticism of the Cap'n. Just enabling you to have the full facts
  6. Ahoy there me hearties, Beware there be naked ladies further down the page. So be warned, not for the faint hearted... Well here's the reason for the lack of progress, and despite the rumours put about by Cap'n Flint. It's not because I'm a lazy s**. But after being stripped of her finery and loosing both the dolphin striker, and an arm. And having the upheaval of leaving the dry dock. We can proudly unvail the all new,all smiling, all singing, all dancing, and probably wi fix and Bluetooth. And all for under a tenner. As everything else is. The brand spanking, fanfare please. And a roll of drums and even a twenty one gun salute. The latest in ladies attire. You watch they'll all be wanting one this year. Nannie in her altogether, she's had the paint stripped, on the upgraded keel clamp...
  7. Or even these. We call them hummingbird detail pick Great for teath and models. And yes Cap'n you can use either idea‽
  8. Hi, It's not always about what can be seen as much as knowing it's been done right. As far as I can see the biggest issue is general dust and glue in there. Try running some thick thread back and forth like dental floss. Or even several lengths of normal thread twisted together like a pipe cleaner. Or if you have any the small brushes used for air brushes as they are very small. Like these They range from 5-1.5mm and are great for cleaning more than airbrushes. They also do ones that are just the wire part and so more harsh but needed sometimes
  9. Your may be better condition but mine has the original surface. May even be the bit Nelson died on. At least in my imagination
  10. Hi thanks for that. It helps alot as my dutch is worse than my english and thats bad enough. If its from the same person as i found "ronnie_b" then i know in 2010 he had a photo of the very parts i need im just struggling to get in touch with him? As my dutch failed the robot test.
  11. If a mirical cure to all ills was found, would it only work for christians?

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  12. Just a daf.t question for all you silly sods reading my gibberish.

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  13. Just a daf.t question for all you silly sods reading my gibberish.

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  14. While I'm all for making a quick buck. I'd rather share. But what am I selling sharing‽ If it's another tutorial it's yours for the exsorbatant fee of free. As a returning client. But if its the ball joint i can give you the enpbay page gladly. As that is the hardset bit but at £3.50 ita not orth trying to make one. And a piece of boxsection or two bits of 2x2. And your spoilt for choice. You could have one for every model ongoing and just swap them over as you want.
  15. Hi, Glad my suggestion has been so well used. I find that the twisted wire and bristle brushes sold for cleaning out air brush guns great for removing that pesky bits that cling in holes like this. They are looking great. A coat of paint and you'd never know they were to scale. Well done. The hardest part is not tearing the wood apart when drilling. But you've taken to the next level as mine demo was not to scale. I hope the admarity as a whole are ok. Best wishes. If your not sure what tools I'm meaning just say.
  16. It is but as the responses were getting a little edgy I thought I'd play it safe and not infer that the other party was stupid. Just in case they live near me But well spotted
  17. COTTON BUDS/Q TIPS To save too much confusion. These For hygiene reasons this is more a instead of use rather than a recycling. These buds if they are the cheap variety have smooth or ridged sticks. These stick are hollow and measure abou 1.5mm OD. So if cut with a sharp blade into very short pieces make good Parral beads. These Or pulley wheels. Or if they are the ridged kind cogs. Hope this helps.
  18. If no one can help with an image can someone please tell me what type of boat it is.
  19. Ahoy there, On the subject of keel clamps. I've just come across this in a model box. Such a simple design and so easy to imitate. Yet comes from a long dead company. At least thirty years. And a design I've not seen yet and I'm sure no one would mind people obtaining ideas from it
  20. Ahoy there, Just a quick share. I've been wanting a keel clamp such as can be bought that allows movement in all directions. And I happen upon the item below. Which is a camara flash, and reflective umbrella mount. Basically for £3.50 I've got a rotating base attachment, a ball joint and a secure threaded mounting point for whichever style of keel clamp I want to add. And as aluminium box section it's only £2.50 for 1.2mt then apart from some minor fabrication and some screws I've got a flexible keel clamp from 1.2mts to 0.6mts for under £10. Which I think is a great bargain without infringing copyright.
  21. So a picture does speak a thousand words. I did it as simple as me so you would stand a good chance of getting it. I hope you find it useful even if you don't use it
  22. I second the idea of "To Victory... And Byond" the best selling book it would have to be a part work though. One volume per deck
  23. Sorry there are so many photos. I'm trying to show you all the stages and keep it simple hence no words. Hope the images say it all.
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