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Izzy Madd

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Everything posted by Izzy Madd

  1. On my little model as simplified as it was I found front to back for standing and back to front running. As for the tension I fully agree I just left all lines over long hence the colours and went around after they were all on and adjusted the tensions repeatedly. Thank the gods for half hitches easy to tighten and slacken until they are right.
  2. Valar dohaeris For a friend...
  3. no problem as regards images. Take care my friend I await your return with a sad heart.
  4. No words can say how I feel for you and the rest of your crew. But in spirit I'll be there by your side I just wish I was possible to be there for you in person. The flags will lie at half mast in respect until your return. Valar dohaeris I to could not "Like" you message. I can hardly imagine your pain.
  5. I've just been doing some reading about The battle. And suddenly wondered. The fire arms in those days were usually the sort that you'd be luck to hit a barn door at any reasonable distance let alone Nelson. So did they have any accurate weapons? And how dose anyone know that the perticular French man shot Nelson? As there would be a situation of so much flying metal in the air it's a wonder any room was left for oxygen to breath. Talk about lead poisoning. But is it a case of artistic licence. That a certain person is credited with the fatal shot. Or is there some reason why it's a "known fact"?
  6. It also means that there is no writing labels so some kind and I only used nail varnish because there are hundreds of bottle around the house. I'm glad to have helped in some small way. As its ok naming a line but once on board which one is which and which end is the one you want to tighten. This way you look at the spreadsheet and see say blue yellow and red stripe then look for that. Also from a spread sheet point of view you could make it so a as say red is standing rigging. And say blue is the main mast. And green is the main mast booms. Or sail clews. That way you can break down each type of line as well so if you've got a red, orange and green stripes you know it standing rigging(red) fore mast(Orange) booms(green). And as dyslexic I'm aware it makes remembering easier. As the mind has a visual link as well as a worded link. One question what format are you going to be using? And will you be willing to sell/share the basic software/settings to other model makers? As this would help a lot of non sailors both learn and make sense of it. You could even start a log of different rigging spreadsheets on here for members to upload/download. Just a thought. I've just been doing the maths and with just seven colours. Red, blue, yellow, green, orange, black and white. You have over 5000 permutations. More than enough for even the biggest ship. And you've still got the option of adding purple, grey, pink etc
  7. I've just developed a powdered caulk it come in what ever colour you want from jet black to bright pink if you want. And cost about 10p a kilo and is uv fast and a solid fill so no gaps and is fine enough to fill the finest gaps. And you make it your self. Takes ten minutes to apply and fifteen to rub down.then just finish as normal. This is a very dodgy bit of planking that I've caulked tonight and given three coats of polish. In about 1 1/2 hours Sorry the photos are upside down its the latest update from Apple.
  8. As an utter nutterand relative newbie my self i found as simplified as it was making the 1/350 model of the Cutty Sark very helpfull as is still demonstrates the way the lines work with each other to ensure that everything is supported at les twice but for good reason. As when you tighten one line its pulls on other so everything slowly became rigid. Also i found it useful to get the line from a-b then mark each line at either end by dipping it in a cheap nail varnish. Obviouslymaling sure that the coloured bit would be cut off. Having two daughters helped always loads of colours around, just dont let them cathch me. But this would also help with the spreadsheet/learning/real life, lines as you would have a colour to look for that then you can give a name to and a solid link between the three, spreadsheet would have names and colours lee fervency material would have the names and the model would have the colours. So for example if you are looking for line A and know it's pink and holds the jib. All the info is tied together and findable at a glance. And yes ther are more than enough couloirs out there. Paints work as well with small band of colour. Like marking birds legs. Just my experience no expertise. Only in making a mess of it.
  9. Ahoy Me Harties, A warm welcome from captain screwy squirrel. As we've had naked ladies over on the other blog. Not for the faint hearted. I thought it was about time for the gentlemen to put in an appearance. Although it's a slightly sticky point if that's possible as all boats are female how can we have a male‽... Still here he is Wooden Willy. Sporting the latest fashion in wooden bottoms and brand new never been seen before straight out of the test lab black pinstripes. And not forgetting the magic elixir. Still under high security that one. But if you want the recipie for the caulking just send me your name and address written on the back of a signed blank cheque, in pencil and don't press down to hard. And I might just remember to send you the ingredients. So here he/she is... Drum roll please During the operation Post op And after a full recovery and new coat Please don't beg too much one can only cope with two or three hours at a time. Signed photos will be sent in a plain brown wrapper. If you pay me enough otherwise they'll be in a clear plastic bag... And the orientation of photos is curtsy of Apple inc. and design for those in the Southern Hemisphere
  10. Theres always room for one more nut just leave the spanner at home. Loose nuts work better :-)

  11. Theres always room for one more nut just leav the spanner at home. Loose screw work better :-)

    1. Greg the peg leg sailor

      Greg the peg leg sailor

      There's only one loose nut when I drive, it's the nut behind the steering wheel!

  12. It's Captain Screwy at your service

    1. Greg the peg leg sailor

      Greg the peg leg sailor


      Do you want some nuts? Havagooday


  13. Don't know if these help in ant way Sorry some are wrong way round. If you want I can re take them
  14. It can be done by eye but it is not simple to explain. And can be a case of do it right or destroy everything so probably best. Thinking of you all take care of your self as well.
  15. Not intending to knock or out do you just point out. The finishing rollers come in all the way up to 60 TPI and some of the older ones you can barely tell they have pins they are so fine. But your version is very much cheaper. And more inventive.
  16. And today's Top Tip of the Day. Fed up of dropping those awkward little parts just as you apply the last bit of paint. Or wondering where you can put that part you've painstakingly detailed while it dries and the cats not looking. Then try this What is it? Well it's a fly tying vice several differing designs and sizes to suit all clamps to the table or free standing if you clamp it to a bit of wood
  17. I bought both as a double lot and the images is identical so. As it happens I spotted the number on the plans. I've been through Billing's full catalogue of fittings but the small brass pin is not in them. I think as it came from a vintage kit it's a belaying pin that's been through another process as well. Unles someone knows different said Ester. Another blast from the past...
  18. And today's top tip for those like me who are fiscally challenged or even just mean. Wondering what to use as ships navigation light. Well here's my answer. The cheapest map pins you can get and I do mean cheap. 99p for 250 in red, green, yellow, and blue. The cheapest because they fall apart and they use less dye so they are translucent. As apposed to solid coloured.and even if you need to trim them to fit like this. Worry not as even if you have turned or sanded them to fit a simple rub with your favourite brass or car cleaner will restore the clear plastic even bi carb or tooth paste. Basically anything that is designed or used to polish will do. Such as t cut or brasso, other brands are available.(English joke) Stay tune for more useless ideas...
  19. Can some one please help. I've just been through the arts for my latest Billing model "Mary Ann" 472. And part from a missing prop. Which I know this part isn't I also can't identify This Which I'm fairly sure isn't covered by the part number and description "F451" and "Ball" So can anyone identify either or my some very strange viewpoint, bearing in mind my own weird out look, convince me that the two are one and the same?
  20. There has been talk of sheaves and pullies or whatever they are called. Well upto a diameter of at least 3mm there is the possibility of using copper capillary tube which can be cut with a sharp utility knife or if the admiral doesn't catch you a sharp kitchen knife. My preference is the kitchen knife as it resarpenable and stronger. The use whatever for a pivot depending on your scale also there are things called crimping beads which so long as they are made of metal come in a variety of colours and from 1mm x 1mm upwards. At about 99p for 500. Again making ready made sheaves for catheads, blocks, knightheads whatever. The copper capillary tube cost £5 for 3mts I was going to say that if your not happy with picture stand on your head but then you might break something important like a model so here you are the right way up.
  21. Our hearts and thoughts are with you all at times like these...
  22. Try a haberdashery shop I don't know what they are called over there but they make them in various diameters an pin spacing. But they've been around for about 150 years. I know them as dress pattern markers or pounce markers. The vintage ones are best as they are blunter and cheaper. These are the dressmaking ones this is a coarse on. About 7-10 points per inch Or there's even these they are called finishing wheels. Which come anywhere between 10-40 points per inch or more and are used for book binding and leather work Top right hand corner are the leather working stitch marking wheels. And you can see the sort of range. If you go for the leather ones one place you will get them but not cheap is Tandy leather. As that is a U.S. Based store.
  23. A possible help aluminium soda cans are much softer so would punch far easier. And if need be glue together to get greater thickness, as well as being easier to shape. Also once each sheave is as you want. Drill small hole in centre. Clean the dust off and insert a piece of paper clip to hold them in place. And then they even turn. Just a thought. Also you can remove the glue dust mix with acetone very easily. Although you probably know this. The type of glue I used was PVA which I should have said before.
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