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Gone, but not forgotten
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Posts posted by rafine

  1. Thanks, Wes. One of the joys of retirement is that you really do have the time to just do something if you want to. That and having a couple of teeth extracted which kept me housebound for a couple of days.


    Thanks, Augie. You're really not so hard to please, but I'm happy that you're happy. 


    Thanks, Sam. I haven't heard from you in a while. How is it going with the kit? 



  2. A big step forward. The lower hull planking on the port side has been done. This was the big test for the success of the trial and error correction process on the hull framing. With no more than a couple of the usual very slight adjustments to the framing, the planking went on smoothly. A big sigh of relief.


    I did change my plans somewhat. For a variety of reasons, I decided not to do the area below the wales and above the copper in natural boxwood. That area will now be painted black. As a result, I did the entire lower hull with basswood planking. I also concluded that my only goals were to finish with a well faired hull with a smooth surface. This led  me to cover the framing with what can only be described as a patch work of crazy quilt planking, rather than following strict prototype planking patterns. This allowed me to cover the area rather quickly and easily.


    After a lot of sanding (sandpaper is your good friend) and even some use of filler (ugh!), I was quite pleased with the result and see no reason to do the other side any differently. The starboard planking will be the next step.












  3. I've now done the starboard wale and also some of the stern planking. I planked the counters and a portion of the transom area, but not around the stern windows. I'm not going to do that portion for a while yet (until I figure out what I'm doing). 


    I then painted the wales. In order to simplify the masking and painting, I had painted the upper edge of the top strake planks before installing them.  I used Pollyscale engine black, which unfortunately is no longer going to be available as the line has been discontinued. I'll miss the paints and need to start thinking about alternatives. 


    Time now to do the lower hull planking.










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