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Jolley Roger

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Everything posted by Jolley Roger

  1. I have managed to get my hands on the HMS Alert by Trident model. Cost for the kit was $350, shipping with Fedex to SA was $105 and the tax man took another $50. I see that James H also got this kit and is planning to do a kit review, so I will leave that to the experts. A basic idea of what to expect: The kit comes in sturdy nondescript box, everything was packed nice and tight, so it can't move during shipping Plenty of wood to keep one busy for a while - mostly cherry, all cut out with a CNC router, so no laser char to worry about The metal bits Parts for the building frame, made of MDF I have already started with the building frame - have to say that so far it has been done very accurately - some of the parts fits so well that it doesn't really need glue to keep it together A dry fit of the keel assembly, seems to be very accurate Overall very impressed with this kit so far.
  2. Yep, i'm in as well, my favorite piece of man made machinery ever! Hence my profile pic
  3. Thank you for the the info Jaager, much appreciated! The white pear we have is the Apodytes dimidiata https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apodytes_dimidiata, still worthy of stocking up I think. Definitely going the scratch build route. PS. Apologies captian_hook for the thread drift.
  4. Yeah, I hear you. I try and stock up as much boxwood as I can. The horrible reality is that boxwood is used as firewood in rural areas over here! - one man's trash is another man's treasure comes to mind. The mixed indigenous has some potential, which I would like to explore in future - White pear, which is similar in characteristics to European pear and Cape holly, similar to the other holly species
  5. Interesting, i'm paying the equivalent of 5,50 Euro per kilo for Cape Boxwood(Buxus Macowanii) over here. From the local https://www.rarewoods.co.za/info/price-list-timber/
  6. I planked my Marie Jeanne with them, worked well. They bend easily and sand to a smooth finish.
  7. Welcome Nathan! Always good to see another Saffa join the ranks. What are you currently building or plan on building?
  8. Welcome back! From what I can see, you have done an excellent job of the hull planking. It is very difficult to plank a hull the 'correct' way with only kit supplied planking strips - if you are interested there is a tutorial at http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingprojectbeginners.pdf (might be a bit late now!) Coppering - have you considered doing only one side, then you get the best of both worlds.
  9. The first layer of planking is to build a solid base for your second layer, so do not worry about tapering, spacers etc, yet. The first layer is going to look ugly, it's normal
  10. I believe the figurehead in your picture dates from 1922, after she was returned to Falmouth Cutty Sark images Could be that the figurehead was painted after she became the Ferreira. and great build so far Don!
  11. No thinning required, it is very thin already. I just apply with a small hobby paint brush and clean the brush with turps. Keep in mind not to paint any areas where you still need to glue any components.
  12. I use Woodoc Interior Matt, made in SA for SA conditions. Woodoc Should be available at your local hardware store. If you are not happy with the bleed out from the artline marker you can try a Archival pen, no bleed out at all! Sakura archival pen
  13. Looking good so far Haiko. You don't need to use balsa, in your case you can use pear for filler blocks! Also, cameras/phones will quickly distort an image if the pic isn't taken perpendicular to the subject, so that's why it might look a bit asymmetrical.
  14. Thanks Haiko, I actually live in Hartbeespoort, North West! Pity we didn't have this conversation a month ago, I drove past Montagu three weeks ago! I will be coming to Cape Town sometime in 2020 though, so would like take up your kind offer then. I'm sure my admiral will like to come stay over (had a look at your website and it looks fantastic) If you have need of the drill press in the meantime I can courier/postnet it to you - we can discuss the finer details on the message function under our profiles.
  15. Thanks Jaager, I will take your advice to heart. I am definitely leaning towards scratch building, busy tooling up and sourcing wood
  16. The dremel tool stays stationary and the table moves up and down, pretty old school, but apparently a lot more accurate than their newer drill presses.
  17. Well, guess more wood for us SA locals! I'm definitely interested in your offer. I have an old Dremel Drill Press that is gathering dust, if this is something you would be interested in?
  18. Hi Haiko, Looks like the SAPO came through after all, hope the customs duties wasn't too rough! I have come across two build logs that have reference to the rabbet and bearding process, hope it helps: HMS Pegasus by SkipW - Amati/Victory Models - Scale 1:64 HMS Pegasus by Landlubber Mike - Amati/Victory Models - Scale 1:64
  19. Ha ha, not at all, you have your priorities straight! Over here (I live in Hartbeespoort, North West) we braai with Red Ivory! Thank you for the generous offer, you should consider selling to the local hobbyists. ☺️ I bought some Swiss pear(steamed pear) from Rare Woods in Knysna about two weeks ago, selling for R62000 per cubic meter! https://www.rarewoods.co.za/wood-price-list
  20. Welcome Haiko! Looks like you are of to a great start. If you are in the Koo valley then you should have access to pear and apple wood - very valuable for model ship building. All the best and good luck with the SAPO.
  21. Everywhere 😊 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buxus Scary thing is, over here our local variety, the Cape Box (Buxus Macowanii), is still used as firewood in rural areas!
  22. Pear or cherry might be a good option too and should be available in 4mm strips - Pear and cherry
  23. Tamiya has a good name in the plastic model community and is available worldwide https://www.tamiya.com/english/products/list/enamel_gloss/kit80001.htm
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