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Posts posted by aydingocer

  1. Glued the thick curvy mahogany frame which I had filed ready yesterday. They are now covering around the stern. 


    Apparently stern planking should be done in such a way that the 1st planking (which I am doing now using 1,5x7mm lime as the previous plankings) shall be level with the veneer parts on the bottom ( i.e. parts 172 and 173), while leaving some offset with the mahogany frames, so that they will be level with the 2nd planking (which will be done using 1,5x8mm mahogany strips). So I glue them around 1,5mm offset (see the photo):



  2. Aydin,


    Why didn't you glue 14C and 14D to the removable part ... or at least the part from them which is above the removable part. You'll be lacking support if I'm not mistaken ...


    Hi Carl,


    14C and 14D are meant to support parts 168 and 169 with glue. These parts are fixed. According to the instructions, the removable part (actually it is the engine lid) is positioned between them.


    In the photo below, you can see 168 and 169 on the sides and the lid (which now includes 170 and 171) in the middle:




    This is the view when the lid is removed (here note that the lid is sitting on the 2 wooden "hooks" inside). The red drawing on the left indicates where the 14C would have occupied if it had been installed as in the instructions (same on the other side). But in that case it is impossible to place the lid anymore.






    See also the red lines I have drawn on the instructions:




    So my solution was to chop off 14C and 14D short enough to stop preventing the lid and long enough to support the side pieces.



  3. Coverings at the stern. The instructions call for trimming the ends of the thick mahogany arcs with a file to fit the flow of the stern (note the file symbols on the instructions). This sounds virtually unpractical to me since the piece is really thick and there is quite a lot to get rid of. Hence, I used a combination of saw, file, sandpaper, and knife to get the desired result:






    Bending the veneer parts on the lower part to fit easily:




    Veneers in place:




    This is why the mahogany arcs need trimming:








    And dry fitted to place:






  4. Here I noticed a problem. Check the following 2 photos where I show the "removable" section. In the first photo it is out of its slot and in the second photo it is in place.


    Photo 1:



    Photo 2:



    Parts 168 and 169 are supposed to cover the open area on the left and right side of this removable part while parts 14C and 14D are to be glued on either sides to support them. However if you make the mistake of gluing the parts 14C and 14D (like I did - just look at the glue stains), there is no way to place the removable part anymore. Check from this photo how it would have blocked the removable section from placing to its slot:




    So I had to cut them short enough so that they won't block the removable section but still support the parts 168 and 169:





  5. Dry fitting revealed that the thin "tail" at the back seems to require more critical positioning:




    Some edges overlap slightly. I'll have to trim them a bit (better leave some gap instead of overlap, since this is only the first planking):




    Parts 168 and 169. The parts 14C and 14D will be supporting them:






    Today I continue with 1st layer of deck planking. First the right half of the front deck. There are no straight lines in this beauty and the front deck is no exception. It is necessary to bend the stripes a little, even though they look like straight in the photos. 



  7. Trimming those planks makes a lot of difference. She is starting to look like a boot.


    I'm curious as to how the finish of those drive shafts will look where they enter the hull. That are some rather big holes to fill ...




    I am thinking of filling the gaps with epoxy from inside, after the second planking. In this case the second planking would have much smaller hole around the shafts. 

  8. Planking of the deck starts. According to the instructions, first you plank the 2 center strips and then continue with the left side first, even though it is usually customary to plank one on each side, proceeding evenly. I don't actually know if it makes any difference, but anyway I decided to follow the instructions. Maybe they have a point, which will show up later. The front deck planks terminate at the dashboard, with the last 3 strips at the sides following the same alignment:

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