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About bbyford

  • Birthday February 26

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    Greenville, SC

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  1. I am just starting my build of the Cutty and have discovered your log which I will be using as a reference to help me with my build. Great idea on the ratline "tool"!
  2. Wow! This is going to be a fantastic model. I may even change my plan to do a scratch Victory and do this one instead (if I can fit it into the budget?). I am going to be following your progress very closely.
  3. Mike, Thanks for the great explanation of how you get such a wonderful finish. I've been following along for a while now. Keep up the great work. Bruce
  4. Once I get the details of how to use the veneer for the cabin tops and hatches worked out I'll get some pics and the procedure details to you. It may take a little while.
  5. Doug, I'll let you know how the veneer deck fittings work out and will send you a picture if things do work out. Like you I may have to fall back on the plastic parts. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Bruce
  6. Hi Doug, I'm not doing a build log on this model. I chose it as a way to learn planking techniques so I didn't think it would turn out very well. I do plan a build log on my next build which will be a fully scratch model of the Chesapeake Bay Skipjack "Claude Somers". She is moored at the Reedville Fishermens museum in Reedville, VA. On my Bluenose I don't like the brown plastic parts supplied for the mahogany parts of the deck fittings so I have bought sone mahogany veneer and am going to try using that instead. I'm just about to start on the deck fixtures. Bruce
  7. I just found your build log. You have a good looking build. I to am building the same kit as you but am still working on the basic hull. It seems that you have already solved the problems that have came up in my build. I'll be interested in your decision on sails or no sails. Bruce
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