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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. this is a new build of the billing boats. st roch 605 1.72 scale this going to be a fun build the boat sits in vancouver iam 4hrs away from there . so here are some pic of the boat kit and yes its all here in the kit i did a check list of all the parts .ps i took a break and yes iam back
  2. thanks popeye thank u shipyard all the info u guys give me is great going i got some comeing over to give me a hand all is good
  3. that is some great work u have done there the craftmenship is sec to none keep up keep up the great work
  4. thay haved to shaped yet if i do that it will have bad bend again just like befor i dont want that this is what it will look like when i shape the beams to much of a bend i think
  5. ok now i have had to redo the deck i just got it sitting on the deck beams its as bent as it was befor trying real hard to get this right let me know what u all thank u all for helping me
  6. the book was just off to the side not part of the build at all .got nothing to do with corel the victory has been put a way for now do to the the mail deck broke in half so the deack will need to be redone got to wait on new wood to get to me will take 3 weeks to get here when it gets here i will recut a new deck for
  7. my big opps i forgot to put in the beams for the deck to sit on i will get right on that thanks for all the help shipyard sid . and canoe21 with all the help its going to look great
  8. here an update the deck lines are bad on the ship i have to re do the decks so i took of the frist deck came off just fine i got lucky nothing broke here the pic to see whats on
  9. hello dave i can not send pm anymore u need to clean the folder out its full
  10. the corel build on the victory have been stoped thank u all
  11. to canone and dave in the pic u will see as i took all the planks off . cuz it was not looking good at all so i thot i will redo it it all so i have one plank on right now it is not glued. iam useing t pins so i can take them after . there two stages of planking for the ship .ater i get about half way done u have to start to taper the planks if iam right that what i shows in the plans. but the one plank on there now look much better heres the pic of it . thnaks for all the great info iam takeing all in
  12. rember just to take your time on that kit make sure that u read the book some things dont fit to well ok
  13. hello canone this is the frist stage of planking so there no where to use the clips if u know what i mean here the clips i got
  14. and thank u to canone for that great in that u send me it will help in my building i go to day and get some clips for the planking
  15. thank u popeye for your kind words as allways its looking good so far luca_b welcome to my build log. and yes dont try this kit if u are just started out . and thank u for your kind words hello dave i made a mistake on the planking with the nails do u think i should try to take them out or use a punch to drive them in the wood more not to sure what to do there
  16. hello sjors looks like a good build u have going there. u are off to a great start keep up the great work
  17. here a bit of an update. so far i have started the planking just the frist stage of plank so far its going well going to take a bit of time to get it all done . at last i started it lol here some pic of it if there something u see wrong ples let me know thanks.
  18. hello popeye looks like u are vary good on the build so far keep up the great work
  19. i see that i just trying to line some stuff up so var its going well going to start planking reel soon
  20. here is a bit of an update. i just added a strip of planking to the victory to see if it right . it not glued i used some nails just to hold it in place. it does not look right to me let me know what u all think thanks.
  21. tys for that info yes i will be painting it. can i get part to aftermarkit part for the kit or do i have to use the parts that come with it
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