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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. this is a billing boats kit st roch 605 there was a hobby store where i live in canada selling out of all the stck and there doors for good so i went there and saw the kit i asked how much thay said 50.00 i said sold lol iam asking for some good info on the kit thank u all here a pic of the kit
  2. hello harm i agree with u on the vertical support for the gun ports i think it will help iam just looking at diff ways to deal with it befor i start to plank the ship i will let u know soon what iam going to do with it
  3. tys harm thats good to know i will try it when i get to that stage going to start planking soon just waiting on wood to get to me still. i know about the black paint for the gun ports tys for the great info
  4. ok in the pic u will see looks like card stock with wood on it but dont know how to get it off of it iam a long way from this part just want to know how to get it off of it befor i get to this stage this the corel kit like poeple all ways say ask befor u try if u can help ples do and thank u
  5. so far its looking good just take your time theres no need to rush it i found that out the hard way take all the time u need it will look great at the end
  6. hello dave u are doing such a great job on the rigging u are all most done keep up the great work cant wait to see all done
  7. u are right there popeye for me it cutting the frames will not be fun but for the exp at it will be great for me so iam going for it iam going to cut the frames out going to take a while for me to get it done i know theres no rush i can work on the victory 7 days a week i not working any more so for me it will be great exp for me iam in for the long haule lol
  8. sofar dan u are doing great craftmen ship on the victory it was in vary bad shape and now its great so far what a diff keep up the great work
  9. yes harm i was going to do the same thing keep some of them closed i think it will look just as good not all open it will give it that nice look
  10. nice dog like the pic on to the boiler room what i did on mine was i add some wood to the boiler room to make it a bit bigger work for me but u have done works as well great job so far there lots of in for on msw for the kit good on your build
  11. vary nice work u are doing there keep up the great work i will be watching your log
  12. ok now i have both sides all redone for the guns supports thay are in line now what a task that was but its all done looking better now all i got to do is cut in to the frames to set for the gun ports not to sure if i will do that i might keep thos ones closed it just wont look right to me show all the guns or just some i would like to know what u all think thank u
  13. ok harm here a little i did on the bow i had to redo all the suppots here a pic of the bow hope it helps u
  14. ok popeye u know u can make them with your eyes closed lol just had to say it lol have a great one
  15. all is good so far i had to redo all the gun supports got one sid done so far and just right i cut up my plans to use as a template its good i have a sec copy of the plans for the ship its all good. going to do more tommow will have pic up soon
  16. tys popeye i will not rush it at all if i have a hard with it i will stop and ask for help sid going to take a look at my plans to see if can help i will up them here as well to see what poeple can help iam haveing a hard time with the gun ports to get them right on both sides when u plank it u cant see them and the plans are not 1.1 with the model just haveing a real hard time with it in the pic u will see how i have to put the wood in the frams i dont think i got it going right i can still take them off dont want go any more till i can get some help to make sure its going right as popeye says better to ask for help lol if u can help ples do thank u to u all
  17. going to be working on the bow tonight i will put pic up later on ok sorry for the slow work so far i do not want to go fast at it ok
  18. right now it going a bit slow for me iam waiting on some wood right now not to sure when it will get here not to sue when i get back to the ship yard sorry for that
  19. hello popeye looks like u are off and running on the kit so far looking great keep up the great work my friend
  20. u are doing well just take your time looking great so far hope to the deck done soon keep the pic comeing
  21. tys canoe that what its all about is to have fun
  22. hello dave she looks so great the craftmenship on her is sec to none i hope to build like u one day from the start to end she came out great keep up the great work that u do
  23. vary nice work u are doing keep going soon u will done
  24. welcome to my build log harm yes i do agree with u on the masts iam working on that iam going take a block and dill the same hole as the masts for each one will be doing more work to it . there will be lots of pic of each stage for u to see
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