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Everything posted by jimvanlan99

  1. Chris, And I, too, am not upset about the condition of the model. I hope you did not take my earlier comments that way. I just thought you would like to see pictures of the condition of the box, which you evidently did since you said you were sending some of the photos to UPS. I think the model looks great, and I look forward to working on it, although it may be several months before I do so since I already have two models in the boatyard. I think you are off to a great start with your company and I wish you all the best. Jim
  2. I can only speak for myself. I am in the mountains of North Carolina, and, yes, UPS delivered the last mile. I even took a handover from the driver - but he said nothing about the condition. Sigh! Jim
  3. Kurt, You and I must have had the same UPS delivery person. I have now found that one Part Nr. 46, the port capping/drift rail (same as yours), broke at the very stem end. I think I can fix it with a little bit of glue when it comes to putting it on the ship. There were several laser cut parts that came loose from their positions on the sheet (this is the large, VERY THIN, sheet), but I think I am generally good to go. Jim
  4. HMS Alert pulled into safe harbor in Boone, NC, this afternoon. There must have been pretty rough seas between Britain and the mountains of NC as evident from the condition of the box upon arrival. An examination of the contents indicates very minor damage to the long laser cut sheet, but it does not appear to affect the ship's parts themselves. Thanks to Chris and UPS for great service. It looks this is going to be one fun project!!!! Jim
  5. I am in the United States - North Carolina. Where are you folks seeing a delivery date? I got a notice from Vanguard Models (Chris) that my order is complete. But there was no tracking data or delivery date. Just curious. Jim
  6. Chris, your news about receipt of everything you need to ready "Alert" for sale to those of us anxiously awaiting her availability is wonderful news. You are bringing increasing excitement to a lot of folks. Good luck in your work to put the kits into their final forms!!!!! Jim
  7. I think a lot of us are glad you, Chris, changed your mind. And we are excitedly awaiting the availability of "Alert" for purchase. At least, I know I am.
  8. I just looked over the pictures of your manual for the Alert. It looks terrific. Like others who are following your progress on Alert, I am anxious to see its debut! Congratulations on all the work you have done so far. You are making it very tempting to say that Alert will be my "next" model. Jim
  9. Congratulations on your upcoming release of the Alert. I look forward to seeing it. And, I like the idea of the 3-D figures on the models. As someone said earlier, it provides a good link between history and our hobby of ship modeling. Best of luck with the first production and here's hoping for many more after that. Jim
  10. Chuck, Reading through this thread regarding the "Winnie" has really whetted my appetite. Your work looks absolutely marvelous. Are you taking names for "pre-sales" or will it be first come, first served? If you are taking names, please add Jim Van Laningham of Boone, NC, to your list. Otherwise, I will just keep my eyes peeled here and on your website for the first installment of the model and hope for the best. If the "Winnie" is anything like your Medway Longboat on which I am working now (and I am sure it will be even better), it will be absolutely wonderful. I really look forward to building it! Jim
  11. Johann - simply beautiful! Inspirational for those of us who love the ship modeling hobby.
  12. Johann, I thoroughly enjoy every one of your photographs and the beautiful craftsmanship that you put into your work. You set a high standard, which I never hope to meet - but I certainly will keep trying - thanks to your inspiration! Jim
  13. As always, a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. Your work is truly awe-inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
  14. Robert, I have a question for you, if you don't mind. I am interested in getting the Caldercroft Victory model for my next project. Now that you have been working on your model for some time, do you find that the wood provided in the kit is good for its use on the model, or do you find yourself replacing the kit's material with that from other sources? On my current model, the Fair American, I have replaced virtually all the lumber and have hand built the deck fittings to get a better model. I am wondering if the same if going to be true of Caldercraft's Victory? Jim
  15. Messis, can you tell me how you download build logs on this forum? I would love to do that, especially Robert's Victory build. It will be invaluable for future reference. Thank you. Jim
  16. Bob, Both of those seem like great projects. I have watched Chuck's kit come to being and would dearly love to try it myself. Of course, right now, my full concentration is on Fair American. I will be following both of your projects as you work on them. Your build logs are always informative, instructive and just plain fun to read. Cheers, Jim,
  17. Bob, Congratulations on a beautiful build. While it may not come up to your (very high) standards, it looks absolutely terrific to me. Hope your health problems are behind you and you can take up another, better build in the near future. Jim
  18. Dave, Your model is looking great. I like the hull, and your gun carriages from scratch are awesome. Congratulations on the fine work. Jim
  19. Robert, I really appreciate all of the detail you have provided on how to do the cannons and their carriages. This is a great tutorial! And the work you have done (I agree that taking shortcuts is seldom satisfactory in the end) is simply superb. Thank you. Your "tutorial" will be of great use when I get to the point on Fair American that I want to work on the cannons. Of course, I only have a total of 14 cannons compared to the many more that you have done! Thank you. Jim
  20. Bob, Your craftsmanship is really awesome. It is a true joy to see your work. Jim
  21. Bob, I am so glad that I found you working on this project. I intend to pull up a chair, read the past postings and then watch as you progress with your marvelous modeling skills. I have learned so much from your re-constructed build log for the Fair American. I am using your work as a practicum for the Fair American model that I have started. I am sure I will learn every bit as much keeping up on this project of yours. Fair Winds, Jim
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