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Everything posted by CDW

  1. Thanks...had to mix some shades of blue paint to match the decal blue.
  2. Thanks Kevin. These photos give some idea of the size of the stars and bars. Can you spot the touch ups I had to do on the wing and fuselage insignia's? The one on the wing had the largest boo boo to fix. A large chunk of it would not release from the decal backing paper and tore away from the rest of the decal.
  3. This is another kit with decals that are too old. Not quite as bad as the last couple of kits I built, but bad. Another year, and these would have been totally unusable. It's a shame because otherwise, these were probably pretty decent when the kit first came out. As fate would have it, this aircraft didn't have a lot of markings on it, so I'll get by with what I've got and some touch up paint. The stars and bars decals are huge on this thing, and those are the ones giving me the most trouble.
  4. My hearing is terrible once the person speaking turns their back and continues to speak. I have come to the conclusion that maybe I have unwittingly learned to read lips in some casual way.
  5. About 45 years ago, here's my wife watching me build a model. It's the 1:24 Airfix Stuka, I believe. Back in those days, I didn't need no stinking Optivisor, but today, I couldn't get along without it. It's a game changer.
  6. Thanks Edward. Getting close to the end of the Avenger build, but I have yet to start the carrier deck display section it will rest upon. The carrier deck display section is mostly prefabricated, and all I must do is paint and finish it.
  7. Masked, painted and mounted the canopy today. A good 4-5 hours required, rather tedious. The pre cut masks make a world of difference. The job would have been much more difficult and time consuming without them on this model.
  8. Hmmm...800 might be too coarse. You could maybe try it in the most inconspicuous areas first just to see if will help. If you do, make sure to do it very lightly, wet. Water provides some lubrication and helps avoid scratching. But I'm not sure what you can do to eliminate those scratches short of remasking and repainting. Brushing will show up for sure, but maybe not to an intolerable degree.
  9. Can you post some photos of what you've got...maybe there are some things you can do to salvage your work. I never realized you were in a single room apartment, so I now appreciate your predicament. As for painting, acrylics seem to maybe be your only viable alternative indoors. Do you have a fine grade sanding sponge? Tamiya sells a pack of sanding sponges that go from medium to fine. A very fine sanding sponge can knock down that ridge without wrecking your paint.
  10. I started prepping and masking the main canopy pieces tonight. It will probably take me the better part of my modeling time tomorrow to finish the masking and painting of it. I have some chores to do tomorrow that cuts my modeling time short. My baby girl (she's 22) leaves in another week for New Hampshire to finish up her schooling. It sure is going to be an adjustment for me when she's gone. I'm dreading it, but I won't tell her that. Guess I'll spend more modeling time to chase the blues away.
  11. Thanks for the comments, and glad you visited this thread. It's strange how certain model kits can quickly transport us back to specific places and times. I share those memories of the great Monogram 1:48 scale kits and vividly remember the old shopping places where I bought them. Particularly memorable is the smell of the plastic when I first opened those kits and how excited I was to get started on them. They were one of the very best things a dollar could buy back then (to me).
  12. Thanks Ken. I'm going to be doing a 1:32 F-4C Phantom soon. Will probably need your input on how to get it right. It's the Tamiya kit with some extras to dress it up.
  13. Those are the Mr Color "Acrysion" acrylic paints. My local supplier carried the Acrysion line before they acquired the Mr Color lacquer paints which is why I have both sets. Acrysion paints are similar to Tamiya acrylics, in fact, I use the Mr Color 400 thinners to reduce both brands of paint. In my opinion, the Mr Color 400 leveling thinner is the best that's out there on the market. It should be noted these thinners are not compatible with some acrylics such as Vallejo for example. It will instantly curdle that paint, so test to be sure. I do know for sure they work with great superiority for Mr Color and Tamiya paints.
  14. Is it just a matter of the shape of the cone or are the spinners too short? If it's just the shape of the cone, you should be able to reshape them somewhat more like the originals. you'll just have to take care not to file away too much material. If they are too short, it is a different problem/solution, and they will need to be built out with putty or something similar perhaps.
  15. At first, I thought it was doomed to the scrap pile. This is a surprisingly heavy model.
  16. Just goes to show how quickly civil society could dissolve if there was a real emergency. People are acting so stupid and cowardly.
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