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Everything posted by CDW

  1. My most recent installment of the Yamato, I received month 7 of the Soleil Royal instead of the month 7 of the Yamato. When I called DeAgostini, they told me "sorry about that...just keep the Soleil Royal installment we accidentally sent out and we will send you the correct month 7 installment for the Yamato." And that's about all I've done with mine so far. Yours on the other hand is coming along beautifully!
  2. Guess I shall put that book on preorder tonight. Looks like a great reference to have for these ships.
  3. A tough choice to be sure. My inclination would be to go with my gut feeling on how it should look. You are after all, the one whom must be pleased with the finished product. I'm sure it will be a beautiful display which ever way you choose, as both will have their pluses and minuses.
  4. Just finished a fantastic, great buying experience with Clare for one of his Woody Joe kits. Communications were excellent, shipping lightning fast, and packaged professionally for the trip to my address. I hope to have the good fortune to trade with Clare gain one day soon!
  5. A little more surgery, photo etch added, a little paint, and now some more dry fitting. Not a real good fit on some of the parts out of the box. Need some tweaking to ensure a decent fit.
  6. On the bright side, your pictures are far better than smoke signals. Seriously, everything is looking great, Mike. Hope you get your computer issues sorted out, soon. I know what a pain that can be.
  7. Looks great, Slog. Is there a magic bullet to protect against starved cow effect, like maybe some type of filler between bulkheads and decks? It's not really noticeable except and until you pointed it out.
  8. Added the gun tub detail to the forward deck including the ammo racks. Added the rail stanchion base plates and a new hatch, then gave everything a gray base coat for the decks. Put some base color paint on the center superstructure and will now begin adding all the detail bits and pieces. Lots of folding photo etch to do.
  9. Nils I sincerely believe you are an even greater humble gentleman than extraordinary modeler, if that is possible. It's exemplary threads like yours that make me happy and proud to read forums like these.
  10. After the torpedo tube holes are cut out, I then use some photo etch flat stock, anneal it, then shape it to the outline of the torpedo tube opening and glue it in place. In these pictures, the photo etch is in place and I've shot some primer on the hull.
  11. The torpedo tubes at the bow of the boat get a little work over to correct some of the kit deficiencies. Again, this requires some surgery. There are some photo etch outlines that go to the front of the tubes. I first glue those PE pieces in place with acrylic glue, then use the inside outline as a pattern to drill small holes all the way around allowing me to cut out a proper opening in the plastic.
  12. She looks very very long in that picture. Big model, for sure. The paint looks great, Greg.
  13. Here, almost all the surface detail on the forward deck has been surgically removed to prepare for the updated parts. Just to the left of the deck piece, on the instruction sheet, you can see the raised details that had to be removed and what will be added in its place.
  14. Hey Mike Great start, buddy. In the "good old days", we called those parts "die crunched". Sterling models were world famous for die crunched parts. Do you ever sand the side of the die cut sheet that's not completely cut through? Sometimes, sanding to reduce a small amount of thickness is enough to make the parts fall right out. At the least, it gives a lot less to cut when you're doing the knife work.
  15. Just dry fitting some of the photo etch superstructure I've been building. So far, so good. Fit seems okay. Still, lots to be done including more surgery to other deck parts.
  16. Glad to have found your build thread. The boat has beautiful lines. Will enjoy following your progress on this project.
  17. A big difference in the hull, now compared to when you started. Great job! PS: How does the photo etch that came with you kit look? Does it appear sufficient to get a good finished result or would more be better? The reason I asked is because I've been seeing some 1:250 Yamato photo etch sets on Ebay recently and am wondering if I should get a set. I don't think my kit part installments have included the kit photo etch yet for me to compare.
  18. There's quite a bit of surgery that needs to be done to build the detail set and incorporate it to the model. Here the entire center of the deck is removed to prepare it for a new, photo etch superstructure.
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