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Everything posted by CDW

  1. I went back and looked at Capt. Slog's build thread for the 1:200 Bismarck to see those gun mounts. Had never seen his thread for the Bismarck before now. Great thread by the way. :-) What you guys are doing with paper is just amazing to me. Very realistic. Those guns will add a lot to your model.
  2. Are you using the acrylic polyurethane for the black red? That poly paint is notorious for clogging the tip. In any event, if I encounter problems with tip clogging, a couple of drops of flow improver in my color cup usually takes care of the problem after the tip is cleaned.
  3. Very, very nice work, Piet. So small and delicate. Really like the copy paper soaked with CA idea. Will need to remember that in the future as it could come in handy for different situations.
  4. As the old saying goes, "if I had known then what I know now...." The Pontos set came with details to rework the tops of the ship's funnels. Sad to say, but it took me hours to figure out what I had to do to make these delicate PE parts fit. And that's just one funnel. If any of you decide to try this build for yourself, beware the funnels. The kit provided parts don't look too bad, and I'm not sure I would do it all over again. One consolation, the second one won't be half the problem of the first as now I know what I need to do. It takes a lot of delicate cutting, grinding, sanding, and fitting to get it to work. Once you cut the kit parts, you're committed, come hell or high water. Don't say I didn't warn 'ya!
  5. Hi Eddie Those are exactly the ones I want to try. I'm getting the two mixed up, Ak Interactive and MRP. Aren't they the same company, but one is water based acrylics and the other lacquer based? The lacquer based paints are the ones I am most interested in trying.
  6. I watched that little demo video of the AK lacquer paints and I very much want to try them. Will likely source them from Ebay.
  7. I'm having the devil of a time sourcing the AK Interactive paints here in NA. Found one source in NA, and it's not a well known dealer. Found his selection to be very limited. I'm thinking it's because of product liability and difficulty in shipping lacquer based paints. It would definitely have to be ground shipped and the ingredients are likely illegal in the Peoples Republic of California and maybe some other states. But you are right, we are spoiled for choice here in the states.
  8. I bought the gator grip glue from a vendor on Ebay, and believe he was the actual maker of the product (or at least bottled it up for sale). Since then, have noticed that Freetime Hobbies in Georgia carries it as well. Here: https://freetimehobbies.com/searchresults/?search_query=gator+grip&Search= Gator Grip really excels where you are gluing a photo etch piece to a plastic surface or to another piece of photo etch, and you need a little extra time to position the piece without having it set up on you too fast. To really take a good hold requires about 10 minutes of set time before it gets tacky.
  9. A problem with a lot of the faulty products is a lack of proper quality control. Good quality control catches a bad run of products. But the reason much of the Chinese products are less costly is due to the lack of quality control. Sadly, the customers are their quality control. Glad you got those sorted out.
  10. Really looks awesome at this stage. Very realistic. Does the jig your fuselage sits on come with the kit or is it something you fabricated for the build?
  11. Hi Piet Thanks for the kind comments. I'll bet you are correct, they making those fine brass parts on some type of lathe equipment similar to what a jeweler might use. For glue of photo etch, I use both an acrylic glue called "Gator Grip", and a CA glue, specifically Gorilla Glue with the blue cap. Every now and then, I might use a thin CA glue as well. For example, the entire pom pom gun was assembled with Gator Grip acrylic glue with the exception of the barrels which I used CA. Acrylic glue is pretty much invisible after it dries. However, CA glue is a little stronger join. Sometimes, I find the softer, more flexible joint with acrylic glue preferable over CA. There are also ways to make the acrylic glue even more invisible in the end by wiping away any excess glue with a wet (with water) paint brush and wicking away any left-over water with a dry brush. Can't do that with CA.
  12. Not a whole lot to report at this time, but work continues on the DoY just at a little slower pace. The Admiral decided she wanted the back patio reworked for the summer and that has taken a high priority in the grand scheme of things. The good news is, it's mostly done now. Our youngest daughter turns twenty at the end of this month and my wife intends to throw a party for her, thus the patio priority. Now, to turn attention to the ship...completed is some work on one of the main gun turrets, and the eight secondary gun turrets. I am finding these Pontos instruction photos very difficult to follow, rendering them unusually time consuming for me. The problem is a lack of continuity between any logical construction sequence and the photos on the printed pages. One has to sift through the pages many multiple times to find the appropriate detail photos for the construction at hand. Currently, I am working on an area of the superstructure that gets reworked to accommodate the ship's boats and cranes. It receives a new deck, and completely overhauled deck fittings.
  13. You will have to get used to painting with them, just like you would any other different paint medium.
  14. These last couple of pictures made me realize how large the coach model is going to be when finished. Somehow, I had it pictured in my mind's eye as a much smaller model than is actually is in real life. I like the progress you're making on it.
  15. This hull is going to look great when you get it finished. The preparation you're doing is key.
  16. I'm certain he knows. Am just hoping he doesn't hold it against me or my goose is cooked.
  17. One of my favorite Floquil colors used to be "old aluminum" or some title similar to that. Many of my model building friends freaked out when Floquil quit making paints and everyone made a quick run on all the available "old aluminum" paints they could get their hands on.
  18. Those MRP are enamel paints? Do they recommend their own brand of reducer, or will generic products work.
  19. A tour in Marine Corps, never hurt my back. Seven years of boxing, never hurt my back. Years of high level football, never hurt my back. Years of lifting all sorts of very heavy objects at work, never hurt my back. A kids birthday party, while grilling hamburgers and hotdogs, our little puppy walked behind my feet while I was stepping backward. Tried to avoid stepping on the pup and awkwardly fell backward but caught myself and no damage done...or so I thought until the next morning when I could not get up out of bed and had to crawl to my car to go to a doctor. The moral of the story, you can do extremely hard. heavy work all your life and a five pound puppy can end up wrecking your back. Go figure. Hope you get that back straightened out, Carl. I know first hand what a painful aggravation it can be.
  20. When I first began building ship models (or any other type of model), there were no parts like these, either. Maybe it was the 80's when I first began to see photo etch parts, I can't remember for sure. Verlinden was making them back then, and other cottage industry parts. But they were very thick and crude by comparison to today's photo etch. The same with cast resin. Very crude at first, but today's top quality cast resin is amazing. What's just as astounding to me is the quality and precision of the turned brass parts. Take a look at those pom pom barrels and I ask myself, how the heck do they do that? It seems like something that small would just break apart during the machining process.
  21. Just for the fun of it, I took this snapshot of all the parts that go into the building of one single pom pom gun. At first glance, it's hard to see how this could possibly end up as a pom pom gun. But it does.
  22. Thanks again to all for your kind comments and encouragement. I must soon begin a project to build a larger display cabinet as my ship collection keeps growing.
  23. Just a month ago, I was looking through a search on Amazon for Woody Joe models (and they offer a wide selection) and found a 1:250 Yamato kit for $289! Because I have been receiving the monthly installments from DeAgostini and am currently at month 8, didn't quickly move to buy it though I should have. My remaining 4 installments will cost me more than the entire kit from Amazon. When I looked for it again after a week or so, it was gone. Not surprised really, someone got a fantastic deal on the complete kit.
  24. Those chutes on the front of the gun remind me of the copious amounts of spent shell casings that must have fallen from an AA emplacement with 8 guns when it was all fired up!
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