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Everything posted by samson

  1. Hi Nenad thanks for looking in . yes sometimes it is not always the most obvious material that has the best effect. but I've been happy with paper for many things, it's cheap. you have a lot of it. it's dull to shape. and in the small scale model is even the thinnest wooden veneer too rough. cheers Jens
  2. Hello everyone After a long break, I have found the model hobby again. and to restart softly. I have redesigned the lifeboats. I have sanded them round and then planked them up with paper strips . an idear i got from following Nenad "s build .
  3. Looking great . good luck with the coppering .
  4. Nice tabel a good faundasion for a strong wellhouse, im schure.
  5. Hi Denis Lovely scratch build you making . I think you have big susses in criating your ship ower the frams of the Mary Ann. i too have build the Mary Ann . And that one i spesaly enjoyed building as it was ritch in details and it was my first rc. model . Happy buildings Cheers Jens
  6. Hi Popeye thanks for your kind suport and Im glad you like my dead eyes Cheers Jens
  7. your frame woark look wirly good and it looks to bee a wery fine houl . look forwart to se the result . cheers Jens.
  8. Hi Nenad Thanks for your suport . presiate it Cheers Jens
  9. Hi Nenad my simpathis as well.
  10. Hi Elijha Thanks for nice koment and suport Cherers Jens
  11. Klaimed som meters up on the main mast Still kliming too the top .
  12. wery nice blocks you make. and lovly model , wel don .
  13. Hi All . and thanks for nice coments Popeye , i hawe not deskribed the dead eys propperly . it not paintet silver or alu. I was short with the dead eys left over from Artesania Cutty Sark so i hawe to get hands on about 150 pices . its posibal but wery expensiwe .i desided to try to make them my self. - not with muts luck at first then i tryed with a 4 mm alu pipe filt with 3mm wood stik, and kom op with this : 4mmAlu pipe fild with 3mm wood 1 example of my dead eye 1wood - leftower from artesania C.S. 1 plast from the kit supost to be put on . I tryed to find a collor to hide a way it was home mad . I ewen tryed of in the riging to see if they worked , and they ded. But now i think i just put them on as they are - and i tink too they look coole rare as they are.
  14. you are an expert in the details and detective work. you might have been the perfect Crimean seen investigator Buteful worke
  15. Hi All. just gathert a small opdate to shove you . just a kind of haf way with main mast [mellow] still long way to top.[glare] Cheers All. Jens
  16. It looking good and Im glad you solwed the problem with the stand so well. it com out wery well.
  17. I came to think of, I have never introduced their mother Cheers All. Jens
  18. HI Elijha that's right - they bite, but it's not my biggest problem. it is the platypus it ate the first one I made. Since then, all 3 on a leash now they are now completely uncontrollable Cheers Jens
  19. Hi All the mast construction is slow so a day's work is not a photo worth, 3 days might justify 1 or 2 photos I started with the spider band here are 3 stages only one is finished Cheers All
  20. hi it looks great . i too have a goo eye to thous old riwer boots . i will folow with interest . jens
  21. hi popeye I will paint "the tops" white and overlay them with 0,7mm lists eventually prevent them being painted. Otherwise, I started in Zoo department for the promotion of the platypus and now has bred 3 individuals. Cheers
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