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Posts posted by Overworked724

  1. Ok. Poop deck rail stanchions are done. I bled profusely (again) for my ‘art’ and took the time to snap a pic of the proof. The admiral was not impressed but I was able to squeak an extra pity beer from the larder to help stem the blood loss and numb the pain. :cheers:


    I decided to try the toothpicks in a different way this time. Gotta love it...all the trunnels are toothpicks, so why not the rail stanchions!  Besides, they look pretty good and not as boring as the square timbers that are called for in the plans. 


    Also finished painting the channels and chain plates...paint is drying. 


    Moving on. :dancetl6:








  2. Tales of my demise have been slightly  exaggerated. But work did get in the way. 




    Decided to make my own chain plates. Chinese soldering iron kit and flux was 19$. 26g silver coated wire from Hobby Lobby was 4.59$. Learning how to get down the technique was about 10K$ of my personal time. (I was a terrier in my past life...quit is a dirty word!).  Finally got the plates to a place where I can look at them without gagging. 


    Made a a little jig to setup my deadeyes.  Nothing awesome...just looking for reproducibility. 


    Decided to examine how how to make the cap railing stanchions. Finally decided to try something ridiculous. Since using square stock of basswood is boring, I wondered if I could use some Japanese toothpicks I brought with us from our April trip. We shall see. 🤔













  3. Well. Tried and failed on the plastic pintles/gudgeons. But that’s ok. At least now they are just irritating, and not exhausting and intimidating!!!


    Some progress...Finally got the stern fashion pieces on which complete the stern. I cheated. I said I wasn’t a good wood carver. Make them out of sculpy (cool stuff that sculpy). Not too broken up over it. I made them by hand still...:dancetl6:


    Pics below.  Can now plan a final coat of tung oil before starting to work on the bow area. 


    Moving on!






  4. Also read my log.....you'll see what a real beginner looks like when jumping in!  LOL  Enjoy the ride, frustration, success, and minor victories that come with building.  If you are a model furniture maker, you probably already have a very good eye and skillset for the wood ship arena.  Unlike myself....but it is fun to learn.  Lot's of folks here with oodles of experience.


  5. Thanks Ron/John!


    Not certain that I would classify myself as an artist...more like a 'stubborn hacker'. 


    Funny....after I mounted the current rudder, I my mind started racing on what other materials I could have used...since my head got stuck on 'wood' (i.e. paper) and metal (i.e. copper sheeting) for the P&G's.  Sitting at my desk, I realized I could have used plastic and paper clips as well.  We have some clear plastic file folders from Japan which are just the right thickness.  And the small, plastic wrapped paper clips (I like those...they have a good 'grip' on paper when you use them) would be perfect for the pins.  If you straighten out the paper clips, you can glue the hinges to the 'pin' with the plastic on...and strip away the plastic just above the hinge!  It would work - and you would not have to worry about gluing metal to metal. The stripped paper clip is just about the same gauge as the 22g wire I was using earlier.


    Going to try that a bit later and post the pics. 


    The reason I am fussing so much is because the hinge is non-functional (locked in place).  Since the hinges are paper, they are fragile, and I am a bit leary of it not lasting until completion.  This was also the reason why I made a couple of additional rudders and hinges.  I used wood glue to mount the current rudder...so if the current one gets damaged, I can simply clean it up, and mount a new rudder/hinge assembly I will have sitting in the wings. 


    On a positive note, I looked at the Sultana this morning, and she did look like she passed a milestone!  =-)





  6. Ok. After spending 2 solid days trying to get metal to stick to metal (which is impossible without welding apparently), I finally made an executive decision. Paper pintles/gudgeons (P&G's) it is. But I've learned a few things. 


    Paper is is easier to deal with, but it is fragile. You can see how they deform and lose their integrity after painting with acrylics. (Solved using a black magic marker). Don't have acid free paper, so maybe next time. 


    Photos below. 


    To put this in perspective...I have built and painted three rudders, and made multiple sets of P&G's of both paper and copper stripping. I have sliced my fingers repeatedly, and my hands are literally caked with glue (wood and CA), white and black paint, and blood. 


    I am quite serious when I say that the rudder is by far the most ridiculous chore yet. I did not enjoy it. 😏  The end result is OK...but frankly would like to say that the next time I do this part of a ship it will be with pins and premade parts...I mean really...what kind friggin manufacturer is too bloody CHEAP to put them in a 'beginner' kit!!!!??? This was way more difficult than it should have been. And doubly more so for a beginner like me. 


    Ok. Sorry ... my Vent is over. 


    I used a yellow manila folder for the P@G's, 22g wire of the pins, carpenters glue for prep and mounting. No paint...just a black Sharpie to avoid damaging/deforming my paper P&G's. 


    Moving on...to get a beer and ignore this model for the rest of the evening. 











  7. I hate Pintles and Gudgeons. Model Shipways was too cheap to include them...sigh. Paper P&Gs are difficult. The water in the paint (acrylic) breaks down the fibers and it loses its shape, and starts to disintegrate upon too much manipulation. Metal does have some advantages. 


    Hey...great idea...how about some folks give me some ideas!?  


    I dont have metal cutting/soldering tools. So how do I make these things?


    going to bed...

  8. Well...can say I have been making many attempts at the pintles and gudgeons (P&G's). None in the 'kit' so have to make them.  As I said, I gave up trying to make them out of copper. So made a few attempts with paper.  The right paper and technique eludes me, but if I can hack it through with a decent result, I'll call it a win and move on!!


    Following Chuck's guide, made a simple jig with wood and a 22g piece of wire to prebend the paper P&G's. Then used the same gauge wire to make a string of them (used Wood glue...seemed to be easier to manage than CA glue).


    Drilled a small guide hole into the upper edge of each gap in the rudder for the pin to fit into  The 'pin' in this case is simply the small excess of the 22g wire left after trimming. 


    They turned out ok...but the proof will be in the painting/mounting. We shall see!


    Moving on...  :pirate41:








  9. Dear Bob


    Beautiful work!  I am hacking my way through my own build on this site, and one aspect I have been dreading is the pintles/gudgeons.  I have the rudder (3 actually....just in case I need spares!) ready, but try as I might, using copper stripping seems to be a lost cause - but then again, I have no good experience as this is my first wood ship build.  I am very interested in how you prepared and mounted your pintles/gudgeons using paper.  If you would, any response would be helpful since I would like to follow a 'paper' path to mounting my rudder as well - since it seems to be the path of least resistance. 




  10. Note to newbies like me...ship plans are useful for visual guides. I copy and cut out various portions of the deck i am working on to ensure my ruler/divider is not lying to me.  I find that the more you progress, the easier it is to get some type of assymetry in the look/shape. I have quite a few areas on my model where this has occurred. The plans help my visual brain recover from the gaps in the measurements. 


    As Gunny Highway would say..."Adapt!!! Overcome!!!" :dancetl6:

  11. After considering my next steps, decided to suck it up and make the cat heads. Overall was a good attempt. Nothing quite as terrifying as cutting off chunks of your ship. :stunned:  Was extremely careful not to overtrim the gaps in the cap rail to fit the catheads. 


    Will paint tomorrow. Moving on....to bed. :cheers:





  12. John - Thanks for your note!!!


    Can't tell you how much I appreciate the kind thoughts and support!  The furniture has been fun to build...and frankly, I was surprised at how well it turned out considering it was my first attempt at such an endeavor!  I actually read (and have reread) your log on the Sultana and you accomplished that which I could not have done - make the ship look realistic using the included metal parts.  My skill in painting is pretty poor - and I simply had no idea how to prepare/trim/sand down the parts without completely destroying them.   (My shameful secret - I am scratch building the furniture and whatnot because I don't know how to prepare the supplied cast metal parts.  :piratetongueor4:)


    I have a long way to go - but my brain is already trying to get past the rudder, paint touch ups, catheads, stanchions/rails, knight heads, cheeks, chain plates, deadeyes, trim, masts, spars, booms, and sprit...it is the rigging that scares me most!  Never done it before...rigging looks so complicated. 


    But, onwards and upwards.  I am simply trying to log as much as I can of this build for myself and for future newcomers to the hobby to follow - and avoid my many impatient mistakes (e.g. Drilling the gammoning hole in the wrong place on the stem!!  Over sanding the foredeck!!  Using CA glue to support my planking!!....etc. :default_wallbash:)!  This is my first wooden ship model...and I am sincerely hoping I can finish it...!  (The admiral already has plans on where to put it.)



  13. Okay. Not much progress this past weekend. Scratched my eye...recovering.  But I did manage to make the galley stack. Once again, pretty much eyeballed it based upon measurements from the plans. Looks much better than the kit supplied one. 


    Also got the pawl made. Need to paint and trim down the copper tongue.... but looks ok. 





  14. Got the bitts done. Used 2.4mm square dowel. Cut and gently sanded the pieces, cut the notches and ensured good fit. Stained and glued. 


    Celebrated with a beer and toasted my mad genius and awesome skill as a novice ship kit builder. 👍🏽 🍻 


    Moving on...to the galley stack.  





  15. Just posting some pics with the furniture I made in lieu of the cast metal pieces. The difference is stunning. I have some newfound respect for handmade fittings and furniture. Honestly, without Chuck's practicum, I would have been very uneasy about making these initial attempts. Although I have not followed Chuck's guide in all cases, it does give you a great crutch. 


    No fear!!!  😁





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