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Everything posted by Gerhardvienna

  1. Hi Tadheus Repeatedly, Great work! Could you solve this 16mm problem? Regards Gerhard
  2. Hi Bob Thank you, saved this for later use............. Regards Gerhard
  3. Hi Popeye I use plywood when I build "normal" frames in the upside down method, but the CAIRO needs another way of making the frames. So i have to cut the frames from 5 x 5 mm "sticks", glue them in a form, and then set them to the keels. The planks will be made from 6 x 2 mm pinewood, this is very good for such works. Even bending them is easy, when they are wet enough, and sanding is no problem. More about that will com later, next wek will be filled with more work for my home renovation, so there will be not much time for the models Today I will continue with the windows, thanks for compliments! Regards Gerhard
  4. ME too............. That vents look more than just good! I would need some for my CAIRO build Regards Gerhard
  5. Hi Joe I use an electric soldering tool, so there is nothing burning. My wife would kill me doing that in the livingroom ......... Hi popeye I use a lot of soldering wire for that grills, and grind them after soldering. So I get a good surface for painting, without the danger of breaking the grills. Today the rest fo the grills were made, the last one still needs to be grinded, all will be painted flat black tomorrow. Finally for today, the ordered pinewood has come, so I can start with the hulls frames Thank you all for watching and all that likes! Regards Gerhard.
  6. Back again from a short break, thank you all for watching & your nice likes! The next steps for the large skylights are done, all window frames are ready cut, and the first grill is soldered. The large grills are a lot harder to make, they have 9 fields instead of only 6 at the smaller ones. The frames, all have carved cutouts for the grills and glasses All frames fit to the body og skylight The grill for the first frame Grill set in for a test before painting Regards Gerhard
  7. Good question.......... Not for the Heroine, but for the Cairo there are some infos here to find https://archive.org/details/storyofcivilwarg00petebut no detailed infos about the amount of wood they needed!
  8. Hi Johann I just can repeat myself, magnificent artwork! Regards Gerhard
  9. Hi Elijah Great job you are doing here! When I remember myself at your age, I was not even able to hold a small saw correctly ......... Regards Gerhard
  10. Hi Jparskey You got me hooked on this one! I`ll follow with interest. Will you make her a floating model? Regards Gerhard
  11. Hi Antony Perfect work, all looks really good! Regards Gerhard
  12. Nice work on the mast, Nils! As I can see from the photo, you will have a lot more of soldering work to do! And the railing will be another masterpiece.......... Regards Gerhard
  13. So far about history, Thank you, Ken! Today i managed to make the first two window frames, I decided to make two frames for each side of the skylight. The original were over 7,5 meters long, wooden windows of that length would bend too much and possibly break. The first frames Regards Gerhard, and thank you all for your so many likes!
  14. When it comes to riverboat tugs, there is the Eppleton Hall, now located in San Francisco. She was sailing from England to SF in 1969/70, and was (is still?) at repair works in the SF shipyard, as Theodore Miles from the SF Maritime National Park Library wrote to me via mail in 2014. He attached a photo from the ship to that mail, I`m allowed to show. Dont forget, the EH had no steering house, but an open steering stand! There are good plans for free at the LOC http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/ca1508/ Regards Gerhard
  15. Hi Bob Here is a link to one more photo of the Thealka, mybe you did not know it http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/WebZ/initialize?sessionid=0:javascript=true:dbchoice=1:active=1:entityCurrentPage=Search1:dbname=LaCrosseSteamboat:style=LaCrosseSteamboat:next=NEXTCMD%7FQUERY?&context;:term=LaCrosseSteamboat.steam18943.bib:index=oi%3A:fmtclass=multifullnf:bad=error/badsearch.html:entitytoprecno=1:entitycurrecno=1:entitytempjds=TRUE:numrecs=12:next=NEXTCMD%7FFETCH?&context;:recno=1:resultset=1:format=F:next=html/nffull.html:bad=error/badfetch.html:entityresultsrecno=1%7F%7F Although it does not show much from the ship, I find it interesting. Regards Gerhard
  16. As I see that from the plans and the different models, the Cairo was only armored at her casemate and the steering house, all parts above was not. So the upper part of the wheelhouse, was in real danger fo beeing destroyed by cannon shots. But I expect, they would have known, that it would have made the ship roll very hard, when all that "high above deck" parts were armoured. The center of gravity would have been much too high! Regards Gerhard
  17. Hello Cathead Most interested, I`ll stay tuned.......... There were also very interesting workboats in Austria, as the "Bollinger Bagger" wich is shown in the Vienna Technikal Museum, a model in 1:8 scale. http://www.technischesmuseum.at/object/modell-bollinger-bagger-baujahr-1839 Would be a good scratch built for me, but there are no plans, not even in the museum Regards Gehard
  18. Hi Elijah Thank you again! And so many thanks for that likes!! Yesterday I had to make a break, now the second, larger, skylight is in progress The wooden parts for the body are cut and glued, a bit of grinding work is still to do. The frame Middle section with cutouts for the hinges The raw built body of the large skylight Again, many thanks for watching Regards Gerhard
  19. Hi Ken Thank you too, I`m sorry that my former hobbystore has closed, the next well sorted is about 10 km away. So I had to find another way to do it. Hello popeye Seems to be good glue for that reason. but the US are much to far away, til i have the glue, all is done and ready Hello again to all interested, thank you for your nice likes!! Today I could almost finish the smaller skylight, all the hinges are soldered , and the glasses are glued into her frames. For glueing I used 10 minutes 2components epoxi, the hinges are made from 0,2mm brass sheet, and 1mm brass tube, the bolts from 0,5mm iron wire. Hinge before soldering all hinges done First test, still without glasses set in The first of the glasses glued with epoxi The finished skylight Regards Gerhard
  20. Hi Mark Good idea! I have some similar glue at home will try this for the window glasses. Just some home works to do before I can continue, will be back later! Regards Gerhard
  21. Hi Popeye Yeah, LOOKS ready, but still the "glasses" missing. I make them from a sheet of clear plastic, and glue them to the frames with superglue. And a hook and eyelet is missing too! So, I`ve not finished them. But today is a break in the home renovation, things will come together. Regards Gerhard
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