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Everything posted by Ian_Grant

  1. The same problem as in an airplane bathroom? 😁
  2. Oh, HaHaHa! I don't have the box from the 70's; I just found that image...... No tilt, no height adjustment? That's very limiting in a saw, all right.
  3. Hey man, I didn't know you had a Proxon! Congrats! Looks like an interesting small model. Remember my old Lumba-Lumba which was balsa? ... not ideal for an RC boat; too soft. Still has a ding where George's boat hit her. 🤨 She's still in the basement drydock. Here are two of the fleet which you may remember.
  4. More progress. Finished the inner bulwarks at bow and stern and added all the cap rails. Archery tower painting is complete now too. Next steps are a little light sanding of remaining areas of the external hull, then on to painting it in all its gaudy glory. One thing I am wondering about is the brass and copper "bling" from etsy. Most of it will be painted yellow, except for gold colour at the stem itself. Will CA glue the backs of these strips to a painted surface, do you think, or should I CA the metal on to the sanded epoxy resin then paint the detailing in situ? Opinions please, bearing in mind that this will get wet on the water. Pictures; Overall shot. I wish I hadn't made the bilge so rounded and large, but my weight estimates were off as explained earlier. It will be unseen when on water. And now that I see the entirety, It could do with a 3/4" reduction in beam. Oh well, no one really knows about these ships for sure. Stern. The brass tube in the middle is for wire leads to a possible "flickering LED" lantern hanging off the fantail; the other two are the rudder tubes. Speaking of which, I can't figure out how to draw the fantail decoration for either laser cutting or 3D printing. Limitations in TinkerCAD on the one hand, and my understanding of Inkscape on the other. The bow. Marcus likes his tower. Boat with all removable deck portions off.
  5. Maybe you're right. People debate how to paint copper plating on their models. I just like the look of this verdigris, and everyone will know what it is.
  6. Yes, I recall going to the hobby shop in 1982 and asking the guy if I could see inside the "Victory" box before buying. He was excited to comply and we both gazed reverently at the fantastic hull engraving and sprue after sprue of multi-colored parts. Fond memories. 😉
  7. This kit is the opposite of a starter kit ..... along with the Soleil Royale it is one of the most complex plastic sailing ships on the market. At least they claim to have improved the instructions; not sure if they're better or just separated out a bit onto glossy paper.
  8. Did you make those deadeyes Michael? To me, a daunting task.
  9. Nice coils, Bill! I like your jig too; I painfully wrapped mine one at a time round the two ends of my tweezers .... how foolish .... 🙄 ... will do it your way next time. Ship looks great! Regards, Ian
  10. I'd like to suggest the "Great Eastern" with its interesting mix of prop, paddlewheel, and sail; and storied history. A rare model subject. Or the "Great Britain", another ship rarely provided as a kit. Both fine examples of innovative Victorian engineering.
  11. Great work! Good to see another builder incorporating 3D printing. It is changing the modelling world, in the corporate-speak of high tech, a "disruptor". Have you considered a laser cutter at all? That too is a game-changer.
  12. The tumblehome looks great! Judging by your bow, they must have a bazillion fancy shapes now. When I was a kid you built your airplanes with rectangular bricks and pretended they were streamlined. The most we had was bevelled bits intended for sloped roofs, and 90 degree bend pieces fitting onto a 2x2 area, no custom colours. I remember watching my kids with specialized kits for the space shuttle, star wars, harry potter, etc and thinking they (Lego) had taken all the imagination out of it.
  13. Hard to believe there wouldn't be a brace to the stern plate at the upper end of the "lower flagstaff" (as opposed to the "flag top-staff"???). Even more basic question; why are there two parts to the flagstaff, with a little "cap", at all? Seems like another Hellerism to me. Perhaps Marc has some historical prints which shed some light on this.
  14. Hard to see - does the flagstaff have a connection to the taffrail/transom, for support?
  15. Agree with Marc; I've been following you with admiration since your 1765 Heller Victory bash. I love the look of the wood deck here; and the bulkheads, of course.
  16. There needs to be a new topic "Lego Ships".
  17. This is very cool! I am gobsmacked by those lego ships! Never heard of Lego creation software either; I now plan to have a play with it. I am now following to see what you come up with.
  18. Looking very nice! I believe, though, you have the gun facing backwards on the base; in post #24 the first photo looks correct in that the ropes will restrain the recoil. In the rest of your photos its turned around and the gun crew is at risk of being killed by the recoil. 😏
  19. Anywhere near me in Ottawa?
  20. Interesting. Prompted me to look up my pictures of SS Klondike. You can see the black pipe in the insulation gap just above the right hand axe. Pipe at right has another interruption in insulation; not sure why.
  21. Beautiful work. Err, is the foremast not facing backwards? ..... probably just dropped in to show the colours?.....
  22. No, it hasn't been too bad as yet .... -10C (10F) at night. We actually had a green Christmas 😭after a single mid-December snowstorm granted us three days of glorious Nordic skiing before melting away again 😭. We only just had more snow; I skied 3 hours today (we have 200km of groomed Nordic trails in wooded hills a half-hour drive away). More cold in the forecast so we're hoping to skate on the canal if the ice thickens up. Last year was the first time in 53 years that the canal ice was never safe for skating.
  23. Looks great, BIll! Your billowing topsails and topgallants are very nice and I like the being-furled courses too.
  24. Micheal, it looks great! Touching on a topic that has come up in Soleil Royale logs, are there no access ladders from the main deck to the 1/4 deck?
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