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Everything posted by Rpolson

  1. Thanks for the detailed log...looking forward to continued progress! Richard
  2. Nice work Justin!....Do you remember the size of the guns you ordered as well as the carriage size? Richard
  3. Fantastic....I really like the weathered look....How about a seagull perched somewhere onboard?😀 Richard
  4. Having recently restarted my BLUENOSE build, this is inspiring me to do better! Richard
  5. Fantastic! I've noted that most group builders are building at 1:32 scale vs 1:48. Richard
  6. Great pics! Are the plans available on MSW? Richard
  7. Simple, but functional. And it looks great! Richard
  8. Can hardly wait for your silver soldering tutorial! Richard
  9. Thanks for sharing...very informative... Richard
  10. Are the two black bands surrounding the pumps wood or ? Richard
  11. Nice work! FYI: The link in post #3 (2 page drawing) appears to be broken. Richard
  12. Nicely Done! I noticed in some of your other projects you mention finishing with an acrylic case. Can you tell us your source? Richard
  13. Interesting project. Staudt's plans show 2 cannon sizes. Are you turning both, or only the longer version? I like the choice of wood. Nice work! Richard
  14. Thanks for sharing! I wonder if there is a chance to purchase cannons for those of us without a lathe? Richard
  15. The keg is a nice touch. Care to share how you made it? Richard
  16. That would correspond to 14AWG wire size. But, as you said, the toothpicks work easily! Thanks for the feedback. Richard
  17. I was going to use appropriate size black annealed wire. But your treenails would work too. Thanks, Richard
  18. Nice work! Curious as to what you are using to simulate the bolts. Richard
  19. Dave, I agree with Svein on the simulated treenails. For those of us treenailing, what is the size of the treenail? Richard
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