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    petervisser reacted to samson in Cutty Sark by samson - Billing Boats   
    Hi Denis
    Thanks for your comment   
    cutty sark in the window sill is artesania latina. i built it approx. 2010- 2013 it is a fantastic good kit with high quality material selection. I built it half after instruction and half after pictures of C.S.

  2. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Cutty Sark by kpnuts - Artesania Latina   
    Your model is looking mighty fine. I am neck and neck I think in our build of this model although I am building the Billing version. It's always interesting to me how each one of us tackle their model with regards to how and when bits and pieces get added. I really like how yours is going and it will be stunning when completed.
  3. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Cutty Sark by samson - Billing Boats   
    Hi Jens,
    Just looking in and am really impressed by your model. I also had a look at kpunts Cutty Sark just now and its amazing how this model gets the treatment by various modellers. A real inspiration for me. I am envious that you are working on the masting and rigging already. You have done beautiful work in prepping the masts and yards. I wish I had your talent for making all the fittings for them.
    All the best going foward!
  4. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. Now that there is some colour on the model, it really starts coming together. I just realized that there needs to be some white trim added to the hull and some decoration. I will start prepping that while I finish the decks. So much to think about and plan. Kinda fun really.
  5. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from Ondras71 in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    I used the Zinsser sanding sealer to prep the hull and get it nice and smooth. That took several coats, but with this scale of hull I wanted it perfectly smooth. Then several coats of Humbrol enamel paint were applied by brush. Finally the copper plates were applied to the hull. I picked up the copper tape from a shop that specializes in stained glass supplies. The roll of 3/8" tape is 36 yards and cost me about 20 bucks Cdn. That process was a bit of trial and error, plus more errors and some more trialling. But finally I had them all on to my satisfaction, Good from far, but far from perfect. Anyway, here are some pics of the process...

  6. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from samson in Cutty Sark by kpnuts - Artesania Latina   
    Your model is looking mighty fine. I am neck and neck I think in our build of this model although I am building the Billing version. It's always interesting to me how each one of us tackle their model with regards to how and when bits and pieces get added. I really like how yours is going and it will be stunning when completed.
  7. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from etubino in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    I used the Zinsser sanding sealer to prep the hull and get it nice and smooth. That took several coats, but with this scale of hull I wanted it perfectly smooth. Then several coats of Humbrol enamel paint were applied by brush. Finally the copper plates were applied to the hull. I picked up the copper tape from a shop that specializes in stained glass supplies. The roll of 3/8" tape is 36 yards and cost me about 20 bucks Cdn. That process was a bit of trial and error, plus more errors and some more trialling. But finally I had them all on to my satisfaction, Good from far, but far from perfect. Anyway, here are some pics of the process...

  8. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from etubino in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    Well, things have been progressing in the ole shipyard. I worked on a bunch of the fittings for the foc'sle deck including the bowsprit so that I can eventually finish the decks and put the foc'sle in place.
    Once those little jobs were done I could start work on finishing the hull.

  9. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from JayCub in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    My third attempt at building the foc'sle is a keeper I think. The first attempt used the false deck cut out by the original builder. The second atempt although good, was messed up a little when I varathaned the deck too early. Now the third one is built and dry fitted and I will add the detailing once the fittings have been added. Here are some pics...
    I used a garbage can and magnets when applying the planks to the false deck so that a camber could be introduced to the foc'sle.
  10. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from JayCub in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    The inner bulwarks did not finish off pretty so I decided to add some linings to them. This also helped me with the freeing port problem I was having. By cutting ot the openings in the liners, I won't have to cut though the hull. I will simply affix some dummy freeing port doors to the outer side of the hull when that time comes. The liners also helped witht he tricky painting that needed doing at the waterways. There is the problem of attaching the stanchions and the deadeye straps that they will alleviate, but I have yet to figure that out altogether...
  11. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from JayCub in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    The windlass also needed some work so the purchase rods and crosshead handles were added.
  12. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from JayCub in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    I also worked on the foc'sle. My initial attempt did not work out so well as I was using the deck the previous owner had cut out. It proved to be too small and there were large gaps between it and the hull planking. Unfortunately I had already planked it so that proved to be a waste of effort, and wood...
    Again, I traced the outer contour of the hull in that area and got the shape of the foc'sle deck. I applied the planking while the false deck was in place because I wanted the camber. To do this and hold the planks in place while the glue was setting I could not use any type of clamping. So I devised a new method of holding them in place with magnets. I taped the magnets to the underside of the deck and placed the other magnets atop the glued on deck planks.
    Here are a couple of pictures to show what I mean.

  13. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from JayCub in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    Time to catch up on the ole build log before it gets ahead of me. I have been doing work in a few areas before finishing off the hull. One of those areas is the caps for the bulwarks. Ideally I wanted to apply them as soon as the hull painting is done. Initially I wanted to use the "mahogeny" that I had on hand from an old kit I had been given a while back. That that proved impracticle because I could not saw it without it splitting/breaking when I sawed across the grain. I also had sheets of basswood on hand which I ended up using as they did not break. It's not my favourite wood to use but it is available at my hobby store here in town and I can stain it to suit.
    I start by tracing the outer shape of the hull at the bulwarks to have a baseline from which I can measure to get the width of the railing cap. Here are some photos of the process. The initial pics show the wood I initially started with.

  14. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from JayCub in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    After having a little debate with myself about adding a windlass, I happened to be at my local hobby store and they had a Model Shipways version for sale. Well, that meant I had to add it to my model...
    I wasn't sure if it would be worth the effort because it is under the foc'sle but with the cutaway, it is definately visible. Using Longridge's book I had a good idea what it's supposed to look like. I didn't use all the bits and pieces, just enough to make it look somewhat authentic. After the assembly, I used some Humbrol satin black paint and voila!, a windlass was born.

  15. Like
    petervisser reacted to James H in 1:48 HMS Ontario - out now!   
    Hi all,
    MarisStella, in cooperation with The Art of Age of Sail, have just released their new kit, the 1:48 HMS Ontario. This is a multimedia kit, including many traditional elements, but also some 3D-printed , resin, and photo-etched parts. Finished model will be 81cm long. 
    We promise to being you an in-box review of this as soon as we can. 

  16. Like
    petervisser reacted to kpnuts in Cutty Sark by kpnuts - Artesania Latina   
    Hi well I've got the latrines and the latrines pump done, this is such a major undertaking I can see at least another 2 yrs in this kit.

  17. Like
    petervisser reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    I've returned to the second planking layer of the wales now. The first four strakes are 3/64" x 7/32" and will be painted black. 
    The fifth strake is the black strake will be added after the wales are finished being painted and will be left natural in color.
    As the wales and black strake are supposed to taper to almost nothing at the stem. This is to make them look like they fit
    into the rabbet. I pre sanded them down to 1/64" before gluing them in place. This helped me smooth them down without
    having to take as much off and risk damaging the stem.

    Here she is in all her dirty glory. The starboard side is unpainted and the port side with a first coat of paint.
    I am using Admiralty Paints "Matt (Metal) Black"




    Many coats of paint to go and then I'll add the black strake.
  18. Like
    petervisser reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    I've spent the last couple of weeks completing the first belt of hull planking on the starboard side. Both sides have
    been preliminarily sanded with 150 grit and received one coat of wipe on poly. Once I finish planking the rest of the
    hull I'll give it a good final sanding with 400 grit sandpaper. Now that I have completed the first band of planking I'll
    now go back and add the wales. From this point on I'll do a majority of the planking with the hull upside down.
    This will minimize the damage to the wales and their paint from my clumsiness.   






  19. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Cutty Sark by kpnuts - Artesania Latina   
    Hi kp. Were it me, I would cut the frames off altogether flush to the keel and then cut out the notches in the keel again. Then I would fashion out some new bulkheads and start again. Hopefully you have the full size drawings to do that.
    All the best with your Cutty Sark.
  20. Like
    petervisser reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Lining of gun port on lower gun deck on port side is done. Lining is done from a balsa tube (shown by other builders here at MSW) made from 1 mm balsa. It is a fast and simple method of lining the gun ports and ensures that each gun port gets the same size and correct rectangular shape.

  21. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Cutty Sark by samson - Billing Boats   
    Hallo Jens,
    I am also building this old kit, that I received from a friend. Mine has the even older mahogany wood for the hull planking which I will be replacing. I enjoyed looking at your build. You have used some original techniques which add alot of interesting details.
    Thanks for posting your log.
  22. Like
    petervisser reacted to Rustyj in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:48   
    Hi All,
    It's that time of year where my part time job becomes more than full time. Plus the admiral decreed
    that the rec room needed new decking. At least it helped me work on my plank shifting! 

    So I used Chucks supplied tick strips and lined off the hull. I then I proceeded to plank the six rows of the first belt
    on the port side. It's been lightly sanded and I will wait until the full hull is planked before finishing the sanding.
    I'm off to start on the first band of the starboard side.



  23. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Outstanding so far Mark. It's a pleasure to follow along on your build log. Lots of great hints and tips!
  24. Like
    petervisser reacted to marktiedens in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Update - The middle wale is now in place & painted along with the yellow areas.  The black is Model Master paint & the yellow is Vallejo yellow ochre.  I also figured it was a good time to plank the upper counter.  Not sure where I`ll go next - maybe get the waterline marked & finish the black below the main wale.


  25. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from Duanelaker in Vanda-lay industry tools   
    Hmmm, and I thought they specialized in latex...
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