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Everything posted by RGL

  1. the Base is done, as you can see from the frets behind there is a lot to go, but it’s time to paint
  2. I could probably make this piece 5 times to get it perfect but that’s not going to happen. When painted it will be less noticeable. I only ever ever use a cigarette lighter to burn CA off PE.
  3. That would have made that process at lot easier!!!!
  4. Um, don’t know what that is, I just bent them around a drill bitt. They are about the size of a thumbnail so any further details added just would get lost in glue.
  5. Torpedo launchers done, I have left off some details that are just not visible to the human eyes.
  6. Ah ha! Cog’s back! Nearly every PE instructions I have seen have some type of beni g instructions not the finished product that just mentions the part numbers. For instance, the rear end of the torpedo types require rolling then wrapping around a drill bit to even come close to being right, and I’m yet to see any instructions for that.
  7. I’d hate to think what would happen if this was someone’s first PE set! It’s quite hard.
  8. So next, think Ikea flat pack but with this as the sum total of instructions
  9. Fletcher amidships, there are two lots of torpedo tubes to go yet.
  10. The railings will be individual stanchions so that’s easy, I can mask the hull and probably stencil abovedecks.
  11. there are so many variants on these destroyers I’m just sticking to the ‘as built’.
  12. No matter who makes PE, it’s all pretty poor. An amazing amount of research and zero tolerances and there is an expectation you are an engineer. Pretty much advanced users only. My latest instructions say look at the photos for guidance for pieces that are not mentioned in the instructions.
  13. This is a great photo of the camp I’ll be attempting
  14. Massive task mate. It will suck up a huge amount of aftermarket, it’s always confusing as Pontos seems to have so many advanced add ons you don’t know where it stops.
  15. Thanks gents, there is a lot Of PE, and yes, I’m going to paint her in the 1942 camp pattern just to torture myself with different oil canning. Her next refit had added more AA guns. Next build will will be a monster.
  16. But wait, there’s more. This is the instructions for the radar, and the end result.
  17. Believe me, the instructions just show photos of how it looks after you’ve built it and points out the part numbers. I’d call it ‘advanced’ when it comes to PE.
  18. I’ve sanded the structures first. Seems to be working so far.
  19. It actually looks right! There is no detail below the boot line which I need to add.
  20. Progress of sorts, hull joined up and the brass non slip footpaths added to the deck. Light coat of primer so I can start drawing up hull plates. Then the main gun mounts. Resin v plastic,
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