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Everything posted by RGL

  1. I really lost the detail of the side armour panels. So I scribed them again and gave them a dark grey enamel wash to bring out the detail.
  2. But wait! There’s more! The large grey bootstrap. The waterline is midway but apparently they rubbed off really easily due to the lack of enamel during the war. So, a quick mask, some chipping fluid, some grey, rub it off a bit. I’m really happy with where I’m at with this. I can now airbrush a waterline with green grunge and white for salt. I’m interstate for a week so nothing will get done. Then my plan is to put the deck on perhaps then do weathering.
  3. Doing the wetting for the worn effects, three layers of paint over the top is too much. Still comes up ok.
  4. Hull colour. First, 2 layers of chipping fluid. Next a blue grey undercoat next a lighter grey highlighter for the panel lines finally light grey overspray. Ill give a a couple of hours then do some chipping
  5. Only Boxing Day. I’ll get the template to you Friday. It’s a lot of work to get the lower hull plate measurements correct, then when you do the holes for the booms it all comes together
  6. So, already knocking two pulleys off, the forward 88mm gun doors which the kit makes no reference to but every photo existing shows.
  7. Now, question to those of you that know boats, this open source photo shows alge on a hull. How long would it take to get this kind of build up?
  8. Now, the three sisters of grunge, grey black and green. Using very filter light grey to overspray, then diluted black to draw in the ribs, a light grey overspray again to tone it down. There will be a large dark grey bootstrap which I intend to almost rub off (all the references show it rubs off easily) then I can add a salt and green alge coat.
  9. So, a couple of coats of chipping fluid then a base overcoat if Red Brown, and a highlight coat with Raw Sienna to bring up the highlights of the panels below the waterline.
  10. Unfortunately at .3mm it’s a slow manual engineering job. Anyway, I’ve now drilled every hole in the hull. There’s a lot of brass to go above the waterline. If I tape over brass that has gone on top of primer it will be pulled off when I remove it after painting the lower hull. So, time to paint the lower hull.
  11. Not really, my HMB endeavour had about 5000 treenails, but I could drill the wood with a Demel, this is with a Pin Vise. I left the curly wurlies as you call them Cog so I could see where I was up to as I was watching a German TV series at the time and unlike you I have to read the subtitles
  12. I’ll sort that out. Over 400 x 0.3mm holes so far, probably 20 to go for rigging blocks. I might paint the lower hull next.
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