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Everything posted by RGL

  1. I wrote the script for its’ status on the log. It’s the only way it would have sensibly have been tenable. I’m Getting my head around the usually poor Korean instructions and wondering how the hell I’ll paint her but get silly with superdetailing her.
  2. The kit, extra planes and replacement anchors, extra life rafts, range finders (not included) and a metal crest . Lots of PE. It will be the same length as Yamato but this was the tallest of all the aircraft carriers.
  3. So, the next major build and my first aircraft carrier. Trumpeter 1/350 Graf Zeppelin, with the MK 1 design detail up set which is significantly more complex than the Infini set. Extras such as more aircraft, range finders etc. The history, well, it never fought, but, after a lifetime of reading history, I’m now a bit of a fan of alternative history now. Setting the stage for where this build will lead; Just imagine, no Operation Barbarossa. No 2 front war with the Russian bear, France held captive, England slowly strangled, no diversion of resources from the Middle East to support a Nazi seizure of middle eastern oil fields; Egypt overthrows British hedgemony blocking the Suez Canal and become a Vassal state. Spain isolates Gibraltar, Malta, under constant barrage from Italy and Germany, catipulates, the Mediterranean becomes an Axis Lake. The US continues supporting the UK but Japan’s atrocities in Hawaiian islands see political passion aim at Japan first. Germany does not declare war on the US. Soviet Russia invaded China, joining the Axis in 1942, sending hoards of men to the edge of their nation to blockade and US footbridge near Alaska. Hitler had flown to Moscow that year, seeing nothing he wanted, Living room could be achieved elsewhere. The buildup begins to defeat Japan but the Royal Navy struggles to keep trade lanes open, their vast armies of the commonwealth now in India having been blocked from returning home and not strong enough to force the return to Australia. Tirpiz, and the aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin attempt to strangle the trade routes to the UK, decimating undefended or poorly defended convoys with air power and Uboats. The new Aircraft carrier Peter Strasser comes online and with the pocket battleships Hipper and Scarnhorst, England is incredibly isolated. US escort carrier pilots now face elite multiple aces from the Luftwaffe. Summer, June 6, 1944, worn from continuous operations in the North Sea, DKM Graf Zeppelin, Along with the other carriers, Elbe (ex passenger ship Potsdam), Seydlitz , Peter Strasser and Gneiseau, prepare to send a hoard of near obsolete Ju 97’s to sink the last British aircraft carriers as they return to try and block Sealion 2, with BF109T’s for top coverage. And it starts
  4. Allegedly Trumpeter are going to make one as it’s in their upcoming projects in their catalog it they have a habit of falling through. I’ve seen the resin one and it’s a tad expensive.
  5. I don’t even know Very Fire made one? I’d love to see some photos.
  6. No#1 son will be Rowing all winter and #2 will be playing rugby, plus the Rugby World Cup will be on. We have a new dog on order as well so life is busy. I really want to build the CV1 Langley that Trumpeter has promised but not yet released. Maybe next year.
  7. Vendetta was UK then went to Oz. France and Italy have some nice ships too. The Russian aircraft carrier would be a great build and now China is in the game too.
  8. You’ll all be happy to know I have purchased the next kit, plus aftermarket and done the research. I like to do only three of each nation; so far Russia Varyag 1 Varyag 2 Germany SMS Emden SMS Seydlitz Britain HMS/HMAS Vendetta HMS King George v Japan IJN Ise IJN Isuzu IJN Yamato USA USS Spruance USS Fletcher so, that leaves a choice of Germany, USA or UK.
  9. Last AA gun arrived. Very nice and easier than the 5 star offerings. The netting comes with the upgrade. As this is a 1942 build there is nowhere near the amount of AA Guns that came in later variants or upgrades.
  10. Light rust on the hull plus some salt. No more than that for this build. I just need the borfors to arrive. Went to a lumberyard and bought some off cuts for a base.
  11. Cattleman’s cutlet, roast potatoes and carrots. Delicious
  12. I think it’s lighting OC, this is such a dull paint job, I’ll do a better job on the final shots I promise. I kinda lost interest in this one about half way through as it’s a lot of plod. I’ll enjoy this build a lot more when I get to a bit of weathering.
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