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Everything posted by RGL

  1. I photocopied a few sets of the plan (inA3), then cut them as a strip. Makes it easier to align. The starboard side is actually different to the plans. Not that easy but it HAS to be in a strait line for the nets to sit flush and aligned (if you deploy them).
  2. I just found this photo of a German ship deploying an anti torpedo net. Great reference shot for how the rigging works.
  3. Thanks. ships boats done and plonked on. I need to rig the cranes properly now. Im off to the beach for a week now, we’ve just had a week of 40 degrees Celsius here so time for the others to catch up.
  4. Ok, boats are painted and time to tie them to the dec. the aft funnel and mast have been removed for this part
  5. Next are the trestles for the ship’s boats which go amidships. Skylights and cable reels. There are 4 sets of bollards which are not supplied by Infini and it is expected to use the kit ones on the plastic deck but there are very recessed into the deck once the wooden one is added. As such I used 1/700 battleship bollards which are the exact size. Next will I’ll be the ship’s boats.
  6. Infini provides chain but I didn’t like it and replaced it with spares and used narrower stuff for the chain stoppers.
  7. Forcastle area, there are so many little bits to add it has to be done piecemeal or I get lost. I still have a lot to add to this and weatherthere are about 60 coal scuttles added, and a few skylights.
  8. This is a shot of the Von Der Tan looking forward towards other battlecruisers with Seydlitz in the lead. Notice the side railings are all are all folded down and there are a mass of ropes and cleats for the anti torpedo net rigging. I am still pondering how I’m going to replicate this on the deck.
  9. I find I need to take it in bite size pieces otherwise I get lost in the details and forget what goes where.
  10. The three main superstructures are done, there is a fold out flybridge to go yet but I need to do stuff to the deck which will place them at risk
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