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Everything posted by RGL

  1. I’ve been really lucky, essential services etc, not much has changed at all
  2. My plan is to have it to the side, this is a photo of a 1/100 scratch build which led me to believe the kit may not be accurate! you won’t build it? How about Seydlitz?
  3. The aircraft launch rails, tiny, painful with 50 little guests on each side. The hangar cover scratch built ( you can see the brass one behind it that is too small) and it appears to be a canvas covering
  4. Depends on what colour they are in real life (I airbrush mine, Primer, base colour then a rust wash). Otherwise it looks like cheap jewellery
  5. The PE starts. With this piece stuck down I can start the deck features.
  6. So, lightly grunge up, I need to leave it for a day to let it set them I can re mask for the boot strap then upper Hull.
  7. A bit of oil canning, (it just reminds me of tartan), I’ll let it dry till tomorrow then grunge it up a tad.
  8. So, back to work. Strange to do a green Hull. New challenge step 1
  9. BNA is still shipping, and they have denier line. The AUD has tanked so it shouldn’t be that bad. The fading thing is a nice effect. Look up a bloke called Jamie Duff, he runs a site dedicated to warship camouflage
  10. Mate you’re doing an amazing job. When I did KGV I still can’t understand how to put those cranes together. Looking forward to following
  11. He does 1-2000 scale (and sells them too). His tool set must be amazing as he’s also really fast and scratch builds them
  12. And back to Zara. Bit of touch up to get the hull plates right at the bow, some trimming of deck features that need to be replaced. Now to drill a lot of tiny holes for 2 bar stanchion poles.
  13. So that’s the 3 Russian ships done now, parked in the digital graveyard
  14. Done. I don’t think I’ll ever build another Zvezda kit.
  15. Some of the water dioramas are fantastic but they take up a lot of space unfortunately.
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