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Everything posted by RGL

  1. I’m at a roadblock with Zara so I thought I’d make a start in my next build, Borodino I’ve purchased both the Gold Medal Models and White Ensign models PE upgrades (they are both very nice and have critical omissions complemented by each other. A wooden deck and a barrels set. I then bought a cheaper Pontos set for Sevestapol because it has a full set of torpedo nets, booms, masts and some PE all of which I can use on this and future builds. I have ordered new resin turrets and other goodies from Russia. I’ve only found 1 other Borodino with a fully rigged torpedo net, so this will be a very busy build.
  2. Well, I think the mail from China is obviously sick, and I’m a bit stuck as I can’t progress as I have no idea what I need to do with the PE as there is no online instructions. might start Borodino
  3. I always drill the portholes, I’ll have to clean them out again now because of the multiple layers. They’d just fill up.
  4. Masking the hull plates. I’m not going to weather this heavily so it will be quite subtle
  5. Absolutely Daddy Rabbit, people go Primal pretty quickly and mobs are dangerous creatures. There is also a massive problem here of people buying up all the baby formula they can and re selling it back to China. unfortunately it’s not going to stop any time soon
  6. The sooner everyone gets the flu and gets over it the better. At least toilet paper will be available in Australia again.
  7. It’s just amazing how classy the interior details are. Amazingly impractical but stylish.
  8. Hull together, bilge keels and shafts added. I can now do up the hull plates after an overspray of primer
  9. So what I’m awaiting from China (apparently it’s on the way but everything is so slow due to the flu), Shipyard works upgrade with a wooden deck as well apparently
  10. She didn’t last long enough to get a dazzle pattern. She would have been better served with flash less gun power (the Italian Navy didn’t order and) for night battles and radar
  11. It must be given that’s the focsle, the configuration is of a Zara Class Cruiser now
  12. So there are two large panels that cover the hangar that slide (or are lifted) to the side and the crane lifts the aircraft out or in. This diagram shows an older version of aircraft with wings that were removed, ands with a hoist, but it appears the Trumpeter Zara kept this width were the WW2 version obviously widened the hatches. . This is a screen capture from a gentleman who made a 1/100 radio controlled model of Zara. Notice how he has a wider and longer deck hatch as well.
  13. Next is the hangar itself. This took me forever to find diagrams of it, The rails and hanger deck of the actual kit are not to scale by the looks of it and needed widening. So eventually it should look like this
  14. This class of ship carried two observation aircraft in front of the fore turret. The kit provided a single aircraft and I want to have two so I bought a six pack of them, an Imam Ro.43. I've sacrificed one for scale practice so I can see how it fits in the hangar.
  15. The bow piece has some very nice etched in panels, but a silly faux chain which will have to go. the railings for the seaplane will be replaced. As well as the coverings so I can park one below decks. The kit only gives you 1 so I bought some more to make mistakes with. the stern has some nice plastic wood on which I’ll be putting a stick on deck.
  16. So all up the ship is a little over 50cm. Hull already drilled and wooden blocks put in for the brass stands the stern has some moulded prop guards which need to be replaced the bow has a little node for the paravane chains this is one if the Italian cruisers (can’t really understand its source) being salvaged after WW2 in Taranto Italy, but is shows it’s quite substantial
  17. A few more photos, some are of her sister ships. A wonderful open source site for ships plans in the Russian language and there is also a forum with 130 pages of every Italian ship imaginable. http://forums.airbase.ru/2007/07/t30810_99--chertezhi-korablej.html Why the red and white bow? because the Italian air force at the beginning of WW2 attacked every ship they saw so the navy had to paint them for recognition
  18. Years ago I got the Anatomy Of The Ship book Bartolomeo Colleoni, and thought what a beautiful ship. So many of the pre WW2 Italian ships were, (but not that good in the real thing with other navies with Radar). The Trumpeter Zara is a new mold, with nice features and a decent upgrade sets on a slow boat from China. I got some Profile Morskie line drawings as well. I've spent the last few weeks scouring the internets for photos and references, most of the research gold is from Russian sites so my plan is to populate a lot of this build with photos of Zara that are very very hard to find.
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