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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Only 1/400, I did consider her, but finally decided it’s out of scale. If there was a decent upgrade set for the pre dreadnoughts I’d be all over it.
  2. I read your build before doing my Vendetta. I’d love to do one up as a 1945 but it’s too expensive to really upgrade her and there is no truely accurate reference
  3. now a bit of chipping, weathering next. The decal went on and would not for the life of me allow me to re adjust it, as such it got a bit roughed up.
  4. Oh absolutely, an under coat with oil canning in black and dark red, seal it, Chipping fluid then grey oil canned overcoat and then chipping. once that bit is done the rest will come together very quickly
  5. Not getting a great deal done with other things on, but masked and over sprayed a hull plate belt, shows up a fair gap on the bow.
  6. I've decided on the Borodino because unlike the french ships, there are a lot of upgrades for it. These kits are pretty clunky without them. Mind you, the Zvezda kit is very cheap but I've ordered some upgrades from Russia as you can't get them anywhere else in the world, I'll get the GMM PE and a wooden deck, new barrels. It closes off my 3 Russian ships that way. By the time it all arrives I will have finished the little torpedo boat and the next in the cue....
  7. So, whilst I’m doing a distraction piece, What would you like to see, a big Sov battlecruiser like Kirov, their plagued aircraft carrier, a old French pre Dreadnought, but I can’t do German, USA or IJN, but something big and iconic
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