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    RGL got a reaction from Old Collingwood in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Getting there, the anchors are attached, I just needed some micro chain to secure them, there is no reference to it in the instructions. All the guns are now attached as are the flagstaffs and one set of stairs. 
    I just have to attach the lifeboats and fabricate some braces for them, and I am awaiting some photo etch rope coils from the Ukraine.
    I added the shafts and screws, and propeller guards which are by no way known referenced in the kit!

  2. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Thank you for the likes and comments, I don't think I'll ever show her or my Endevour though, the shipping to the states would be a killer.
  3. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Getting there, the anchors are attached, I just needed some micro chain to secure them, there is no reference to it in the instructions. All the guns are now attached as are the flagstaffs and one set of stairs. 
    I just have to attach the lifeboats and fabricate some braces for them, and I am awaiting some photo etch rope coils from the Ukraine.
    I added the shafts and screws, and propeller guards which are by no way known referenced in the kit!

  4. Like
    RGL got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Getting there, the anchors are attached, I just needed some micro chain to secure them, there is no reference to it in the instructions. All the guns are now attached as are the flagstaffs and one set of stairs. 
    I just have to attach the lifeboats and fabricate some braces for them, and I am awaiting some photo etch rope coils from the Ukraine.
    I added the shafts and screws, and propeller guards which are by no way known referenced in the kit!

  5. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Onto the ships boats; 12 in all, nothing overly complicated. What is complicated is how I'm supposed to secure them to the davits properly as they seemingly are just plonked down. The Eduard fret has a semblance of braces but not the Artowx fret. Mind you, the boats are very nice. I drilled out the windows on the large cruiser and put brass rims on them to actually represent windows and not just a resin divot.

  6. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Next are the torpedo booms. There is no bracket on the booms to hold them to the ship which exist on the real thing. I used parts of the oars from the Eduard Fret to add them. there were not rigged in most photos that I saw so I didn't even try, whilst I could have it just would have looked messy. I think Artwox could have done these in brass as other era ships have of these details, and that allows them to be swung out.
    I took the old girl into the sunlight which shows her up nicely.
    anchors, chains, props and prop guards to go, as well as the replacement 47mm. Then the lifeboats.

  7. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    the searchlights, a couple of nice pieces of resin and photo etched cradle, and two tiny flywheels on the base. There are six in total. I also included some to scale 37mm rapid fires at the stern (next post)

  8. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Bit more to the layer cake, the awning stanchions and the boat booms. I know it kinda looks messy, but to the naked eye it's not that bad.
    Next will be the torpedo net booms.

  9. Like
    RGL got a reaction from coxswain in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Getting there, the anchors are attached, I just needed some micro chain to secure them, there is no reference to it in the instructions. All the guns are now attached as are the flagstaffs and one set of stairs. 
    I just have to attach the lifeboats and fabricate some braces for them, and I am awaiting some photo etch rope coils from the Ukraine.
    I added the shafts and screws, and propeller guards which are by no way known referenced in the kit!

  10. Like
    RGL got a reaction from Ian_Grant in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Onto the ships boats; 12 in all, nothing overly complicated. What is complicated is how I'm supposed to secure them to the davits properly as they seemingly are just plonked down. The Eduard fret has a semblance of braces but not the Artowx fret. Mind you, the boats are very nice. I drilled out the windows on the large cruiser and put brass rims on them to actually represent windows and not just a resin divot.

  11. Like
    RGL got a reaction from hexnut in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Bit more to the layer cake, the awning stanchions and the boat booms. I know it kinda looks messy, but to the naked eye it's not that bad.
    Next will be the torpedo net booms.

  12. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Slow plod, I have added the stanchions for the stern, bow and amidships. They come with a 0.1mm copper wire which does not blacken well and does not run as well as a 0.01mm rigging line. My eyes hurt this is so small now. 2 hours to do the bow. To the naked eye it looks great compared to the etch railing.

  13. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    The last of the prepared stuff, being little funnels along the ship, the capstans which I have not painted in black and white stripes, as I tried and it looked crap, nothing detracts from a model than a crap job! the Captain's cabin skylights on the rear deck and the maxims at the bow.
    Back to the grind now of railings, but I think I'll take a break for a while and do some gardening.

  14. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Just as a comparison, I found an old photo of my swivel guns from my Endeavour, then compared the size of these things to it. 

  15. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Then the paintjob, the 2.5 inch barowski, the 37mm (I have done them in all black but may use a gun down version of the 47mm yet), the 47mm which have some white on them as they will be going onto white pedestals, , the 75mm and the showpiece 152mm.
    I'm not sure if I want to just re do the 47mm all over again and just order another set.

  16. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Guns completed today after 2 days of painting. First off the primer and top coats.

  17. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Ok, just to prove I do know something about rigging for those that missed my previous log, I added a photo of my Endeavour in its case.  it is nerve racking! Every time you hit a line you think something is going to snap off. At 1/350, belaying points are a nightmare and whilst you could not use it on a proper ship model, the ezyline stuff has heaps of give and does not pull the model if you hit a line by mistake. The guylines on the funnels first.

  18. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    The rest of it is pretty much follow the dots, each pole is an individual brass piece, and this covers the last the adhesive wooden deck for the kit.
    The ladders are now all on. A reminder for anyone who builds this kit, the ladders/steps need to be bent into place before painting, as it is sooooo thin they will not bend inot place after painting. Most of the etch with this kit at least doubles in weight once painted.
    The next step will be to rig the funnels then start on the masts.

  19. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Today I got to throw together a heap of stuff that has taken ages to prepare. First the hatch covers. You can see from the tic ta, the size is small and a zoom lens brings out fault that are not really visible in person

  20. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    I glued on the amidships structures as the life raft railings will be attached to them. Not happy with the doors, I added aftermarket doors on top of the ones already placed on their so they actually show up. I also added hatches to some of the structures that are in the designs which are not included in the kit.This included a door not mentioned anywhere but the design plans that are the entry to the Coaling hatchways.

  21. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Bollards. yet again, do not drink coffee. The smaller ones are about 1mm. If you choose to build this kit please for the love of god do it off the model and not on it like I did. The detail is lovely but just tiny. they have a little bit of gloss from the glue which I will paint over. There are 4 fairleads in the instructions, 5 provided in the kit, which i used to place on the stern which the constructors drawings depict.

  22. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    Then finally time to bite the bullet and glue down the deck. The middle and stern deck does not need gluing. Just drops in snugly. The bow deck does need gluing but they are all 99% flush. There is a slight gap where the hull meets the resin part with I will block up with some card. The next step is all the belaying points as the same as a tall ship it will be rear impossible to get to the points when the deck furniture is added.
    If you look closely at the bow and stern you will see tiny little holes where I am going to attach individual stanchions and run individual wire rope between them.  The upper railings are just that, railings.

  23. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    The thing is with closed spaces you can overcapitalize. The inside of this is just tiny, so I did up the panels inside, voice tubes, wheel, binnacle, leather lounges that are just visible in the photo and the blueprints. You can't see much once closed up but it's still visible. The floor was a photo of a spotted lounge I once owned in the 1990's sans the girl sitting on it.

  24. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    So, back to the drawing board. I used a .4mm brass rod to make the top rung, cut offs to make the side rungs and then the remaining frets of large companion ways to utalise the third and centre arch. To put the size in perspective when in my hand this is bloody fiddly.
    My head hurts. I now have to attach the rims with the dogs on them and do the doors then paint the base, black on the outside and white on the inside and leave the struts in brass.
    The photos of what i expect is the Varyag post the battle with the Japanese and a more modern photo is what I expect came from a refit. 

  25. Like
    RGL got a reaction from popeye the sailor in VARYAG by RGL -FINISHED - Artwox - 1/350 - Plastic, resin and photoetch - Protected Cruiser   
    The deck, alignment at the bow was a bit difficult as the hull needed a little work to get it to fit snugly, requiring the dremel to dig a bit out. The rest of the pieces fit well, but the stick wooden deck requires very very precise alignment, as .5mm out means you require a little bit of file work.
    I dry fitted a few of the pieces and they come up nicely. I'm still not happy with the doors and will probably replace them. I intend to attach the ladders internally beforehand as well as the pieces that I blackened that will be bases for the cannon and bollards.
    The centre piece is snug enough that I probably will not need to glue it, but the bow and stern pieces will require gluing. It is my intention to have most things done prior to fixing them so I can check alignments before throwing it all together.

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