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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. After the ship was ready for installing the new (standing and running) rigging and the new sail. Also the mast was replaced with a new one, better crafted as the existing one. Also the deck varnish was refreshed and some other minor improvements and repairs were made. The two sails:
  2. The first thing to do in the shipyard then, was the dismantling of the old rigging/sail system.
  3. After preparing the new sail, the I bireme was transported from its display position to the shipyard.
  4. Frankie (JerseyCity Frankie), here in the blog, whom I have to thank a lot, gave me the advice how to to do so. So now I went to experiment with the way he explained to me. Using the GAC 400 stiffener. 
  5. Three years ago, as I did not knew then (in 2015) how I could install a sail looking filled with wind, I finished my Amati Bireme 1/35 build, with a folded sail. Today I have decided to replace the folded sail with a new one, a new one filled with wind! . (the build was not posted 2015 in the Gallery. but later 2017)
  6. hi Dan,

    Its me again 😅... sorry to bother you, but it seems  I got a new problem. I try to change the title of my last thread ("Wind blow Amati Bireme...") but it doesnt let me. I can edit all other posts of that thread.



    1. Dan Vadas

      Dan Vadas

      I have no problems editing the title if I want to (I haven't yet). What did you want to put in it?


      You need to go to the FIRST post to edit the title. If you try another post there is no Title Edit Box.



  7. Hi Chuck

    Its me again 😅... sorry to bother you, but it seems  I got a new problem. I try to change the title of my last thread ("Wind blow Amati Bireme...") but it doesnt let me. I can edit all other posts of that thread.



    1. Chuck


      You need to edit the first post in the topic to change the title.

    2. MESSIS


      thanks for you response Chuck... but I did that but nothing happens. So I deleted the topic and republished it again.


      thanks any way



  8. yeap Geoffrey... you are right! I just saw this log, its a great piece of work. Ill follow it myself. Well done Mayohoo! Christos
  9. Jeff am sorry to hear this... am a parent myself and know how hard it was for all of you. Good thing that your boy is going well now. Thats the only important thing now.. that he recovers rapidly and fully and he grows up happily as he deserves to Have patience... be strong and am sure everything will be fine again my friend. Lots of positive thoughts for your family christos
  10. Steven found in.my biblioteque a book published in 2011 by the Greek Postoffice together with a collection of stamps of ancient ship models. There is a dromon among them.... a lot of pictures and details and a lot of text pages about dromons. Think will be interesting for.you Christos
  11. Standing rigging: finished And now the new challenge: running rigging and filling the sails with wind😈
  12. I dont know Russ about hairspray, but am going to make an experement before I start Hermione's sails.Am going to try GAC400 on a new sail with which I plan to replace the folded sail of my bireme. If that works Ill go on with Hermione... if not then the folded sail now on my birem will remain in place. I let you know about this project because am going to post pictures.
  13. Anxious to finish the standing rigging and make the first experiments with sails and GAC400... maybe I get to make sails filled with wind. Standing rigging at its final stage:
  14. You are wellcome. I hope you are right and is bassewood. But most important: your boy is soon able again to enjoy the summer. Christos
  15. Standing rigging comming soon to its end and in the meantime more crew members are getting allready on-board... cleaning the deck floor and checking the cannons.
  16. your planking is not the best.... but its also not the worst.Actually I think its not bad at all. And still you can work it more after you finsh the planking with carefull sanding and the use of a good paste (we discussed that the other day). The only thing I dont understand is how you end up with no more planks , when you say you havent broke any.... thats weird So keep going and get yourself some more wood. Try and buy the same wood which I believe youll find at the site of Artesania Latina. stop been hard to your self Dilbert55 is right. Christos
  17. Sorry for my disagreement.... but I advise Scotch Whiskey!😉 Anyway you guys, I really enjoyed your conversation about "what do you build first". Here is my own beginners story: The pattern I followed was succesful but actualy I followed it unitentionally. Without reallising it by the time , I went up, through the road of history. I just followed boat building through time: 500 BC first build, 350 BC second and so on... 10th century AC and now lastly a 17th century build. First build 2015 Bireme by Amati 450bc. Finished with succes (beginners succes)(here in gallery) Second build 2016 "Olkas".Thats an ancient greek trade ship (350bc). I got it as a gift in a box without label.There was a drawing in greek and it was a kit for the "Kyrenia Ship" found in Cyprus sea back in the 60s.I modified it to a more general variation and made out of the Kyrenia model a typical variation of olkas (the greek trade ship of that era)(here in gallery) Third 2017, was the well known Drakkar (viking ship) apr. 9-10th century AC from Amati. Worked and finished it it with more than a few modificatios. (here in Gallery) And now lastly (started March 2017) Artesanias Hermione.... (build log available here in MSW) So in this way the challenge had a porortionality, based on the actual shipbuilding historical development through time. Ofcourse a lot of reading was nescesary. Also I got a lot of help through friends here in our MSW Blog. Tools were purchased through the needs of each model, but also alongside my maturing skills and expirience. Lastly I dont know if it really helped me the fact that I studied and had some expirience as a mechanical enginner. Never the less I rather believe that wooden model ship building needs mainly two ingredients: "passion and patience". ok guys thats my contribution to your enjoyable discussion Christos
  18. wish all the best.... healthy and happy Jeff. Waitting anxiously your new work Your friend Christos
  19. Thank you Jeff. Am following you as you know but you havent any new posts lately... how is it going am anxious to see some more of your good work. Christos
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