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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. @mtaylor Dear mtaylor, My wife doesnt have one.But last time I was planking I "borrowed" one from my daughter ..... as she found out 😰 wuao she was going to kill me!😁🤔 So I think I better buy a proper one.
  2. @lehmann Yes dear lehman you are obviously right .The thing is that you first got to have a soldering iron (I do have one) and then you have to have a round piece or a cylinder or something, which youll be able to attach well on that iron So I mean the investment for a new e-bender (€ 20-30) worths the inconvinience even of having only to modify a device you allready have. I think so... . though its very correct all what are you saying. Thanks for sharing this. Christos
  3. I though so my self or better realised it as soon as you said to me "there is'nt a pinch of diference"..... Thank you Russ. Christos
  4. I have access to amazon uk and amazon de (Germany) but the item there is not available. I think I ll go for the amati bender or even for that of Artesania Latina (its also 30% cheaper). The one ftom Hobbyzone (Polen) its not bad but has a very expensive shipment cost to Cyprus. Thanks for your thoughts Russ Christos
  5. David thats a fine build! Great work there. And she is a beauty... oh yes! Christos ps. very impressive indeed the diferent wood colour grades of the hull (among all the others)
  6. Thanks Russ, So I went for the Shipways product trusting your experience. The only thing I could not find it in europe and bringing it from USA means extra shippment cost and VAT. You have been very helpfull my friend... and I believe you are right: "there is'nt a pinch of diference". And I am loosing my hair to make a choice 🤯 Christos
  7. amati vs artesania latina.... which one is better quality? Christos
  8. @James Thank you again. Christos
  9. James can I find Hobbyzone in UK... because just made a search without any succes.
  10. @James H, Wonderfull... a review. Thank you James very nice of you to respond and that with a full review. Hobbyzone has a great price when Amati costs £30 plus shipping. Thank you very much Christos
  11. Bob thank you very much. Everything you wrote its very intetrsting! Not to mention "wood bends in compression... outer side...(needs) reinforcment" Yes it helped a lot. Christos
  12. I never used an electric plank bender. I have always worked without one.I use warm water and clamps with some cylinders of various diameters. I dont know if this tool makes planking really easier. And if it is really a helpfull tool, again I woud not know which one to buy? I have found three: amati, artesania latina and modelcraft. Has someone allready used this tools? What is the experience made? Appreciate any help. Christos
  13. Next preparing all the yards. And first riging the spanker which am going to rig furled, in order to enable me to rig a big Burbon flag blowing slightly in the ship
  14. After all it was too high. As my good friend Mirabell61 advised me I moved the headsail lower and then I went on rigging the next one. My thanks to Nils.
  15. And here we go... the first headsail (out of three) is allready blown by the wind. I dont know guys how bad or good it actualy looks, but I think at least the sail is not hanging dead.... Does anyone thinks that the sail is hanging too high?
  16. So today I went back to Hermione and have started forming her Fore staysail. Its a new challenge again because I have never before done sails and running rigging of a period ship. But so far I am statisfied with the results and I am enjoying it.
  17. After the succesfull experiment to fill the sail, of my old Bireme build from 2015, with wind, using the GAC400 stiffener of JerseyCity Frankie's* method, I begun forming Hermione's Fore Staysail. *Frankie is an experienced shipbuilding modeller and old member of our blog, whom I thank very much for his help and good advising. For the experiment I made a new thread: here are the results: a sail blowing!!
  18. thank you donrobinson, Installing wires was my second choice. The bireme sail was actually an experiment in order to try the GAC400 on my build Hermione. The scale of Hermione 1/89 I think its too small for the use of wire. Anyway it turned out that GAC its very easy to use and I believe am going to have even better results in the future.
  19. And the Bireme went back to her display position in my library. Also two pictures are going to be added in Bireme's gallery here in our blog.
  20. so it worked! The sail looks the way I want it to look... filled with wind. Now am going to use GAC400 on Hermione's sails. With the experience I got I suppose it will be possible to form the sails more realistic.
  21. First attemt to raise the sail on the mast, just to check if and how the wind is blowing it. I think the experiment did not went bad! The new rigging its almost prepared and tomorow I ll try to finish the project.
  22. hey Trig... I had a worst experience with CA glue three years ago, I used it for days -more than a few hours every day- in a closed airconditioned room, due to the high tempretures in Cyprus that Summer. And after a whiele I had problems breathing... The doc said it was asthma. I was then 58 but never before had asthma. Doc said... maybe I never before experienced asthma, but that could have been always there... "sleeping". As he said, it looks like the CA fumes was what regrettably triggert my asthma. Very stupid of me indeed... now I know better, but its too late.. though he said there is a possibility that it can "slleep" again.... still my asyhma doesnt seem to want to go back to bed! Christos
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