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Everything posted by Rossi46

  1. Im sure i saw a surprise build log made to the book specs somewhere. Ill try to find it for you.
  2. Thanks, thats very kind of you. This build is definately exceeding my expectations but the truth is, i try to take advantage of every resource on this forum, measure twice and cut once and dry fit things before gluing. Those approaches have really served me well. I also knew early on which side would be displayed. So i do the hidden side first in case i discover a better or easier way of doing something, and apply it to my "display" side lol.
  3. No idea. I have read many of the books, but only to get a sense of life on the boats etc... Not from a technical viewpoint. The foremast and main mast both use the same diameter dowel, but the main mast is taller with longer spars. Im loving this build so far and basically followed my own whims when it comes to historical vs fictional accuracy.
  4. Ive also started the display stand/case. Its going to sit on the table and have acrylic sides and led overhead lights. Couldnt resist a preview😎 i still have lots to do to strengthen and add the glazing and top. Ive seen some really nice displays on forum and got inspired
  5. Thanks cathead. Im having so much fun just bouncing around on different things. Dont follow the order in the manual much, just avoid getting in the way of yet completed steps.
  6. Am i going to have trouble with the main sail fitting? I didnt realize the middle bottom sail was supposed to be up closer to the fore mast.
  7. Added the rear and front sail. Certainly have to be conscious of all the string running all over the place, but it sure looks cool. I quite enjoy the rigging. Interpretting the plans is continuing to be a challenge but ive found enough references to get through it fine
  8. Continuing work on rigging and ratlines. Also added a sail and the boom, which i prerigged with all the pre measured lines.
  9. I also made some last minute changes and added three lights. It was a pain running the wiring after the fact but im really happy with the results and it was worth the hassle and near disasters.
  10. Continuing with the shrouds and ratlines. Also finished the front mast. Placed some of the standing lines for the fun of it. Love the look of those, and they wont hinder the things i still have to do.
  11. Probably didnt need to attach the bowsprit and some standing rigging before even completing the foremast, but... I couldnt resist😈😎
  12. Finished all of the shrouds and a few ratlines for the main mast. Ill plug away at the rest of the ratlines while working on other stuff. The picture from the front side is one of my favourite shots yet. I cant imagine how it will look with full rigging and sails.
  13. I didnt wax them no. I found it not too bad without the wax to be honest, and i glue the knots to secure them and didnt want to affect that. In some spots there was a little white glue residue which i will touch up with black acrylic paint which worked great on a test area. Im sure some prefer to do ratlines without glue, but i find it very helpful at keeping lines clean and even.
  14. Im really excited to see a mast all done up with the ratlines so im completing just the main mast before going back to a complete other small tasks. The ratlines are going smoothly but it is a pretty slow process. I use a piece of paper with 7mm spacing to set the first knot in each row, then eyeball the rest.
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