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Everything posted by leginseel

  1. Hi Guys following Steves encouragement here are some photo's of my past months work. The coin is a Turkish 10 Kurus the size of a UK penny
  2. Hi Steve, thanks for your help as I'd pretty much given up. What frustrates me is that I have already posted photos without any problems!! Thank you for your kind interest I've done loads to the ship and the deck gear and have shed loads of photos. I will have another go and if it doesn't work conventionally I'll take your advice and try Faststone. Thank you once again for your encouragement. Cheers Nigel
  3. Please can someone help me as I am getting more and more frustrated because as you can see I have previously posted photos but for some reason I am now trying desperately to post with photos and I am having no luck at all. I have read through all the help and the other relevant topics and can find nothing I am doing wrong. I have changed my browser to use Mozilla Firefox and could get the images into my post but this error keeps coming up - 'You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community'. I don't know what to do next so please can someone point me in the right direction
  4. Apologies to you kind people who are following this log as I'm having fun up loading the photos, so please bear with me. The photos in the post above should have been in here. I hope I get the hang of it before I finish the build!! You will see that the photos have been placed in the wrong order but I'm sure you'd guess that. Cheers N
  5. I'm progressing pretty well and I am now faced with the sanding/shaping job at the bow, keel and bulkheads. I'm looking ahead to the deck planking and I am trying to find what the planking configuration was on the original ship. The kit comes with lengths of planking long enough to do the job but I think this is a bit of a cop out. I've read the Deck Planking tutorial and I'm looking to do 120mm planks with an 'every 5' configuration as I think it would look good. However, does anyone know what the original configuration was or was there a common practice for ships of that era? Here are some photos of where I'm at.
  6. Hi Everyone, here I go on my first build and I hope I can do it justice.
  7. Hi Steve, I've really enjoyed reading your log and it's been really informative. I'm just about to start a Constructo 1:50 Bounty and I'm just pulling some photos together to start my own log. I was really pleased to see your deck planking configuration as my kit doesn't specify what it should be and it provides long planking lengths which wouldn't be very realistic so I'm going to adopt your 120mm system. Thank you once again for such a brilliant log. Cheers Nigel
  8. As I read through countless postings I am picking up so much knowledge as I go and this tip is certainly going in my locker. Thank you for sharing it. Cheers Nigel
  9. I've just read through your log and I have learnt so much during the process, thank you . I can't start my build (my first ) until after the new year but can't wait. Just one small question - did you settle on 160gsm black card for the deck caulking because it looks stunning. Cheers Nigel
  10. Absolutely stunning work. The detail is mind blowing, congratulations you should be justifiably proud. Nigel
  11. I've been looking though your log in absolute awe!! I have a Constructo Bounty waiting in UK for me to bring back to Turkey to build after Xmas. This will be my first build and your comments and pointers from your log are invaluable. If I can come close to match this level of workmanship I will be amazed but the bar is set and I'm really looking forward to getting started. Thank you again for your log. Cheers Nigel
  12. Thanks for the advice Allan, is the glue you refer to like the Titebond range which I can get in the UK?
  13. Just registered to this site so apologies if this response/question is in the wrong place. I am a novice ship builder as I have made some matchstick models but I am an above average woodworker. So after the matchstick models I have just bought a Constructo Kit of the HMS Bounty. Has anyone had any experience with this kit who can give me any tips. Also from my experience kits never come with enough glue or wood. What type of glue do I need for this type of kit? I'm used to using standard PVA but suspect that won't be good enough.
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