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Everything posted by leginseel

  1. Hi Tim, looking good so far and good luck with it going forward as I'll look forward to following your build.
  2. Hi Vinnie the build is looking good, nice one. I'm currently working on the Bounty but I'm at the rigging stage. As for finishing I'm afraid it's sandpaper and good old elbow grease as there is no substitute. Good luck and I'll enjoy watching your progress.
  3. First attempt at the shrouds and crowsfoot for the Mizzen Mast. I had a bit of a nightmare with the shrouds looping over the top of the mast as there doesn't appear to be any means shown of holding them firm - just a loop. This is presenting problems with tensioning the deadeyes so until I can work out a way to hold it in place I'm leaving the deadeyes loose. Also with the shrouds there are 3 and everything I've read about them shows them in pairs. Have any of you guys got any useful tips on this? On this one I've seized the three strands together but it looks a bit clunky!
  4. Hi Zappto, As with all first time builders I'm in uncharted territory but I'm thinking that I will do as much of the standing rigging and ratlines that I can while the masts are off the ship which will allow me a little more room to work. Thank you for your kind comment.
  5. Hi Everyone, not posted for a little while as I've been busy on the masts, yards and spars. Didn't post while I was doing them as I thought it would be better to post the whole lot, so here goes This shows all three masts with their respective yards. Fore Mast Yards Main Mast Yards Mizzen Yards Bowsprit Yard and Jib I will now start on the standing rigging and I am still pondering whether to attach the sails or not.
  6. Now I'm onto the Foremast, here are some photos of where I've got to Now I need to fit all the deadeyes to the Top but I'm leaving that for another day.
  7. Made a bit more progress today and fitted the bowsprit Just got the deadeyes to tie off.
  8. Thanks for the likes and your kind comments John. I'm in a bit of a dilemma and my kit instructions don't help me. As you can see I'm in the process of making the spars and yards and the kit provides the sails but it gives no instructions on how to fit the sails, which is fine as there is a plan, but what it doesn't say is WHEN!! Do I fit the sails before I fit and rig or after? Please could I have some advice from the more experienced builders before I progress too far?
  9. Hi Everyone and thank you for the likes. Been busy starting on the Masts and Yards so here are the photos of my recent efforts. I'm sorry to say that some of my rigging is not up to the standard of most of you guys but I've gone 'off piste' as the kit calls for all the blocks to be rigged with wire and I really wasn't happy with that so I've done my best with the cotton cord.
  10. Hi Guys still making slow progress With the Mizzen Tops I decided that I'd rig them so that the tails connect down to the rat lines (eventually) which the kit doesn't call for but from what I've picked up that seems to be the correct method. I'm starting to realize that I have to double think everything to make sure that I don't create a problem in the future. I've also realized that my sausage fingers are not build for this sort of work!!
  11. Hi Everyone and a Happy New Year to you all. I'm back in the Boatyard after the Xmas break in the UK and glad to be back with the smell of glue and sawdust. Apart from a few minor things the hull and deck are almost complete so I thought it was time to look at the masts. The Tops seem to have an important part to play in the assembly of the masts so these were my first task. This is my progress to date but the edgings around the tops drove me crazy!! No matter how carefully I tried to bend the edging strips they broke every time so I scratched my head for a minute and decide to try Lollypop Sticks and they worked a treat!! The Mizzen Top is now ready for the paint shop with just the Main and Fore to complete which hopefully I will do in the next few days.
  12. Great work as always Jim. I'm just embarking on my masts and rigging and I'm truly mesmerized at your attention to detail as you're providing me with a fantastic 'go to' build for general information, thank you.
  13. Beautiful work Jeff, you should be justly proud of it. Happy New Year to you and yours. I've just returned to my boatyard so looking forward to getting back to it.
  14. Beautiful work Jeff and it's good that you have a sense of achievement getting everything sorted out. As for varnish I have been using Sanding Sealer as it protects and has a light finish on the wood. On painted areas I've used Vajello acrilic varnish using my spray gun with very light coats. Keep up the great work.
  15. thank you Steve, coming from you that's praise indeed. I'm in the UK for xmas at the moment and will hit the masts and rigging when I get back. Happy festive season to you and yours.
  16. Just come across your log - absolutely stunning work and a brilliant education for me viewing all the jigs you make - genius.
  17. Welcome to the site and I will follow your log with interest.
  18. Robert, that planking looks superb and as you say it would be a shame to cover it up, but my understanding is that much of the Victory build is covered up - lower gun decks etc., so I would go with your gut feeling because what ever you decide to do, it will be exceptional.
  19. That's a fair point about the Steering tackle Bob, I suspect that they were a little smaller and much nimbler than us!! Also they didn't have to worry about Health and Safety Legislation.
  20. this week I've made a little progress rigging the anchor blocks and making the chainplate racks plus some general tidying and fitting of blocks at various points on the hull and deck. I'm off to the UK in a few days so I really want her to be ready so I can start on the masts, bowsprit and rigging when I get back in January. Thanks to my followers and their 'likes' and comments. Have a Happy Festive Season and I'll be around again in January.
  21. Making more slow progress. Glazed and fitted both Aft Galleries, they need a little tidying up where I've cut into the wales and I've made both Anchors. The kit anchors were very plain and basic so I've added studs, bands and seized the rings.
  22. Congratulations Bob, you've done a fine job to be proud of - beautiful.
  23. Thank you for the comment. This is my first build so I've nothing to compare it to, but I'm really enjoying it so far. As with a lot of guys on here I'm finding that the kit falls short in some areas so it gives me scope for some elementary scratch building.
  24. Hi Firstly I'd like to thank my followers and 'Likers' for their continued encouragement. I've made a little more progress and as I said on my last post I wanted to tidy up the paint job on the aft galleries, which I hope look a little better. I'm currently in the process of fitting the window panes but after a while straining my eyes I thought I would take a break and fit the Windlass and Anchor ropes Now back to the Aft Galleries!!
  25. Aft deck equipment almost completed and anchors and culverins are in the spray booth waiting for their final coat. Looking at the aft quarter galleries now which doesn't look like and easy job. Done an initial paint job but not totally happy so I'll give them another look.
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