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About Rshaw

  • Birthday 07/14/1957

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  1. Rshaw,

    I would love all that you have re the newsboy. I can be pm’d at charlesstone53@yahoo.com. Would be happy to pay shipping and additional amount you deem fair. Also can be reached at 574-606-6895

  2. I think we have a winner. Thanks for all the responses and well-wishes. It ain't like I'm going blind or anything, just too bad to see tint details. Thanks again. Roger - Never paddled up the Muskingum but I've floated down it many times!
  3. Prior to retiring a few years ago I stockpiled a few kits to build. The eyes have since gone and I have a few kits left over that I'm willing to give to anyone willing or able to come pick them up. I don't want to mess with mailing anything. I live in the Zanesville, Ohio area. I have Model Shipways Newsboy, HMS Bounty Launch and Flying Fish. I also have Model Trailways Concord Stagecoach. All kits are new and complete. I have two of the Model Shipways USS Niagara boxes stuffed full of wood and spare items from my futile attempts to build that kit three times. All three attempts were abandoned at varying stages. Lots of stuff in them. I have extra line, barrels, buckets, fixtures, paints, sail cloth so on and so forth that are also all part of the give-away. It's either give them away or toss 'em onto the burn pile so come and get 'em.
  4. Hello all, I've been a lurker on this build log for a while now; since I started my own launch build this past spring ad used much info from it. I got the hull planked and everything was running smooth until last night when I decided to use my air brush to paint the poor thing. It came out most hideously and in an attempt to save the mess I decided to fill the sink with water and use a wet rag to wash off the ugly paint job. Not a good idea. The paint came off, no problem but over the next hour the glue let go on about half of the planking and everything else warped to about the same shape as a dogs hind leg. This was a combination of wood and super glues. I'll not try to fix it but simply feed it to my burn barrel out back. That barrel has seen a half buit MS Niagara and a MS Stage Coach (I think I had 4 pieces of wood assembled on that one before I gave up - long story) in the past 12 months. The moral of the story is, don't get your boat wet I enjoyed the log, though. Keep up the good work!
  5. I have one of the MS plank bending "soldering iron" things that I have never used to bend a plank with, but if you warm the thing up and run the MS line over it, it does a beautiful job of ironing out the spook kinks. I set it in it's holder and run the line under the plank bender. As the thing gets hotter, you'll have to move the line quicker but you'll figure that out.
  6. Great pics of the battle. We went up to see the re-enactment on Friday, only to discover it was done the previous Monday. We were able to at least get a bicentenial flag. The build is looking awesome!
  7. Ken, I guess it's been a long time since I've lgged on, sorry to hear about the original model taking a beating during the move. Perhaps you could changethe name to Lawrence and display it next to the Niagara? Did you make it to lake Erie for the big bicentenial re-enactment of the battle of lake Erie? The wife and I went up only to discover that it was on Labor Day and not on the actual aniversary which was a week later. It was a nice drive anyway, I guess. We were able to pick up a bicentenial flag at a local IGA so it wasn't a complete debacle I sorta gave up on my Niagara build at about the rigging stage. I bought a second kit for parts for a Newsboy of the same scale as Niagara. I drew up the plans with BobCAD CAM, etc. and just finished the hull planking yesterday. It might turn out okay. The new ship looks awesome. Good luck.
  8. Greatjob at reconstruction so far! You are more organized than I am. Signed, Rshaw (was Rockit)
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