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Everything posted by KORTES

  1. Thank you very much Jan, very informative. But looking at the photo i have to notice its not always like that. My best regards.
  2. My greetings, Dave. There's no point in coating with varnish the model as the functional yahts. The more so, it is considered bad form in the region where i live, the shine has to be matted. So, as uasually I plan on covering it wwith tung oil or linen oil. My best regards.
  3. Yes, for the assembling i used PVA adhesive and СA.
  4. Dear сolleagues, thank you very much for your kind words. My best regards, Alexander.
  5. Metal binding I had no rod, so I had to cut 2mm of plate. I made it in two variations – steel and brass, after some consideration, I have chosen to install the one made of steel.
  6. Zwaard. Preparation works. I cut wedges, glued them together for the fitting. After refinement, I used assembly dryer to part the work material.
  7. Dear wefalck, I'm very happy to find in your person such a wonderful connoisseur of Boeier theory, I have learned a lot from you and in the future I hope for your help and consultatations. Not speaking the language doesnt allow me to read primary sources. I'd be happy to get your help. I absolutely agree with you on your point about the keel, I named it so just to simplify. Thank you for your remarque, but i think the element itself was made correctly. The plank has a thiсkening in places of coupling with stems , and in the area of body-frame it decreases in thickness. I made it probably half millimeter thicker than it should be, but the difference will be cut off later . My best regards. Alexander.
  8. Preparation works of the installation of post and keel plate.
  9. Dear wefalck Thank you so much for the information. Here are some more pictures, that give a good view of the knot (construction element).Boeier captivated me by its unique, one-of -a -kind architecture. My best regards. Alexander.
  10. Yes, south- east, I meant the direction if one looks from the Netherlands.
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