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Everything posted by KORTES

  1. Masttop. I couldn’t find a Dutchman name, but it’s probably a weathervane.
  2. Thank you, my esteemed colleagues, for attention to my work. My best regards.
  3. My greetings, dear Keith Black. As I don't have a lathe machine, I had to lathe these pieces from several nails using a drill .
  4. Since I had troubles connecting can hook binding to the wood, I had to strengthen the knot by means of metal pintle.
  5. Yes, Valeriy, You're right, probably satin would be a more correct way to say. My best regards.
  6. Calico shine. Its a slang term. In the region where I live it means the shine somewhere between the mat and the glossy one. My best regards.
  7. A small vacation has passed by. This time has served to dry the model. I have processed with scotch brite and steel wool.
  8. This is the famous work of the Master, whose models many have been learning from. My best regards.
  9. I had no doubts the the work of such level requires knowledge and skills in many different fields, still what I see inspires fascination and admiration. The work of the Master. My best regards, Alexander
  10. The second, stage. Now, after the oil has lighted some previously unnoticed defects, I will try to eliminate them using card scraper and sand paper
  11. Thank you very much Johann. Your work is also gorgeous and I admire your craftsmanship a lot. My best regards, Alexander.
  12. While the oil is drying, “pronating”, I installed Botteloef Opsteker with installed Boegstag Waterstag.
  13. Dear Valeriy. Your handicraft is truly amazing! Your work is outstanding masterpiece. My best regards, Alexander.
  14. Dear Michael. Your mastery of the instruments as well as your work performance culture fascinates and are the highest standard. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to observe Your work. My best regards, Alexander.
  15. My greetings dear Doris. I wish you a speedy recovery and getting back to your favorite pastime. Your work is an inspiration. My best regards, Alexander.
  16. Thank you very much, Karl, I have corrected my mistake. I'm very grateful for the information, but on the "SPERWER" this element looks simplier. My best regards, Alexander.
  17. I’m moving to the "oil" work. After a critical assessment, I decided to finalize some elements. I have modified zwaarden and made fasteners.
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