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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Indeed your arguments are compelling for sure..and one who has a keen eye myself..can't find fault in your evaluation, however I still think it best to wait for further images coming from Michael before we conclude anything. I made some further measurements to the Launching image and found the curve of her prow is spherical from the foot of the figurehead to the cutwater/coppers edge..then flowing at a slight 5 or so degrees aft and down to the keel head. This is so fun, I hope our enthusiasm doesn't fail us for impatience. Rob
  2. Either plum will provide adequate reference. Good thing we are not trying to compensate for Chromatic anomalies that were prevalent in the lenses of cameras of the period...such as coma and astigmatism. It takes an educated and attuned eye to compensate for all the aberrations we are working against...but I think we are roping her in. Rob
  3. Clipperfan....I took your original image that we all know of Glory on the ways...prior to her launching, and added plumb lines off the anchor and the martingale. then I drew the keel inclination. It is clear the horizon point is evident in the progression to the distance. Now you can see the stem inclination...it is evident it is NOT vertical...but as you can see the right angle established from the conjuncture of the X and Y axis is slightly off...due to the horizontal incline...formed from the angle of exposure. Basically a distortion from the angle were the picture was taken. I believe you were attempting to describe this effect yourself. Any input? Rob
  4. Ashore...it was socially prudent and morally acceptable to be respectable and honorable of the female figure....Buuuut when at sea me hearties were bold, brash and lusty. I think clipper ships were far more accepting of partially nude figureheads then any military vessel. They tended to burnish military , animal or inanimate subjects. Clipper figureheads represented the physique of the vessel...Beautiful! Rob
  5. Clipperfan.....for as much work that has already gone into devising the most accurate hull for Glory...your position is far from without merit and I agree. Because I, as you recall, made the same measurements and calculations as you did and presented them myself...but with evidence like the new beach image of her profile it makes determinations that much unclear. Too much distortion for sure. Before I make my final decision, I want tot wait and see more photographs from Michael. Beautiful work by the way....I appreciate your efforts for sure. Rob
  6. Vladimir, I know too well your own interest in Glory since are conversations last year. Michael Mjelde has been so gracious and he is truly a Vault of information. Still...it is hard to settle on a final drawing until one is fully confident it represents the most accurate depiction...again..this is difficult because it is based on photographic and artistic evidence....which is highly subjective.....relying upon the observers perceptions and perspective. Then again Michael has informed me that he possesses many more photographs of Glory that have never been published...one in particular of a head on view of her in Donald McKay's yard before launching. This may show us the true sweep of her bow curves. Waiting for these additional photographs of Glory from Michael(and there are over a hundred), I am hesitant to make any final conclusions of her true dimensions. Michael is considering allowing me to correct the models stem that he brought to my house and also to finish her...that will be a thrill for sure. Thanks for the fine compliments Rob
  7. Several point I’d like to make. One, I think the new drawing doesn’t represent the curve of the stem nor the hood very accurately. Though that may not be the focus of the corrected stem and entry compared to Mike’s original drawing. Secondly, I think the unclear example you presented can’t be held without its own issues.......namely the ever exaggerated sweeping cut water. , which I think is too extreme, based on other photographs. Apart from some minor corrections to the foot of the figurehead and the length of the hood , I think my representation mostly mimics that of the last image I posted of her on the beach...and that of her launching photos. Please remember, I still need to correct the curve of her rail. Please correct me if you find fault in my assessment.
  8. Here is a copy of the new drawings...on several pages Note the bow and the entrance lines. Compare these to Michaels old drawings.
  9. I sped it along so you will probably receive it on Monday. I know how I would feel(Inside), knowing a signed copy of a book I chrished was or could be, inches away from my grasp....and knowing that it was altogether an impossibility. I felt that way for you...and knowing that, you knew, that I spent time with a historical hero we both admired so....and was a procurer of said signed book.....well....I took the next joyous step and wanted to pass along the thrill to you. It really wasn't all that difficult....it just took the thought and then the action. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is a good creed to live by. Happy days. I'll put together the accurate drawings and take a pic and post them here. Rob
  10. Michael...you're a man after my own heart. I too build diorama scenes and play with model railroading. Your shop is absolutely amazing...my lathe and mill are out in the garage for metal working. I would love to see anything you wish to post concerning these other *Side hobbies*. Rob(Oh... and the pilot cutter is looking fantastic)
  11. I'd appreciate seeing all that you have on the figurehead. I know you've been working on it for some time now. The book is all packaged up and is going out to the Post today. Rob
  12. Interesting...if I had their name..my wife is an excellent sleuth and she might be able to locate the family and from there, the whereabouts of the model. Rob
  13. I knew Mike had 3 models made, but I was under the impression the one you brought was the only one he possessed? *Bare bones* hulls can be completed...I wonder if Mike would entertain the notion of allowing me to finish it? Rob
  14. I too have thought about contacting the Peabody museum myself for this very purpose. I encourage you to go full steam ahead and find out all that you can. I'll be very interested in what ever you find. Anyone who posts a picture(the cover picture of Michael's book) of the Glory of the Seas as his avatar is, in my book deserving. All the best Rob
  15. Hi Michael..it was a great experience...and I hope to have many more, as Mike makes available to me more photographs and letters from Donald McKay. I will work out the copy of the drawing I have and I hope Michael can afford me a copy of the 1/96 drawing he has as well. His collection is not all in one organized location, due to a scheduled move that never found fruition. But he is now reorganizing his files and images and will soon begin forwarding me images as they are organized. Thanks for dropping in and reaffirming your presence....I appreciate that very much for I hold your opinion is highest esteem. Rob
  16. Well Clipperfan...I knew your intense admiration for McKay vessels (such as myself). Since working with you on this Glory hull project...discovering you yourself were a Glory enthusiast...and a Michael Mjelde fan.....I took the liberty to have Mike sign an extra copy of his first book I had in my library in hopes of giving it to you....as a keepsake for your own library. I knew this would bring you great joy and it was my pleasure....plus I had Mike in my library(MIke's own words...*This ain't no library*)....so no better time. PM me with your address and I'll get this out to you. The copy I am sending has no dust jacket...but I bet you can accommodate that minor issue. Rob
  17. Compare to my example as she currently sits...without modifications. Rob
  18. This new image of Glory as she rested on the beach at Endoline...definitely shows here near vertical entrance....verifying what our group had speculated. Rob
  19. One image of the fine model. The model shipwright Michael employed over 40 years ago did a magnificent job. And this model was built entirely from Balsa...it was finely detailed and as light as a feather. Impeccable. She was built in her later configuration with extended helm to the poop cabin and both the cabin boy house and the chicken coop over the main hatchway.
  20. Much of our conversation revolved around Glory's history and of the many revelations he gained along his long journey of exploration. His daughter Arina is quite the historian in her own right. We are discussing the many side topics concerning Glory crew members family and how Michael acquired so much history. This meeting was a highlight of my own historical endeavors. I was so blessed to have them in my home and to enjoy their subject matter expertise.
  21. He was enthralled by my Great Republic. He himself is not a modeler, but he was so impressed...he knew I would create a superior model of Glory based upon the new drawings. I was so honored.
  22. I could not let this encounter slip away without a proper book signing. He signed three of my books. We talked about the third book that he has at the publishers about the last voyage of the Gory....exciting!
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