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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Today I spent some more time in the asylum and added a bit more stone to the hull. It is slow going because I wait for each application to dry before moving on. Rob
  2. Now we're getting into weird territory. I've opted to begin covering the hull in silicone impregnated dental stone. I'll trawel it in slowly and when set and dry, sand and continue the process. I used this process once before and it works out nicely. the jull then can me smoothed and sanded and added to till I get a perfect smooth finish. Hang in there with me.....and let's see how this goes. I'm excited, because it eliminates hours if not tons of hours laying precision planking and accounting for the curves and flexes associated with planking. And so my insanity continues. Here are several pics of the first application of the silicone stone.... Rob
  3. Working my way back with the initial planking and continuing along the keel
  4. I began adding the initial maple planking.....her shape is coming to life. Rob
  5. I'm not too concerned with the leading edges and the rail at this time...I will cut that all in later.....I'm concerned with the convex and concaved elements of the hull....so I will make sure I have good form...filling in the small pieces will follow....then the hull will get a good sanding and prepped for the final planking. Here we goooooo. Rob
  6. Dug up some of the veneer that I will use for the initial hull planking. It is maple and very flexible and malleable for the job. Rob
  7. Spent a couple of hours working on the stern and prepping for the first layer of veneer planking to be added. Here are some pics of the hull flipped and some work being done to the stern. Rob
  8. Once these were all installed....I opted to add(for reinforcement purposes) the subdeck. All this wood if from existing stock I have and is nice clear pine. It has some staining from storage for for 35 years...but it is good malleable wood and easy to work. I cut out the sub deck and glued it in place. I added weights to maintain proper contact with the new deck bulkheads. I will work up the fantail and the stern after I have this portion completed. It will provide a sturdy foundation for adding these elements. I plan on planking the hull in similar fashion...then plank it again with scale planks. Rob
  9. Returning to the shipyard after some time away.... Enjoyed a wonderful holiday away with the family...found and modified a nice 7" Mak Cass telescope, by de-forking it and removing its internal counterweight and mounting it on a German Equatorial mount..... Now its time to get to work on the Glory. I picked up where I left off by now adding the new deck beam bulkheads. To align and give the proper deck chamfer and inclination. Here are some pics of the addition of these members to the bulkheads. Rob
  10. Vladamir. She is amazing and a real accomplishment. I wonder if you originally intended to complete her rigging? I might have contributed to enticing You to move onto Glory of the Seas. I’m quite impressed with what you have accomplished. She’s astounding
  11. Well I'm now home from vacation and all caught up...hopefully I will be working on the Glory hull very soon. I'll need to cut and install all the internal bracing blocks next. Rob
  12. That’s where I’ve seen that. I saw that when I was a kid. One of the motivating reasons why clippers are my favorite design.
  13. I came across an old colorized version of the pre-launch photo. Interesting additions
  14. She's moved up the dock in this image I posted earlier. Her bow is nearly vertical.
  15. That top image of the Benjamin F Packard's cabin at Mystic.. I've never seen, but the other two I have had in my collection for years. When I began my research on the Glory..I came across that B/W image of the Packard's interiors...and it inspired me to imagine the interiors of the Glory as they must have appeared. Rob
  16. Realizing that the same sense of danger and the need for extreme safety measures (as we are accustomed to today) was just not in the mind set of folks back then. Freedom, it appears, was more prevalent. I was reading that the cabin that was saved from the clipper Nightingale, named for the famous singer Jenny Lind, was extremely well fashion and finely finished. There was little external ornamentation and embellishments, safe the prow and stern of clippers...so much expense was lavished on their interior decorations and finishing's, where passengers would enjoy them. Can't wait to see your final rendering. I glued the bulkheads to the keel last night. I'll add reinforcing members between them when I return from Holiday. Rob
  17. I'm wondering why it appears she is being launched prior to all her plates being added.....?
  18. Man....not to be sounding all knowing, but I remotely thought I knew the definition of that, when I first read your username. It sounded so familiar, but with names it could mean almost anything. NOW I believe I fully understand where you're coming from...…. Rob(In the company of Giants)
  19. Oh...you weren't clear about what part of your comment you were joking about. I incorrectly assumed you were speaking about the latter half...the Dory lighting half....not the Druxey~Wiederrich correction half. Perception is everything. My mistake. I do like the lighting idea and even the idea of making the roof of the poop cabin removable to show the interior....interesting. It could be a theme...not only make the hull....but to incorporate interior details to increase the models interest. Lighting included. I have loads of mahogany and oak veneer to line the cabins and main dinning room. I, actually need to get back to her, now that I am no longer detained with helping my daughter put up drywall and tape/texture her house. Rob
  20. Calling out cutwater stem corrections is one thing...but now your getting ...spelling police...nasty.
  21. Ahhh...I see. I had originally gathered that that might be the case. But then calculated that at the slightest chance, you might be cognitively serious, so I thought it might be interesting to add lighting....since it will only be a hull model and internal lights might just add that additional detail that would otherwise be found in the masting and rigging. Your joking intent actually had some fruitful outcome. I felt a cohesive answer better then, just openly shouting out, *Are you nuts....how about I run some canned music of sea chanties (Or better yet, sounds of a salmon cannery) coming from below decks while I'm at it*?
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