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John Allen

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About John Allen

  • Birthday 03/07/1948

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Mobile, Alabama
  • Interests
    Golf, modeling

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  1. Thanks all, bug it is John
  2. Please advise which bender is suitable for most jobs keeping in mind cost. Do not want to spend $ 100.00 when I can use a less expensive bender that will do most jobs. (I just butchered 2 hangers for the torpedo to the USS Picket Boat.) Help an old man out whos getting long in the tooth. John allen
  3. Appears I may be stuck with lead fittings with Mamoli CSS Aabama. Can they be properly treated other than primer or watered down white glue to slow down the degradation of the lead over the long run. Does this problem also plague Brittania metal fittings. Would wood or brass copies when feasible be better. Could not find Metal for dummies #2 at Amazon.
  4. Recently purchased this kit from Steve at Cult man, Included was the PE, masking for the globes, and I ordered the light kit. Started build for my son-in-law. All ok until masking the plastic globes. Followed instructions in addition to checking U-Tube to cover all bases, masking was tedious to say the least. After masking in place washed with future to prevent paint bleed. Dry did procedure a second time. Applied gold acrylic for metal frames. Removed masking no paint bleed thru but masking left glue residue on clear plastic areas. Did not attempt to remove believe cannot be done without keeping the integrity of having clear globe. Called Steve at Cult man explained the problem asked if replacement globes and masking could be provided (at no cost) he stated I would have to contact Pegasus. Placed a 2 calls to Pegasus Admin. with my complaint and request, never addressed problem. Return call to Steve at cult man advising no response from Pegasus hoping he may assist noting he is a reseller no response. I have no idea if the masking was defective, or old and lost its integrity or maybe I screwed up in application. But should have received a reply from at least Pegasus. emails from 9/16 to 9/23- 2 to Steve- 2 to Pegasus Admin. Pics attached John Allen
  5. Hello Mark, Been out of the loop for a while. Sybile wife of 52 years passed May 8th. I am just be beginning to deal with it. Years ago she was an ACLS Paramedic and I a Marine Policeman. Little Bio Hurricane Frederick took out Dauphin Island Bridge. We went on calls together, her medicals my rescues. for a 3 year period. this was before life flight so transport times were between 2 to 3 hours depending on weather by boat and C.G. Training choppers if training in the area. We were tied to the hip, and as close as 2 people could be. Apologize to all know this was not the area to post. To the paints, I have reconstituted semi dried (the totally dried hard as a rock I did not attempt) they were soft enough to break down, added very little water and mixed with a drill bit on a Dremel. They seemed pretty thick (totally smooth no chunks or hard pieces.) even had to add a little water to thin. That being said I had used a couple of colors on the interior of the Hunley I am trying to destroy. They seem okay when dry, colors seemed as bright as a new bottle, whether they last who knows. Having shallow pockets I'm cheap. I do not have the skillset at this time to expend dollars on tube acrylics and mix colors I would and up with a model looking like a Rat Rod. So I'll muddle along until someone takes the word model out of acrylics and the price and packaging becomes reasonable.
  6. Have many bottles of model shipway paints that have dried up. I have used a Dremel and bit to break the paint down add water and bring it back, this is a tedious process. Today I took a bottle of red that was totally dried up. Put a small amount of water in it and put in microwave for 10 seconds. It did not distort the shipway bottle which is a heavy plastic and paint softened enough to stir with a stir stick. That being said This may be a stupid idea, not knowing the chemical nature of the latex paint and or any residue left in microware. Therefore moi being a dumb soul when it comes to chemistry and all the little molecules and atoms flying around what is the danger if any.
  7. Keith, Been out of the loop for sometime, caught up on your masterpiece. I appreciate your inquiring mind and always needing to know. Building backwards to go forward very cool.
  8. Trust me being up close and personal to numerous lawyers (of which most were the bloodsucking types) they would buy a cheap knockoff from China or Vietnam all the while screaming about Chinese imports.
  9. Roger, Thanks I should have made the post clearer. I was about to pull the trigger on the kit, since not being able to find one that was comparable. There is the Revell plastic and the Mamoli Alabama on eBay. Been mulling this over for a week but the cost vs material made me come to my senses. Post is to verify I made right decision. Thanks for the offer that's what is great about this site good folks willing to help each other
  10. Please advise if I am being nitpicky. The price of the kit is $ 749.00 I am a little disappointed in several of the supplied materials considering the cost of the kit. Most of the fittings including cannons are brittania or a base metal for the money I feel that at least he cannons should be brass. The pre etched deck does not in my opion look as good as planking (personal choice that can be changed by the builder. I ordered deadeyes at one point before I realized they were metal and had to be painted or browned. I would have thought for the money wood deadeyes on the caliber of Chucks should be supplied. I know they have a great reputation as for as instructions support and replacing parts. It just seems for the cost of that kit some parts should have been upgraded. Am I being to critical, I bow to suggestions from the more experienced.
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