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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Thank you very much. I’m quite pleased with the painted deck and if I can repeat it I will be less inclined to pursue wooden decks. They have their own problems with adhesion sometimes and the fit around the superstructure alan
  2. Thank you OC. Yep dinging the railings really annoyed me because they fitted really well. I used up several days allowance of bad language but it came out okay in the end. Alan
  3. Thank you very much Mike. It’s a very enjoyable kit to build, even the PE is workable. Alan
  4. The details on the miniatures look very nice especially for 28mm. They are going to look great. alan
  5. Slowly working through the fog of jet lag and tidying up after three weeks absence. If anyone needs cat hair please let me know. i completed the railings on the forward structure and then managed to drop a pair of tweezers which landed on the newly installed railings . Luckily I found my long missing box of spare PE which had some appropriate bits. It also had a wooden deck for SMS Derfflinger. I have no idea when I bought that but I still rather like the painted wooden deck. With the railings added the forward structure is now delicate so I added it to the hull. The railing work continued on the aft structure and was nice and straightforward after some of the curves and bends up front There is still quite a bit left to do but the PE sheet is beginning to show gaps. More railings, ladders and painting the boats up next. Thanks for looking in, the likes and kind comments. Alan
  6. Horribly annoying and sorry to hear it. After spending the morning adding PErailings to the Derfflinger I managed to drop a pair of tweezers which landed…..right on the new railings. There’s something going around today. alan
  7. You have made terrific progress while I have been away. I’m amazed at the delicate railings but they really improve the model. The ship is looking really good as the build progresses. Congratulations alan
  8. Late to the party but you have done a beautiful job Phil. Congratulations alan
  9. Than you very much Mike. The kit fought back quite a lot but it’s helped me improve my seam filling skills. I have an Amodel Mallow that’s gradually working its way to the back of the pile. The Flyhawk kits are spoiling me. alan
  10. Beautiful work Gary. Car models are a huge test of painting skills. No way to hide the flaws with a gloss finish. Yours looks excellent. I hate to think how mine would look. Enamel paint and two long haired cats are not a good mix congratulations alan
  11. Thank you very much Mike. The link is really helpful. I think this is going to be a bit of a challenge but it’s a great figure for the effect if I can make it work alan
  12. Selfishly I will be very sorry to lose the LHS updates which were always hugely enjoyable and a great demonstration of painting skills. It’s a tough decision to pass the models on but if they provide joy and enjoyment to someone else and you are able to realize some money from them at a tight time then you are making a sensible decision. I hope you find some good buyers. You will always have the skills and new kits will always be available. Good luck with it Alan
  13. Great progress Rob on a spectacular but highly complex model. Your techniques to overcome the challenges make this a great build log to read and enjoy. Especially by someone who knows his limitations will stay with vicarious involvement in kits like this. Great work alan
  14. The project is really coming together nicely. The camouflage patterns are superb and very well worth the effort. Congratulations alan
  15. I just got back from a trip well packed with weather. Snow, fog and gales but apart from a seven hour delay from Atlanta to Manchester travel was mostly on time apart from the DB train from Berlin to Amsterdam sitting for an hour near Deventer because of signaling problems. I think that’s traditional because the same thing happened last year for the same reason. may take a few days to get back to the Derfflinger but in the meantime, for those who like mechanical stuff, I brought this home with me. It’s my grandfather’s pigeon clock, made around 1924. It’s been away getting restored. Not by a clock repair man but by a conservator- which gives you some insight into how much the bill was. im very happy to hear it ticking again Thanks for looking in and hopefully the model work will resume shortly alan
  16. I’m not sure mine would be classed as an upgrade 😀 I'm using a Master Airbrush I bought from Amazon when I started out with building models not knowing very much of anything about how to use them. I struggled with it at the start but I think that was me more than the air brush. There is a lot of contradictory advice on paint dilution, thinning agents and techniques. I fell for most of them but I now seem to achieve pretty consistent results with acrylics using the airbrush and I find it a very easy brush to strip and clean. I suspect that the combination of paints, airbrushes, techniques and environment means there are many different ways of achieving the desired results. I keep considering upgrading to something better but so far this one doesn’t feel like the limiting factor. I think that’s still me. alan
  17. Thanks Ken. I seem to have picked the January that Europe returns to snowy winters Alan
  18. Thank you very much Mike, this is a really enjoyable build. Well I’ve got as far as Atlanta and now waiting for a six hour delay on the Manchester flight. The magic of flight Alan
  19. Thank you very much, I’m pleased with how it came out. I’ll be less worried about chasing down a wooden deck addition in the future Alan
  20. Things seem to have been far too busy in real life but I'm making some progress with the Derfflinger. I'm not sure why but I am really enjoying this kit. Maybe its just a little easier than Galatea although it has its challenges. I worked on the simulated wooden decks, spraying on a base coat of Tamiya acrylic Deck Tan and, once dry, I brushed on some heavily diluted mixes of Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber oil paints. I like how its come out with degrees of variation around the ship. The washes have defined the plank lines nicely too. It may be a little orange in places but I think it works and I think I would even forgo adding wooden decks in the future (maybe)' I'm also building up the superstructure and adding the first PE railings. Flyhawk do a nice job of prescoring the railings for the various bends which helps with the complex shapes but also weakens the piece so you don't have many chances to correct a wrong bend. There will be about a three week hiatus in the build while I go to Europw to visit family in Wales and wish my father happy 99th birthday. Then a whirlwind through Vienna, Bratislava, Prague, Berlin and Amsterdam. The common theme seems to be snow so I'm hoping flights and rail journeys work out. Happy New Year everyone and thanks for looking in, the likes and the helpful comments. Alan
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