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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Thank you very much Henry. I’ve seen the blue and white pattern in heraldry but never realized how it came to be. That does tie in with the painting notes from Pegaso too. I may work up the courage to try to enhance the cloak lining. thanks again alan
  2. Coming together really well. Making a crowd of pets to ship onboard is a terrific idea Alan
  3. I started adding some colour. I used Tamiya clear orange which does a good job of simulating gold on polished metal. The inside of Oddos cloak is supposed to be squirrel fur in an alternating blue / grey but I didn't like how that worked out so I used a light blue grey and dry brushed silver grey over it. As far as I can tell there are few references to what Oddone wore so I'm staying with this. The figure doesn't have any delineation on the fur so blue and grey looked wrong somehow. The cloak has had several glazes of red and the gold trim added. The purple kilt thing has the buff undercoat ready for the gold trim. I started on the shield with a coat of black primer which I then sanded back to bare metal for the lions and the edge. This got the clear orange treatment but its not as effective as I hoped. I may try another coat before stripping it back and trying again. At this point I decided it was going to be easier working on the face and the details if I assembled the majority of the figure. The gold has been added to the kilt (he doesn't look like someone you would accuse of wearing a skirt), the basic colour has been added to the face. The box art shows very fine embroidered patterns on the kilt and cloak but I cannot think of a way of doing that convincingly at my skill levels so he's going to have to put up with being plain. The arm, helmet, face and details next. I like the Pegaso figure; the metal is softer than the alloy Art Girona uses but the detail is still good and its easier to drill to add brass rods at the joints. Thanks for looking in, the likes and comments Alan
  4. Welcome Ken. Its all new to me. Medieval Europe is far more complicated than I thought. Alan
  5. Thank you Phil. It’s been a very enjoyable work alan
  6. Thank you very much Ken. There a few times it nearly had a test flight into the bin. Not sure what the next aircraft will be but it WON’T be the Mallow Alan
  7. Welcome OC, they are spectacularly good kits. I’m looking forward to it after the recent struggles. It will be.a waterline model and no diorama- I’m running out of space alan
  8. Looks like a beautiful ship. Looking forward to seeing it come together. alan
  9. Seriously I think the work you are doing with the plates is amazing. A huge effort but it’s going to result in a fantastic model. alan
  10. Thank you OC. It looks good now that it’s sitting properly on its gear. I guess we don’t see too many Amodel subjects here, probably I’ve learnt why alan
  11. Thanks Andrew, I think I used up next years worth of bad language on this one but the end result is okay. I cleaned up the last of the glass shards in the spare bedroom so the cats are cleared to go and lie on the bed again. alan
  12. Rigging looks very nice and tidy. Lovely model Alan
  13. Welcome OC, the shield has raised details but the cloak doesn’t. I may be using a simplified approach there. Alan
  14. This will be the next major project. After the Amodel kit and its shortcomings a Flyhawk model seemed like the best antidote. This is a limited edition kit. I'm not sure what that brings to the kit but we will see. I have added a wooden deck set. I'm not sure if I will need anything else. Time to get my eyes recalibrated to 1/700 again Thanks for looking in Alan
  15. I thought it was time to broaden my horizons and try a figure from someone besides Art Girona History (well Wiki) tells us Oddone Frangipane (also Oddo or Otto, Latin: Odo Frajapanis[1]) was a Roman lord and military leader in the service of the Papacy in the 12th century. He was the son of Leo and grandson of Cencio II of the Frangipani family. Oddone had another brother named Cencio. During the middle of the twelfth century, he was the most influential aristocrat in Rome. His career began sometime around 1130. He supported the legitimate popes and opposed the Ghibellines and their Senate. His family acquired the fortress of Tusculum from Ptolemy II somehow before December 1152, when he sold his rights over Tusculum to Pope Eugene III. In 1155, he acted on behalf of Adrian IV in negotiations with Frederick Barbarossa. In 1156, he was at Benevento to accept the submission of William I of Sicily to the pope. This submission resulted in the confirmation of the Treaty of Benevento. After the papal election of 7 September 1159, Oddone wrote to Louis VII of France exhorting him to support Alexander III. When Alexander was arrested by supporters of the imperialist Antipope Victor IV, it was Oddone who freed him and sent to safety in Campania. Oddone took over the military leadership of the city of Rome during the absence of Alexander and even afterwards. His son Leo was captured in battle with the emperor's troops in 1167 and he himself led the largest army of Roman citizens since the days of the Roman Empire into battle at Monte Porzio, where he was defeated by Christian I, Archbishop of Mainz.[2] In the spring of 1170, Oddone remarried to a woman named Eudoxia, a Byzantine princess. He had a son by her named Emanuele. He died some time not long after. It was a chance to try a bit more armour and some intricate work on shield and other details which I may regret. The figure is nicely cast; the details are good and everything seems to fit well. I started fiddling with it while trying to get the Yak to sit on its wheels properly and the photos got left behind a bit. I've primed the figure and then added the directional highlights in white. I have then started polishing the armour plates and the chain mail. The chain mail will get a black wash to add some detail and the plates are supposed to be a gold colour so will get a coat of Tamiya clear orange. Thanks for looking in Alan
  16. Yesterday the last of the window repairs were completed which is a big help towards feeling "normal" again. Neighbors still have a long way to go. I've been working slowly through the last elements of the Yak and it hasn't got much easier. The major remaining work was the landing gear. And we finally encounter some locating pins. On pieces 93 and 64 for the nosewheel and main gear. Unfortunately the pins would have needed to be trapped when the fuselage halves were joined together all the way back in the build (and yes I should read ahead but .......) The assembly of the nosewheel strut was not exactly clear and it seemed to be missing pieces which I made from scratch. The wing outrigger wheel struts were replaced with brass rod. The kit parts were a mess of flash and looked awful even when cleaned. And, of course, once the gear was assembled it took two days of adjusting and fiddling to get the plane to sit on the mains and nosewheel with the outriggers clear of the ground. The wingtip booms have been added and the missiles have been dug out of the flash and assembled and painted. I think I am going to call it finished. This one has been annoying at times but it does have the fifties space age look which makes me happy. Its been a useful exercise in learning about NMF treatment and I think i can do better with the Vallejo acrylic metals next time I still have a couple of AModel kits on the shelf including a Mallow flying boat I was very taken with. It is likely to sit for a while before I work up the courage to start it. Thanks for all the likes, good wishes and helpful comments Alan
  17. Thanks Mark For a simple kit its been a rough ride. Alan
  18. Very nice. Such a lot of really great detail in that kit. I’m going to have to try another Roden kit. alan
  19. That looks like a great book Craig. Haynes have come a long way since my oily 1972 copy for the Ford Escort alan
  20. The dragon was a FDM 3D printer test piece that I was reluctant to throw away so it’s been used to get a bit more comfortable with the Vallejo Metal acrylics and my air brush. I like the result so it can go and sit with the Welsh dragons scattered around the house alan
  21. Thank you Ken. Having a weatherproof roof helps the morale too and I feel less distracted. The Yak model is quite a struggle. The gear is annoying for a relatively simple set of bits. The nose gear especially so. Yes the set up is very similar to the AV-8B too. Double main and wing tip dollies alan
  22. Great work Jav. You really did an excellent job on the finish . It really shows what a bruiser the Tempest was alan
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