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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Oh yes please a Mosquito build log. That is a great aircraft. When I was a young apprentice at hawker Siddeley (formerly de Havilland) they still had a flying Mossie and the test pilots used to take it up regularly. It was wonderful to be out on the airfield dawdling over some errand and watch it take off and fly low passes over the airfield. Its an unforgettable sound. The Beaufort came out beautifully. You did a great job on the cockpit masking and the paint scheme is excellent. great job. Nice to see a Beaufighter too. I always thought that was a great aircraft. Alan
  2. I have a feeling this may be an exercise in public humiliation but hopefully everyone will be kind. The Flower corvette is waiting for parts to come in so I wanted to start something else while I'm waiting Having recently invested in a set of circle templates and a masking mat I thoutht I should put them to use at an early date. So the diversion of choice is the 1/72 Takom Chieftain kit in 1/72 scale As the box says there are two complete models in the box to make both the Mk10 and Mk11 variants. I want to try to build one with the Berlin Brigade urban paint scheme as shown on the box art. That should get my moneys worth out of the masking mat and possibly cause gales of mirth amongst the audience. The box is well stuffed with plastic and three sheets of PE and a decent looking set of instructions and various paint schemes. Its really nice to be back on the work bench with good lighting rather than entertaining the cats with the corvette on teh kitchen table. I decided to build the two models in parallel at least to the end of the common parts. So two hulls now made Fit is nice and so is detail. Sprues are a bit chunky. Lots of road wheels made up in halves. Interestingly there is a pip and dimple to register the mating halves. I'm not sure why; it seems to align the bolt pattern on front and back which I guess is important to the detail oriented 😉 A nice touch The first trucks have been assembled. I think I will assemble the road wheels and general undercarriage before painting but I need to work out how the tracks are going to go on. I expect to only build the bare hull before starting the paint work> I need to minimise the difficulties of masking the hull. This may be well beyond my abilities but it might be interesting and hopefully fun Thanks for looking in Alan
  3. Out of curiosity I weighed Campanula and it is about 0.5 kg / 1.1 lbs lighter than the model made by @yvesvidal I'm wondering what I forgot to build.😃 I think it will be another week before the finishing bits come from Cornwall so I'm going to start something new. Plane, tank or ship' I'm not sure but it will nice to be back working on my bench instead of the kitchen table, Alan
  4. Thanks for the kind words OC. Figures? But then I would showcase my terrible figure painting abilities. 😉 Although you have me thinking. I could paint the figures white as "ghost" sailors. I have seen that done effectively on a few builds. Or try and paint them and ghost them if they are horrible. Alan
  5. I've been playing around with the rigging and finally settled on using 0.5mm elastic thread for the main mast rigging and 0.25mm thread for halyards and aerials. The information I have for Campanulas rigging is sketchy; the photos are not detailed enough and I have only a side view in drawings. My 1/350 Pennywort kit has a good rigging diagram - but in true Flower tradition - its completely different. So the finished rigging is a little basic and maybe rather generic too. Now I'm waiting for the package to arrive from Cornwall Model Boats with the bits needed to finish her. Its been a long journey from three spools of filament and a certain amount of shockingly bad language. Thanks for looking in Alan
  6. Great figures. You see the colourful uniforms of the day and forget that they got dirty, dusty and ragged out in the field, The weathering is great Alan
  7. I am definitely going to have to build a Lancaster. I was out on the hills in the Peak district when the Lancaster did one of the Dambuster memorial flights over the reservoirs there. Emotive stuff This guy is really crazy with his build - in a good way. 1:72 Avro Lancaster- Remembering the crew of ED412 - Work in Progress - Aircraft - Britmodeller.com Alan
  8. A lovely Sunderland Andrew. Yes, those were the bomb racks. I have to get the Airfix Lancaster and Sunderland for old times sake. Sorry to disrupt your log. Alan
  9. The Alexandria raid model is fantastic. Thanks Mark Alan
  10. The depth charge racks were painted, he depth charges were added and lashings applied A lot of time looking at aft deck plans and as usual no two Flowers seem to have the same layout. In the absence of any definitive images of campanulas aft deck I decided to go with one hatch placed in what seems to be a poplar place for a lot of Flowers and the spare depth charge racks adjacent to the hoist which seems to make sense. This afternoon was spent looking for stretch 0.3mm thread on the web (no luck) and touring HL, Wally World, and Michaels (also no luck). 0.3 mm would have been a bit over 1/2 inch at full size. I have 0.5 mm thread which scales at just under an inch. I may try a few lines to see how it looks. Alternatively, I could use 0.25 non stretch and try to keep it all taut. I'm getting less happy about the falls for the boats so I spent some time looking and the nice people at Cornwall Model Boats have brass sheaves at about the right size at a decent price along with more hooks. I caved in and bought another set of stanchions and a possible white ensign. Their shipping cost to the US is not bad and they are prompt in sending it off. I may do a little touching up while I'm waiting but I want to finish the falls before rigging. The Lewis gins are going to be absolutely the last thing to be added. I don't trust my fat fingers even though the rigging goes nowhere near their location Many Thanks for looking in Alan
  11. I ordered the B and C mats from Sprue Brothers. I'm almost looking forward to masking something. Of course you can't just buy a couple of things. That fixed shipping cost needs justifying. This is what happened a couple of weeks ago when I needed to restock with paints and there was a sale. Alan
  12. And the Short Sunderland had bombs that were supposed to slide out of the fuselage on rails under the wings - that didn't happen on mine. Great memories though Alan
  13. Especially if you used that little bulb of glue that came with the kit! My great achievement was getting the floats to swing down from the wings on the PBY catalina. Beautiful work so far. its going to look excellent. Alan
  14. Thanks to the wonders of Amazon the Type A turned up this morning. I had to play with it straight away and it works very well with Tamiya and blue tape. Definitely needs a new knife blade to get the best out of it. think its going to be great for masking decks and I have a Centurian tank that I want to do in the Berlin paint scheme and i think that will solve a lot of problems. Of course now I'm thinking I need some of the others. Alan
  15. Still creeping slowly forward with the small stuff The raft lashings were completed. The oars were added to the ships boats and the lashing put in place. I added the manropes to the first of the printed life belts and put it on the bridge wing. Three more to go The bridge screen was made up and added. Its a cut down section of a spare printed ladder with a bit of old overhead projector transparency added The stretch cord arrived from Amazon and like its earlier friend is not stretchy. Different vendor but exactly the same stuff. Its labeled sewing machine thread made in Japan on the spool but its in packaging that says Stretchy Bead Cord - Made in China. So much for globalisation. Thanks for looking in Alan
  16. I dunno Craig. It seems that most times I read your updates I find myself going off to buy something. You have some great tips. Thanks The Flanker is looking really nice Alan
  17. Looking great OC. This is going to be a magnificent work. I see some fugure painters outlining belts etc in black. It looks quite dramatic but it lacks the realism that your use of wshes acheives. Excellent Alan
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