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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. I looked at the chipping again this morning after everything had dried properly and decided I was happy with how it came out. i sprayed on a cat of gloss and used a black wash to pick out some of teh details. A couple of details were painted and the torpedoes were added. The small number of decals went on well and she is now ready for the matt coat. A couple of closer shots to show the variation of surface colour. For a first attempt at this sort of thing I am quite pleased with the result. I think I have an idea for the display and I've ordered the bits from Amazon. i hope everyone has a great weekend and many thanks for the comments, likes and for looking in Alan
  2. Thanks for confirming my thoughts Keith. I have added some bright metal paint to the lifting eyes. I would think they are used often enough that they don't corrode Alan
  3. I'm glad to see the mojo wasn't lost after all. Great to see this masterpiece continuing to unfold. The wounded figures are excellent. Alan
  4. Everyone is giving good advice. I just looked at my set up LED work lights (2) total 10 watts Air brush compressor 150 watts Hair dryer (wimpy) 1250 watts Sooo use the lights as much as you want. It doesn't affect the bill Use the air brush - it's only on for a few minutes anyway Maybe back off on the hairdryer Good luck Alan
  5. I air brushed Mig chipping solution onto the sub and when it was dry added the top coat of Tamiya dark grey. When that was dry I attacked it with cocktail sticks and stiff brushes I am generally happy with the resulting changes in shades and the way the rust colour came through. For some reason the port side is better than the starboard side. I had hoped for a bit more rust on the torpedo rails but I don't know if I can go over it again after letting it sit for a day now. Any input from experienced "chippers" is very welcome. Otherwise I think its time for a clear coat and washes. Still thinking about the display. Thanks for looking it Alan
  6. Thank you Mike I'm usually a bit conservative with the weathering but this was great fun. I have a T-34 begging for the full treatment. Alan
  7. Thank you very much. I have been enjoying the 1/72 armour; its probably the same perversion as 1/700 naval. It does delay the display dilemma a bit too. I do want to try a 1/35 tank soon though. There are a couple of kits on my shelf now Alan
  8. Thank you very much Egilman' much appreciated. I think I'm getting braver with the weathering. Alan
  9. Thank you Mark. Apparently in the nineties when the British Army gave their bit of Luneberg Heath back to the Germans as a nature reserve it was pretty much reduced to bare sand dunes Alan
  10. Thank you very much OC. I need to experiment and learn the fine points of using the dirt paint and pigment - and generally be a bit more subtle in general use. I do like them though. I think I am becoming a Mig fanboy alan
  11. All the ingredients of a spectacular set piece. Its going to be excellent Alan
  12. Great news Craig. That was a very bad one. It's good to know you and family came through okay. It's going to be a lot of work to get everyone on Naples, Fort Myers area back to normal.I We had tropical storm winds most of the night but power stayed on and no damage. I just finished piling up palm fronds and free limbs Alan
  13. I decided to try out the Turned Dirt splatter effect paint and the Europe Earth pigment powder from the Mig weathering set. I applied the pigment powder with a stiff brush and then loaded another stiff bristle brush with the turned dirt paint and flicked it onto the model with a knife edge. I think I was a bit heavy handed. Its difficult to judge while its being applied but it was an interesting experiment. The pigment also tones down a bit when the matt coat is sprayed on. I think it would be better with a bit less weathering but I think it looks alright for a big day out on Luneberg Heath I really liked using the Mig acrylics on these models. They seemed to brush nicely straight from the bottle and they worked well in the airbrush with dilution with acrylic thinner - at about 50 / 50 ratios. I finally came to the end of the Gators Grip glue so I am using the Mig equivalent. So far its working well. Its a bit thicker than the Gators Grip Thin version so I may try to dilute it next time. So I think this is finished. The Berlin paint scheme was a fun masking effort but I'm generally happy with it. Thank you all for looking in, liking and commetng Alan
  14. Thank you very much Mike. I've really enjoyed playing with the paint schemes. Alan
  15. More shades of grey added as a base for chipping. I put a light coast of rust on the bows and the torpedo rails. I actually like how this came out without going further but I want to try the chipping and so we press on Thanks for looking in Alan
  16. Thanks Ken. The West Coast guys are going to get the wort of it but it looks like its going to spread its wealth. Alan
  17. From the 8pm update .LIFE-THREATENING STORM SURGE, CATASTROPHIC WINDS AND FLOODING EXPECTED IN THE FLORIDA PENINSULA... Wishing everyone near the path of this one the best of luck and a safe passage through the storm. Especially Craig who looks like he is nearest to the track. Looking forward to seeing the back of this monster and getting back to the build Alan
  18. I couldn't leave well alone so I broke out the latest purchase from the Mig range of goodies. In the event I only used the pigment and dusted down the road wheels enough to take the shine off them and along the skirts on the left side For comparison I used dry brushed buff paint instead to see how it compared. It came out well but I liked the pigments so I'll be buying some more (sigh) The last paint touch up has been completed and that important feature - the orange light on the turret. It must be immensely helpful to alert people that there is a 56 ton tank tip toeing towards them. This one is finished I think Meanwhile I added the tiny PE bits to the Mk11. Mostly tie downs and hatch covers. The tie downs are barely discernable The Pe has been painted. Clear coat added ready for weathering and decals Thanks for looking in Alan
  19. Thank you very much Egilman; very much appreciated. I really liked how the Berlin paint scheme came out. Alan
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