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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Yves; Thank you very much. I think even a basic diorama sets the model off and they are fun to make but they take up so much extra room Alan
  2. Thank you Mike. Very kind. The Eduard PE really makes it a better model. Next - I want to progress the Flower corvette but that will depend on how much sense I get out of the printer trying to achieve decent deck fittings and weapons. Otherwise it will be back to 1/700 - maybe WW1 Alan
  3. Thank you Lou. I'm glad you enjoyed following along. It was a very enjoyable build for me. This one now lives in pride of place in the reading den Alan
  4. Thanks Dave for all the great comments I spent two deployments on board as a flight test lead so its been a treat to be able to create a decent model to stir the memories (well everything except the Swedish meatballs maybe) Alan
  5. Thank you Ian. I'm still learning how to model different sea states but its fun and relatively low cost to experiment. Alan
  6. Thanks Yves I think you are right - the resin printer is a necessity for some of the parts like the secondary weapons, Selfishly none of my friends seem to want to buy one😄 I'll try the slower speed
  7. Hi Kevin Thanks for all the helpful comments. It is becoming apparent that the finer parts of the Flower build are really falling into the territory of a resin printer. Having read other threads about them I have been increasingly interested in buying one and had been thinking about the Elegoo range. This months donations go to the Homeowners insurance, the iRS and recent UK travel but I'm hoping for a quiet month next month and Amazon must be wondering if I'm still alive so ............... The idea of a combo printer would be fantastic if it can manage the size of the Ender 3 or better. In the short term I downloaded a number of test prints and I'm working through them to see what i learn. One possible early result is that my preheated filament may still have been too old or less that perfect. It ran out during a test print and the replacement filament seems to be doing better. Reading suggests that the massive printing exercise to make the hull parts should have worn the nozzle so a change will be part of the plan I'm also going to look at retraction and layer thickness. Thanks for all the help Alan
  8. I think thats a great idea OC. That will transform the hedge from a well manicured garden hedge into a truly rural one with irregularities and trees and bushes growing in it. Great Idea Alan
  9. I used the Vallejo foam effect to add some 3 dimension to the wakes and wave caps. I'm a bit disappointed in it - it just seems like thick white paint. It does set very white though. I could have spent a bit more time fiddling with the water line but I was starting to knock the PE off and decided enough was enough. The model has been placed and after taking photos the display case is in place. Nothing left but the proud parent photos. Many Thanks for all the comments and likes. This has been a great adventure for me probably the hardest model I have attempted and I have enjoyed the whole build. Still lots of areas to improve on but its still a fun journey. Alan
  10. Slowly moving forward with the foredeck. Most of the fittings have been painted and the steam winch has been assembled The hatches and bollards are in place. I have ventilators and the chain leads to add and well as hose reels. Overall it should look quite reasonable when the paint is tidied up and some weathering is added. Although I am getting better print quality now I am not happy with the detail in some prints. I don't know if its file errors or printer settings. But there is extraneous filament build up in places. As usual the choice of culprit (if its the printer) is wide. Printer speed, extrusion rate, nozzle temperature, nozzle size. etc. And it could be the filament I'm thinking of investing in some smaller nozzles to try that out. The pictures show the halves of the four inch gun and the 2 pounder aft gun. You can see the rough quality of the printing especially in the 2 pdr. So I am printing test prints now to see if I can improve quality - back down the rabbit hole for a while. I am not convinced that I can print the Oerlikons acceptably even if I can up the quality so I looked at Micro Masters. They have a four inch gun in 1/48 at $129 the Oerlikons are $30 and the 2 pdr is $40. I will wait and see how the rest of the ship comes out before committing too much to get one or two parts looking good. Thanks for looking in Alan
  11. I used acrylic paint to add the wake and the bow waves and occasional white cap. In the background I removed the Wasp from the build base. The heavy duty double sided tape was great for holding teh ship firmly to the base but separating them was a bit scary. Steady gentle pressure got the tape peeled back. In future I'll used smaller pieces A coat of gloss medium was then added to give depth and bring it to life The big moment - a trial placement of the ship I need to add a bit of disturbed water at the waterline and some more foam in teh wake and I think I will call it finished Thanks for looking Alan
  12. I'm still working this is a rather disjointed fashion but I think all the foredeck components have now gone through primer and paint stages. Unfortunately the two sections of the foredeck separated while i was masking up the deck to paint the breakwater but its back together - trying CA glue this time. I used grey shades of oil paint to weather the wooden section of the deck. It has dried a bit lighter than I expected but it still looked well used. I'm looking forward to adding some details now Thanks for looking in Alan
  13. The 3D modelling of the engine is looking really very good. It opens up a whole new perspective to enhance the model - and a whole new skill to learn. I'm still excited if I get a rescaled part to come out properly. Huge respect for what you are doing. Alan
  14. It looks very good with the farm now parallel to the front of the display. Your second photo looking along the road and the front wall of the farm shows how good it is all getting with some figures really starting to add atmosphere Its going to look superb when all the figures are in place. Alan
  15. For what it's worth I use PVA In a situation like this it works for bonding extruded polystyrene to perspex based very well Alan
  16. I'm having a bit of trouble getting back into the rhythm of this one. There seems to be so many things to do that I start one element and then get distracted and go off to play with something else and then again off to research and read up on Flower corvettes. Hopefully things will start to settle down. I had been lazy and had grouped a lot of the deck fittings together into a single print. On closer examination a lot of the parts were a bit messy; maybe because of the cooling of layers as the print head moves between all the pieces. I printed out some individual parts and they were much nicer so I went back and printed them all again. They only take 10 - 15 minutes so printing them is a bit of a distraction; removing teh completed part, reheating the bed and starting the job over again. I printed the remaining items needed to complete the foredeck section Sheer curiosity had me also print the propellor. Here it is as it came off the printer still with brim and support structure. Once that was removed it looks quite nice. Parts are getting a primer coat and hopefully we will see some more orderly progress as I build up the foredeck I hope everyone has a great weekend. Thanks for looking in Alan
  17. The first coat of gesso showed up some lines where the pieces of foil overlapped so I corrected that with some diluted glue and toilet paper and when dry added a second coat of gesso. That looks good now and has knocked most of the sharpness off the crumpled foil This morning I started colouring the sea. I'm aiming for a dark deep ocean look. Something similar to this The first colour was a coat of navy blue and while it was wet I worked some black into the troughs. I'll let it dry before deciding if anything neeeds to be lightened and also adding the wake and bow wave I ordered the display case pieces from TAP Plastics on Saturday. The pieces were cut and packaged for shipment the same day and the parcel arrived today. They are a great resource; their prices seem to be holding and they turn orders around very quickly. They also have an interesting range of acrylic rods and tubes, cubes and spheres that you just know with be useful for something I started gluing the case up but found I don't have large enough clamps to hold the top piece in place while gluing so its off to Harbor Freight. I hope everyone has a great weekend Thanks for looking in Alan
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