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king derelict

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Everything posted by king derelict

  1. Thanks OC. Wispa bars come in purple foil and i brought several back along with teh Crunchie bars and Twirls. I wish I had thought about this earlier and brought some Quality Street chocolates back; they have a great set of coloured foils. Alan
  2. The jet lag is easing from the UK trip and I came back to this build after fraying my nerves with the Wasps netting PE. I painted the metal parts of the road wheels. Flyhawk provide a nice brass mask to mask the thin rubber rims. It fits over the rim of the wheel and is quite effective. Thirty two wheels painted Generally they came out quite well although some touch up is necessary. Looking at @Old Collingwood beautiful vision blocks made me vey dissatisfied with my trials will dyes and tints in gloss varnish. I'm looking at other ideas now This is my current inspiration Obviously I discarded the chocolate bar because I wanted the wrapper. I'm thinking the coloured foil might work if I can find suitable colours. I can then colour each aperture differently Now I need to do research at the grocery store Thanks for looking in Alan
  3. I worked on the last major part of the build today; the netting. I was not looking forward to trying to add the PE parts edge on to the hull but in the event it went reasonably well. CA glue all the way because i needed the fast grip to stop the netting sagging before the glue dried. Lining up the parts around the elevators was fiddly but it came out quite nicely. The netting attaches with small tabs rather than along the length of the part - hence the CA glue. The nettings are a vast simplification of the real ones but they are better than not having any and as after market parts i am not sure how you could attach them to the hull in a more realistic manner. Probably a project for a 1/350 model. Slowly it all came together and all the netting was installed. The elevators were fiddly and adding the PE ordinance disposal chute was a bit of a breath holder Apart from the odd sape ladder and door and a set of ordinance disposal chutes to add to the flight deck the PE frets are now empty. Except for a last piece of railing. The instructions would have you install it across the flight deck at the bows but thats not a normal configuration on a flight deck. And really not a good idea A lot of small tasks now. I need to add the 50 cal guns but they were wrapped up in covers during the flight testing so I need to mould some putty around the parts to resemble that. Weathering and then helos, jets and vehicles need to be finished. Still some more fun to be had but its getting fragile to work on now. Thanks for looking in Alan
  4. Thanks OC. It was great to spend time with family and see some old haunts but its good to be home too. Alan
  5. You have made great progress while I have been away OC. The Abrams is coming out really nicely. I am very envious of your polarized vision blocks. I don't think I am going to be able to get anything close to that look in my 1/72 version. Excellent Stuff Alan
  6. Sorry about the hiatus in progress. I've been back to Blighty for thed last three weeks visiting my dad and other family after a covid driven two year absence. The family was priority so I didn't get out and about as much as I had hoped but I had a great time. I did take my 96 year old dad out to the National Arboretum and we spent four hours walking about and making our usual stop at the Parachute Regiment memorial (his wartime mob), The cafe for coffee and homemade cakes afterwards was also a favourite. We have been there a number of times and still haven't seen a lot of the monuments. Great place. So back home and jet lagged it looks like everyone has been doing some marvelous work. I have so much to catch up on. After fending off my attention starved cats I did manage to spend some time on the next part of the Wasp build; fitting the life raft containers. My photos show significant changes from the kit layout to the ship configuration in 2013. Thankfully this meant I needed less containers rather than more. In 2013 the ship had considerably fewer containers fitted. After a lot of time studying the photos the containers were installed. The starboard side is 100% correct but the angles of some of the photos of the starboard side mke placement a bit obscure but I think its very close now. I gave the containers a white wash to make them a little more visible. In real life they are a light grey but they looked a bit formless with just the grey coat. Its good to be home and hopefully making some more progress. The netting will be the next job Thanks for looking in Alan
  7. Thank you very much Dave Its starting to come together. I'm hoping not to fall on my face in the last stages. The weathering is going to be really interesting. Alan
  8. A small update; its really all painting. i put down a coat of black Mig One Shot primer. I'm getting to like that paint; it seems to go on very evenly. Then a series of thin sand colour. I'm trying to get more shading in the paint by using the thin colours. Its bleached out a bit in the photos but it looks better in real life Now the road wheels and tracks Have a great weekend everyone Thanks for looking in Alan
  9. Back again after some days of annoying activity in the real world, renewing house insurance and the 2021 income tax return. PE never looked so good! There are two radar platforms that mount on the hull and are made up of six pieces. The instructions has you making up teh assembly and installing it as a complete item. That sounded quite good until I realised that this would mean getting six holes and a tab perfectly aligned. Not a a chance so I used medium CA glue and installed the platform and dome and then the braces and while the glue was soft moved each piece into final place. A big moment - I added the island. It seemed that the hull was going to get very fragile with the nets installed and getting the island down snug might involve a bit of force so I put it on. It went down quite nicely and suddenly this is starting to look like a ship. With the island on I added the deck railings behind it on the starboard side. Some very small pieces Next step will be to do a bit more touching up - and straighten that aft mast top platform Still a long way to go. I'm beginning to think this might deserve a seascape and a case of its own. I hope everyone has a great weekend Thanks for looking in Alan
  10. Thank you very much Edward. I used a pin with a bit of beeswax on the point but it was really still an exercise in patience and bad language. I just put the first paint coats on and haven't dared look to see if they are still there or even visible 😄 Alan
  11. I was able to finish the turret as far as I want to go before painting. The 7.62 mg is another nice detail The kit provides some insanely small PE numerals to fit to one side of the turret. I'm not sure what they refer to as they seem to be independent of the unit markings in the decal set. I doubt they will be very visible after painting but I thought I would accept the challenge. Just cutting them out of the fret and getting them on the turret without losing them was a nerve wracking exercise. They are not as straight as i would like but they are in place. I used Future as the adhesive to set them. I would have lost them in the white Gators Grip glue. Its the first time I have tried it (I think @Landlubber Mike mentioned it somewhere) and it seemed to work well. Pure hubris! Thanks for looking in and have a great weekend everyone Alan
  12. Thank you Egilman; that is more great advice. I will try that technique with the coloured Future using the ink as the colouring agent. I have some more clear sprues to play with before trying it on teh real parts. alan
  13. Thank you very much OC. It has some very crisp detail. I'm enjoying how it is coming together. Alan
  14. A day in tiny world today. I completed the catwalk access ladders that are set at intervals around the edge of teh flight deck. The parts are tiny making a small platform and a short ladder - repeat ten times The end result is barely visible but they are there on the real ship so.... I also tidied up the braces under the platforms. Next I plan to touch up paint before moving onto the last parts like the boat davits and a couple of radar domes and platforms before the dreaded netting. Thanks for looking in Have a great weekend everyone Alan
  15. The garden demanded attention today so not a huge amount of progress. I'm still on the turret. I added the last bits of PE and worked on teh baskets (for want of a more tank-like word) at the rear of the turret. Some nice PE gratings go into the very delicate railings. Its a bit fiddly but looks nice when its done. There is a second optional set that mounts onto the inner ones. I decided to go for it having already made it up before realising that it was optional. The plates on the forward sides of the turret and the additional basketwork at the rear pretty much locks me into my choice of markings given as options. Thanks for looking in alan
  16. Thanks Popeye. I have a red and blue magic marker that I can play with. This is a great little kit Alan
  17. Egilman; as always you provide great help. Many Thanks. I found I have some transparent photographic inks (for hand colouring black and white or sepia prints) and the colours look promising. On their own they don't lay on the surface well so I mixed them with Future which improved things but still not too good. I'm going to try again with a clear coat of some sort. I have some AK that I can try. I may be onto a possible solution. Experiments on the clear sprue. The magenta and blue look good. The red may be showing its age Thanks for the help alan
  18. Many Thanks OC I'll try that. My initial experiment seems to suggest that with teh tiny clear parts in question I may get a better look by using transparent paint on the outer surface.. More experiments I think Thank you for the help Alan
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