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  1. There is a type XXI on display in Germany. Maybe Hamburg? They may be able to send you accurate plans and diagrams.
  2. Oneida is an excellent kit with pre-cut futtocks from which to assemble frames. Also has the online practicum. Not sure if it is a complete kit or if you need to get fittings separately. Check it out. I built it and was very satisfied. Let me know if you want to see pics of mine.
  3. From that table I’m getting more like 1.25 mm for hull planking.
  4. What’s the appropriate diameter for tree nails on the hull of a 1/48 scale ship?
  5. Thanks. I’ve also found a few demos on YouTube and I’ll experiment on some scrap pieces.
  6. Cool! By “wash” do you mean acrylic paint diluted with water? If, so how much water to paint?
  7. It looks like the only ship’s boat I can get that is the right scale (1/48) and size for the model I’m building is resin. I can replace the boat’s thwarts , rudder and interior parts with wood, but I can’t reallly plank the hull (its clinker built). So, unless I paint the boat’s entire hull, which won’t match the ship, is there a way to paint the hull to resemble wood? Any other options anyone can suggest?
  8. I saw the discussion about building models for clients. I have a related question. After building wood models from kits, semi-scratch models, resin models and plastic over the years I have a space shortage and I’m running out of room for new models. There are several completed models in cases that I would not be sorry to part with if there was a way to sell a couple of them. I could also use the cash for additional models although I don’t expect to make lots of money or receive full compensation for all my time and expenses. Has anyone sold models on eBay, etsy or through brokers or other ways? Any suggestions. Thanks
  9. I built this a number of years ago. I added some features including yellow led lights to simulate candlelight. Don’t know if they come across in the photos. Good luck.
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