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Derek C

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Everything posted by Derek C

  1. Hello mahjong25 Its looking pretty good so far , the planking on this boat is tricky. After you fare the hull u can use a mixture of the sawdust and a 50/50 water glue mix to help with gaps in planking ad resand . Make sure to get the char off the inside the hull it wont pay nice with your finish.looking forward to seeing it progress Derek
  2. Check out this link Maybe you will find some ideas . Good Luck Derek
  3. Here it is all glued up tight , you can see the nuts in there new home .I will use these to mount the keel to the build board ,and later to mount to the base .
  4. Welcome to MSW You can get planks from http://www.woodprojectsource.com/ they are one of the sponsors here at MSW. All the best Derek
  5. I decided to put in the nuts to mount the keel assembly to my build board . first I ground down two sides of the nuts,using my dermal Then I clamp the false keel and keel together in the vise and drilled through the false keel , and approximately half way into the keel . using a 11 blade and files I cut out the recessed notch in the keel for the nuts to fit in flush I then added glue to the keel and applied the false keel to the keel covering the recessed nuts I used a couple of screws to assure alignment and clamped it all together to dry. thanks for for looking in Derek
  6. Lmao Thanks alde I agree with you about the sanding ,but I find it somewhat soothing 😜
  7. Just a quick update I have 4 of the 9 frames cleaned up and ready to glue not as much progress as I hoped this week,work was relentless glad the weekend is here so I can finish cleaning up the frames and hopefully start gluing them all together so I can start sanding again lol Derek
  8. You Rock MrBlueJacket, i will definitely purchase from you guys as I can see customer service is top notch.
  9. I got #5 frame ready to glue and half way through #4 at this rate I may have them glued by the end of the weekend.
  10. Yea I think I would work with whats there, and you can fill it in where needed with a sawdust and glue mix and it will be golden
  11. Lol I think the press operator drilled your hull on a Monday after a rough weekend . As far as fixing I would just go with what you feel most comfortable with. And what ever you decide will look way better than it does now
  12. Today I did the keelson and false keel . The keel is made of red oak the false keel is blood wood,and the keelson is cherry. i also rough cut the frames , all at once . I will go back and trim them up and sand them down one section at a time starting with 5 and working my way to c . Not for any special reason just the heading I have chosen . sooooo many pieces lol let the fun begin Derek
  13. Shipyard was not very productive this week,work got in the way . But I did make a little progress I cut and shaped the keel. and i cut out the templates for the framing and started gluing them on a piece of 3/16 “x4”x24” red oak . i will finish gluing them them up today and start cutting them out on the scroll saw . I will wait to start gluing them until I go to the hardware store and pick up a few sheets of glass to ensure the frames are straight . thanks for looking in Derek
  14. Welcome to MSW , good luck and have fun. Derek
  15. Thats it Tom , sometimes these builds can be like rough seas and you jst have to roll with it .I like the no give up attitude, I know you will push thru these minor issues Derek
  16. No worries Nirvana , yea I’m getting ready to try my luck on the Triton cross section . Derek
  17. Nirvana The list above shows the count of each wood some of the 1/4 I had him mill to 3/16 . The total price with shipping was $173.46
  18. I received my wood order today looked pretty good ,and shipped fast .
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